
HCSAF talk about work on future warplanes

The state-owned Clone Aircraft Corporation (CAC) who design and build most of the aircraft operated by the HCSAF have held an exhibition where they have given a tantilising peek into the future of the airforce. "Everyone knows about the F-45C." a HCSAF General said, "But what about the next generation after that?"

The next generation after the F-45C is assumed to be a third generation F-45 but the F-X (as the project is known for the next fighter after the F-45C) could be a very different aircraft. Current design ideas for the F-X show a tailless fighter with modular mission equipment. "It is likely that F-X will be optionally manned and we are also looking into plug-and-play mission modules." a CAC scientist told reporters, "Want to use your air superiority fighter as an interdictor? What if you could just unplug the nose with the radar and fit a new nose with attack sensors in minutes?"

Another type in development is a future COIN aircraft that could one day finally replace the A-85, which has remained in production since the earliest days of the HCS. In the 2120s however COIN-X could be in production instead. With it's pusher propellar and all-electric powersystem COIN-X would be very different. As with the F-X though the future COIN aircraft could equally be more conventional (upgraded versions of the F-45 and A-85).

UCAVs will probably figure highly in the future of the HCSAF. A future attack aircraft is in development to supplement or even replace the A-84. UCAV-AX has been in development off and on for some time, current designs show a highly stealthy tailless design interestingly quite different to the RQ-1 which is the UCAV-RX due to enter service in a couple of years. Originally RX and AX were to come from the same design.