I am usually a very mild-mannered person but sometimes i hear something that just makes me see red. The other day i was watching a discussion show on Proxima 2TV when a commentator (whom shall remain nameless) said that the DDS shouldn't bother planning for war with Tarbot as such a conflict is likely to be "decades away".
Now on the latter i might agree with him (though i think the next decade could be within the time frame) as the Tarbotians are likely to want to consolidate their new gains before thinking of a next expansion. However the time to plan for war with Tarbot is now.
War with the Tarbot Empire is likely to be the biggest war and the gravest threat we (being the Local Group - DDS, HCS, DTA et cetera) have ever faced. Forget the last war, that was a reckless attack by one fleet operating far from home - and we only just survived that. The next war the Tarbotians will approach properly with multiple fleets, much larger forces, and now have much closer forward bases.
The DDS must begin to plan for how they can cope with such an overwhelming threat. The DDS need to look at new forms of defence, new tactics, new weapons that can prevent the DDS becoming like the ABBO became, a mere footnote in history. The DDS and the other Local Group factions may also need to consider how they can work together now, even if they are rivals at present.
When the Tarbotians assemble a vast invasion fleet then petty disputes over the likes of Kontai will be irrelevant, then the DDS and HCS and everyone else will be having to fight together to survive.