
Dino View : Ronald's ultimate quest for a quiet retirement

Legate Dralson, ex-Dino Army and Security Council

So the changes have been ratified, we will move to having a single Consul from next year and Ronald will move more into the background. Well thats the plan anyway, could it be that Ronald's decade long quest for retirement has finally ended?

Ronald stood down as Emperor following the Tarbotian War, he was badly injured in the final battle and resigned in favour of El Diablo. Contrary to popular belief Ronald didn't have to stand down. He could have remained Emperor while he recovered, even naming El Diablo as a Regent. However Ronald felt it was time to pass on the baton.

Unfortunately he chose the wrong person to pass it on to. Quite why Ronald chose El Diablo and not a more experienced and older man like Jimmy or Cruggson is unknown. El Diablo certainly came as a shock to everyone, El Diablo included! It may have been that Ronald saw in the younger El Diablo the same hunger and desire that Ronald had when he began his rule as Emperor nearly 50 years before.

Whatever El Diablo saw in him was probably misplaced, El Diablo was not ready and was soon usurped by One-Horn. In the chaos following the downfall of One-Horn (who of course started a war with the DDS) Ronald, who had now recovered, became Emperor again.

However Ronald didn't want to be Emperor again. It was clear to all of us that his heart wasn't in it, include it was even pretty clear during the latter part of his first reign when he took some years off as a sabbatical (when he created the DDS incidentally). Much of Ronald's second reign was spent trying to find a way out!

He first tried a dual-Emperor system, perhaps his idea was that a second Emperor could be more gradually bought into the role to try and avoid the mistake of El Diablo. Then when he was sure the other Emperor was secure Ronald could stand down. Jimmy of course may well have helped Ronald achieve this goal but the attempted assassination of Jimmy (which left him incapacitated for nearly a year put paid to that).

So that left the Republic. Ronald tore down the Empire and created the Dino Republic and it has largely been a great success. So much so Ronald seems content now for the Republic to reach phase 2 with just the single elected leader. Now Ronald thinks he can finally step down and walk away.