
Clones try and change Haylei's mind

The Clones have offered Haylei a fleet of 20 Shark SK-E space frigates, transport and oiler ships, aircraft and land weapons in an attempt to steal the DDS' recent huge export order. The Clones, who admitted they didn't know how much the DDS order was worth, pledged that the Clone order would be to the same cost even though it includes (on paper) quite a lot more. Haylei have however politely declined to change their mind.

It is thought the Clones expected this though made the offer for propaganda purposes and also to test Haylei's resolve. It remains to be seen now how the Clones will react to the prospect of having a large military force (DDS at first and later Haylei's own) slap bang in the middle between the two halves of the Clone Space Empire.
  • The Dinos will upgrade its fleet of 3 Dinomark RS battlecruisers this Summer. As well as a general upgrade of various systems the RS will have its missile carriage ability greatly increased by some internal rearrangement. Two upgraded missile launchers will replace the existing standard launcher. It is thought the Dinos, who have never really found the right role for these powerful ships, may be considering moving them into a role similar to the DDS Missileer's missile carrier role.
  • Consul Zanus has said the Dino Army review he instigated last year has now concluded and initial findings will be presented to the Senate later this week in a closed session followed by the full report a few weeks later. A summary will be made public soon after it has been presented to the Senate. The report is expected to held drive development of the Dino Army in the DTA age.
  • A second Space Marines Brigade has been created by the HCS though is likely to remain a reserve/training unit. The 1st Brigade was formed last year though has yet to be deployed operationally. The space marines are an off-shoot of Red Lizard dedicated to space ship operations.