
Clones deploy SS-10 to 5 other planets

The Clones have deployed mobile launchers of its new SS-10 IRBM to 5 other planets after a successful introduction into service on Cloneworld last years. The planets are Sandworld, Lomar, Randalf 74, Austini 55 and Woloron 12. The SS-10 is an advanced new missile designed to strike back against a landed invasion force. It is highly accurate and fitted with a range of stealth technologies including a "cold flame" rocket with very low infra red and heat emissions. It is rumoured that the Clones are also working on visual stealth.

The Gale-III ICBM on Cloneworld has also been tested recently with the new cold flame technology. A new version of this missile, which is also the booster for the Clone Space Missile, is due to enter service in 2118.