The Clones have launched a multiple CSM attack for the first time, 3 missiles (without active warheads) being launched from a mixture of silos and mobile launchers on Cloneworld and hitting targets on Daggaddon. Two of the missiles are said to have hit the target with an acceptable CEP though the third suffered a malfunction during the interstellar stage and was destroyed by a shadowing ship.
Up until now the Clones have only tested CSM with single missiles but they have been keen to demonstrate the ability of the weapon system to launch a mass attack on an off-world target.
The Clones have also announced that SeaGale, the SLBM version of the Gale ICBM, has been launched from the trials submarine CNSS Warhammer while submerged for the first time. A test of CSM using SeaGale is planned for 2115.