
Velocity ILU to unify Type 37

The DDS has begun preparations for an ILU of it's Velocity 37A and Evolution 37B (aka Velocity S) destroyers. The upgrade will bring all 5 ships up to the same standard (though in some ways ahead) as the Solaris 37C though without the larger hull. The upgraded ships will form a new class called Velocity 37D. The ILU will include:
  • Tachyon RL-08JM-II engine (identical in most ways to the RL-08J in the Solaris but with external changes to fit into the smaller hull form.
  • Dash speed increased to 960c, cruise 920c
  • Z6 cannon with "fitted for" EA-X integration
  • TPM-2 launcher
  • Internal changes to increase missile load to 36 TPM
  • Docking facilities improved for operation with Coril and Feeder shuttles
  • Communications upgrade
  • Various other upgrades and improvements
No date has yet been given for the start of the Velocity ILU, it may have to wait for the election of the DDS Commander to give the final go-ahead.