
Senate reshuffle following Jimmy election

Meeting for the first time since the start of the year, when Jimmy became Consul, the senate has been reshuffled. The Consul cannot hold whatever ministerial role he held previously. He can assign his job to someone else in the senate. The former Consul (MBH in this case) is also able to take up a ministerial role.

The major parties were anxious for MBH to be locked out of Jimmy's former job as Interior Minister and Zanus' Defence Ministry (Zanus having already indicated he wanted to move on) but also had to be mindful they had to give MBH a new job or he could call the senate to account in the courts. MBH threatened to "send a fleet of lawyers down on their ass" if he did not get a decent job.

As a result El Diablo is the new Defence Minister and Zanus the new Interior Minister. MBH is the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Ronald quipped that MBH is used to being wined and dined and bribed by foreigners so will fit in well.