
Dino View : Fresh meat for the old order

Legate Dralson, ex-Dino Army and Security Council

Ronald's retirement (and most likely GBH's too) from front-line politics at the end of the year has exposed the dearth of talent at the top of Imperial Order, Ronald's political party and supposedly the party that represents traditional values and the heritage of the state.

Only Cruggson remains as a Senator and top name who can potentially be Consul, and Cruggson's problem is that he is ineligible for awhile as his last period in office was only a couple of years ago. Losing El Diablo has meant that a potential Consul has been lost to IO (not that Ronald's opinion of El Diablo is that high).

Imperial Order thus need to bring in some fresh talent. One potential name is Legate Malanson. He is a very solid member of the old guard, formerly a Legionary in the 6th Legion when it was a proper unit and not the largely ceremonial unit is it today. He has remained largely anonymous as he has risen throughout the ranks though some observers do not think this is a bad thing. "He has build a solid and respectable career without gaffs." Tel Remmik of Dino Today said to me the other day. "There are no skeletons in his closet, nothing to detract from his record."

He can thus be compared to Crickson, also a Legionary in the 6th Legion alongside Malanson. Although Crickson has a much higher profile, largely thanks to reality TV, he does not have a good reputation and certainly would hardly be considered favourably by the electorate.

Another name of course to throw in is Senator Gibson, a man with a very high profile and track record, however the former SS Commander and DDS Liaison Officer is largely regarded as a joke. It could however be that Gibson can rehabilitate himself through solid work as Culture Minister and Senate Executive Officer but during an election his past would be a potent weapon in the hands of even a half-competent opponent.

Finally there is Smellyson, the CSS Commander and Ronald's heir. Smellyson is seldom considered as a future political leader, and indeed is maybe a little too soon for him (though he is similar in age to MBH) but Smellyson has a high profile, a highly prestigious role and a family line second to none. Malanson and even Gibson may be Imperial Order's options in the near term but looking further ahead Smellyson looks a solid bet. The party could do with starting Smellyson's political training now.