
DDS25 (10) : Logography

The Historian casts his eyes back over the rich history of the DDS Universe.

The DDS has employed 3 logos during its 25 years existence. For most of the DDS' life the logo was simple, a skull and crossbones thus symbolising the rough-and-ready mercenary roots of the early DDS. The skull continues to be used here and there, for example some warriors like Windy continue to use them on their shoulder pads.

When Lord Rotarios came to power and began the New DDS Project he thought it was time the DDS, as part of the general spirit of renewal, updated its brand. The new brand 2 interposed triangles with Hood imagery showed the galaxy that Hoodism was at the core of the project. However when the Hoods were discredited as part of the downfall of Rotarios the new regime thought it was time to rebrand again.

That takes us to the current star brand, symbolising the might of the DDS as a galactic force. There has been talk of making this brand much more visible than earlier ones though this is still a work in progress...