
Panthers to undergo Space Combat Upgrade

The Panther 35A fleet is the first to receive Space Combat Upgrades. This will eventually be a Fleet and Medium Combat Ship wide upgrade programme to accommodate the DDS' new "Space Marines". Developed from the Prowlers these will be a growing force of troops specially trained in ship borne combat. One problem is however that few DDS warships have space to accommodate them.

The Panthers will be reorganised internally with one of the storage bays removed (the Panthers have proved to have too much space anyway) and the 2 science labs merged into 1. Accommodation for up to 20 soldiers and their support team will be added as well as 3 extra teleport devices. The medical bay of the Panthers will also be upgraded with enhanced triage and casualty receiving facilities.

While the upgrade is taking place the Panthers will also receive their yearly heavy maintenance and general updating of key systems. The work should be done by the end of the year.