
Dinos form "Praetorian Guard"

Ronald and MBH have instigated a reorganisation of several key military units to form the Dino Defensive Co-operation Group (DDCG). The name is innocuous but DDS observers say the group which brings together units like the 6th Legion and the SS Black Dragon Martyrs Brigade under a unified command is retrenching of the fascist forces at the heart of the Dino Republic.

Ronald and MBH have quietly seized back much of the power which was released under the Dino's limited foray into democracy. The elected Consul (currently El Diablo though he is near the end of his term in office) is at best a peer of Ronald and MBH in the Dino hierarchy though some say the Consul is a junior party in the Dino triumvirate. The new group is said to cement the triumvirate's power and acts as a kind of Praetorian Guard providing direct protection services to the triumvirate but also supporting Ronald and MBH's powerbases and enforcing their rule.

The units included in the Dino Defensive Co-operation Group are:

6th Legion
SS Black Dragon Martyrs Brigade
Diplomatic Protection Group
1st SS-D Battalion