
DDS plan for military equipment for UNP militias

The DDS have devised a plan to "flood" outlying UNP worlds (whether in DDS space or outside like Miliaris and Aldebra) with military equipment such as tanks and IFVs. The equipment would be kept in a working order scattered about the planets in secure locations and would be used by locally raised militias and UNP security forces in the event of an alien attack.

The equipment would also be available in theory to DDS Terrestrial Forces troops who would be rapidly deployed to trouble spots in days (bringing all their toys along later) though maintaining parallel training could be problematical. Naturally ex-Clone Army stocks would be the source of the equipment and the DDS have already enquired about around 1000 tanks, IFVs and other military vehicles as well as spares and supporting equipment.

Paying for it would be a problem as there is little funding for this at the moment however the DDS have come up with the idea for a "swap". Its known the Clones want a smaller helicopter than their iconic but rather large Halogen platform for patrol, policing and communications. Designing and building a new helicopter platform would take millions of zarks the Clone Air Force doesn't have at the moment. However the Cherrybee CBH-90 which is in DDS service could fit the bill. The DDS have proposed exchanging the ex-HCS arms for a number of new CBH-90s which the DDS would underwrite. It would be first non-indigenous aircraft operated by the Clones since the ancient second hand F-39 Gripens they operated in the early Clone Wars as a stop gap before the K40 Ford was available so would be controversial.