
Golden Hair
The Orchid is the new DDS Commander.

Initiative #6 : Improving fitness of DDS personnel

For her latest initiative The Orchid is taking the lead and took part in a volleyball match between HQ staff and Team Redjec. The HQ staff won 42-0. Afterwards she said that DDS fitness had to improve. "Too many DDS are lazy these days, content to play out their techno-warfare sat down. But fitness gives one a distinct advantage in warfare thats why all DDS will have to undergo a 10km cross country run once a week. Those who do not complete the circuit will be disciplined..."

"There will be no excuses, all will have to take part (unless you are ill). Everyone from the lowliest toilet attendant like Trojan Warlord to the likes of Redjec."

Redjec was reported to be very unhappy looking and was sick into a bucket.


Clones to annex Zoneworld?

Zoneworld was abandoned when the DDS destroyed it's atmosphere after a saturation nuclear attack. It is likely that the planet will be inhabitable for millenia. However the planet may be annexed by Captain Clone who now commands several million Zones as part of the Clone Star Empire. Zoneworld does have a use : a dumping ground.

The Clones may dump their own nuclear waste and other toxic materials there figuring that the planet is ruined already. An orbital base around Zoneland may also be a useful strategic asset.

Initiative #5 : Improved security for GHQ and other key establishments

The Orchid has announced that security will be improved at GHQ and other key establishments such as the DDS Engineering HQ on Solaris. Improved CCTV will be installed, The Orchid promised that most will not be in the men's toilets as happened under previous regimes. The Hoods will bolster security teams.

Emergency procedures for handling attacks or disasters would also be reviewed and tightened up.


Clones order 350 Tapir-Hs

Up until now the Dino funded latest version of the Tapir IFV, the TRV-5HD, has only been bought by the Dinos. However now 350 have been ordered by the HCS to replace older Tapirs. 128 Tapir-Gs already on order will be cancelled and the H built instead. The HCS version of Tapir-H is similar to the Dino IFV except for minor details.

The Dinos will soon declare the new type operational after receiving a development batch last month. They are reported to be very pleased with the "H".

Sirikwanese interested in NDAA; F-45

Sirikwan has said it is interested in the forthcoming light strike aircraft for the DDS, the NDAA. It is already an operator of ex-HCS A-85 COIN aircraft and is seeking to develop it's air force. It has asked for information on the recently concluded early test phase of the NDAA and if the next flight test phase can also take place on Sirikwan for part of it.

More intriguing though is that the Sirikwanese are interested in the premier Clone jet fighter the F-45A. It is unlikely the Clones would sell them the type however fearing it might fall into the DDS' hands. This means that the Sirikwanese may resort to the DDS F-10S instead.

DDS made 1.6 billion zarks from arms sales in 2109

The DDS have announced that the DDS made 1.6 billion zarks in profit from arms sales in 2109, mostly sales of ships built by their joint-company with the Raegris. A backlog of orders means that (assuming no cancellations and everyone pays) the DDS is assured at least a billion zarks a year for 2110 and 2111 though new sales will be needed for later.

The challenge for the DDS is to keep the number of sales going which is likely to prove more difficult as times goes on and the most likely and natural customers have already bought ships.

Initiative #4 : Tactical updates for allies

The Orchid has announced that 127 million zarks has been made available for the Aritans, Sirikwanese and Remedians to perform tactical updates on their ships. The money will be shared out on a case by case basis and it is expected the fund should last at least a year. One of the first updates will be a 16 million zark update to the Aritan's fleet of Intrepid II destroyers.

The ships will receive updated passive sensors and communications systems with improved data security.


Provider 2110 Update A

The Provider transport fleet is to receive an update over the next couple of months, as is usual practice Provider 2110 Update A will be carried out during normal refit and maintenance cycles. Each update should take 7 days to complete, quite a long time but that is mostly due to the cargo handling systems which are being completely replaced. The update includes :
  • As said above, new cargo handling systems including twice as many cranes and stronger hold floors
  • New communications sub-system with improved network security
  • An enlarged and improved sick bay
  • Re-cored engine
  • Various system updates including a new engine management computer to improve the efficiency at cruise speed
  • DDS Engineering will also take the opportunity to carry out a refurbishment of key areas of these hard working ships especially on the older examples

HCS Navy show off new kit

At a ceremony at Reuilla the HCSN have proudly shown off the 5th Olana class destroyer to enter service (and the 4th for the Cloneworld fleet). To the surprise of onlookers however the flypast by the HCSNAS included F-40Ns, prototype A-85NTNs and... Dinomark XTs.

The HCSN have 6 reconditioned ex-Dino Army XTs on order and the first 2 have been received and will enter service soon following a period of training. The XTs are the type that can go underwater and will be known as SSNAs in HCSN service.

The Orchid to demand more money from UNP

The Orchid will meet the UNP Defence Committee for the first time later today and will demand more money from the UNP to help the DDS afford the expanded fleet and new army it needs to ensure the defence of the UNP. Independant analysts estimate the DDS need an extra 1.5 billion zarks a year at least to afford plans already announced and if more new ships are ordered then this money will surely rise.

The UNP may be able to increase the money by 2 billion zarks a year though some UNP members such as Proxima 5 are currently in an economic downturn and say they need to reduce the amount they spend on the DDS not increase!

Initiative #3 : Lepton named new DDS flagship

Following the precedent set by Windscorpion The Orchid has named her personal ship as the DDS flagship, and in her case it is the Quasar cruiser C126 Lepton. It was the flagship of the DDS North fleet but has now been transferred to DDS Centre.

R101 Missileer remains the fleet flagship. This is different to the status Lepton holds as the commander's ship though is often confused. Incidentally F103 Carboniferous remains Windy's "personal ship" though there are no indications yet he will return to the DDS. The ship has now been transferred to the general patrol pool.


DDSAF receive first K-18Ds

Althought phase 2 of the flight test trials are still ongoing on Dino-Land and Solaris the DDSAF has received 4 pre-production K-18D close support aircraft off the Dinos and these will be used to begin developing training programmes for both flight and ground crews.

The DDSAF has an aim of going operational with the type by the end of this year and this is said to be well on track with the first production examples expected sometime in the Summer. The DDS have 150 on order.

Dinos strengthen forces on Pulsin, Loeuss

Consul Cruggson has ordered 6 more Dinomarks sent to the forces on Pulsin and 4 more to the base on the Remedian planet Loeuss as part of a strengthening of Dino forces in the region of space closest to the Bolitic and the scene of the ABBO attack which destroyed 3 Dinomark NGs.

The 9th Legion has also been put on standby to prepare to deploy to Pulsin if needs be to help bolster the forces on the planet. Governor MBH has agreed to these reinforcements.

Initiative #2 : Ground Force Working Group

In the second of her 25 initiatives in 25 days The Orchid has announced that the head of DDS ground forces Zeppelin will set up a Ground Force Working Group to help drive the development of the New DDS Army. "The GFWG will provide a steer to the army so it can develop as part of a holistic process." The Orchid said.

One of the first things the GFWG will look at will be the performance of the HCS' new Light Brigades which saw their combat debut in the invasion of Lornaca Melnig. The DDS Army are considering using this light flexible and swift unit model themselves.


The Orchid will announce 25 initiatives in 25 days

The Orchid has said she will announce 25 new plans or initiatives over the next 25 days, "one a day" she added for the benefit of her innumerate colleagues. "We will restore energy to the DDS and will do that by turning the DDS upside down and re-energising the DDS ready for the battles ahead."

Today's initiative was already announced, and was the Early Warning deployment.

First O-47 enters service

The HCSAF are replacing their ageing (well ancient) O-43 communications / liaison aircraft (which are modified ex-suicide attack aircraft) with the O-47 which are refurbished and dis-armed ex-A-85 COIN aircraft. 100 conversions will take place and the first has now entered service.

The number of O-47s will be far less than the O-43 fleet at it's peak as much of the role will be taken over by the larger twin-engined C-426.

A-84FM order confirmed

The HCSAF has confirmed an order for 120 new build A-84FM and 70 refurbished and upgraded older aircraft to replace the 250 oldest A-84 Bombardier strike bombers. The FM will have a number of updates over the previous new build including an improved databus and stealth modifications to it's engine inlets.

They will be built alongside the EW attack EA-84FEA. The first FM is expected early next year. Refurbishments will take place alongside new building.

Operation Early Warning

The Orchid has announced there will be a multi-month deployment starting as soon as possible (hopefully by the end of next week) to strengthen DDS forces and "show the flag" in DDS territory near to the Bolitic Confederacy. The deployment will train with Remedian forces and Dino forces based on Loeuss. The ships in the deployment will be:

C121 Quasar (flag)
D103 Puma
D164 Polaris II
F126 Mesozoic
F148 Solomon Sea
A147 Trident

Current deployments (26/01/10)

Ships in brackets are part of deployment but not on station (e.g. on route)

Force Voth

C130 Kaon (flag)
F152 Aral Sea II
F106 Tertiary
A151 Gasoline
SKS Randokan (Sirikwan)
AS14 Helunam (Aritan)
(C108 Europa)

Early Warning

C121 Quasar (flag)
D103 Puma
D164 Polaris II
F126 Mesozoic
F148 Solomon Sea
A147 Trident

Straw People

C109 Antarctic (flag)
D102 Jaguar
F132 Black Sea
F141 Sulu Sea
P138 Kite
T107 Oscar Wilde
A146 Argus

Force Starbot

D109 Cougar* (flag)
F131 Caspian Sea
F112 Holocene
A158 Starbotian Spirit*
+ Starbotian fleet

* Starbotian crewed

Remedian Border Protection Force

D111 Civet (flag)
F108 Eocene
F163 Sea Of Fertility
A143 Liftmaster
+ Remedian Police Customs Patrol

Ships returning to HQ


The Orchid names her staff

The Orchid has appointed her key staff and as expected Action Painting has been named Deputy Commander. Action Painting has also been made Chief Of Operations which means he will be in overall charge of all DDS operations and deployments.

Redjec has been made City Commander, which means he is in overall charge of all DDS facilities and what goes on in them. One of his first orders was to decriminalise the Hoods who will form part of the new regime. One of his men Dump has been put in charge of DDS Security.

The Orchid has appointed Torus in her place as head of the DDS North which includes the Remedian territories. Sea Urchin and Knobhead have been kept on in charge of DDS Centre and DDS South respectively. As yet there is no job for Firefly who is reported to have turned down the DDS South post and intends to take a sabbatical according to some reports.

3 Dinomark NGs destroyed by ABBOs in Bolitic space?

There are reports coming in that 3 Dinomark NGs sent on a reconnaissance of the Bolitic Confederacy have been attacked and destroyed by the ABBOs though survivors also say the Bolitic took part in the battle attacking the Dinos with a "cyber bomb". A nearby SS Dinomark on an unrelated mission was able to save the crew of one of the NGs though the other ships were destroyed instantly with the loss of all hands.

The question of course is, what are the ABBOs doing in Bolitic space. Of course the Bolitic will not confirm if they have forged an alliance with the ABBOs or that the robot enemies of the Dinos simply used Bolitic space to attack the Dinos.
Long Gone
Ronald tells of his first encounter with the Bolitic Emperor Aliowaki.

Dragonfly 41B frigate class to be named Freedom... and kept for good

In one of her first directives as DDS Commander The Orchid has announced that the forthcoming Isometric-E frigates, the Dragonfly 41B,  that were to be built for the DDS as a stop gap then sold onto allies will be kept for good. Two will be retained by the Starbotians however. The Orchid also said that more of the ships would be built but did not specify how many. She did indicate that it was likely the production line would be kept going until the Corkscrew FFX project was ready to replace it.

The frigates will also be named the Freedom 41B class. The Orchid said that the DDS would move away from geological or animal names and move to names to inspire pride and patriotism in the DDS.

Lornaca Melnig fighting continues

Fighting is still continuing on Lornaca Melnig though the resistance is said to be at a fairly low level and the HCS have already begun withdrawing some of the deployed units back to Cloneworld. Lornaca fighters have shown innovation and resolve in their fight though, even successfully managing to shoot down a HCSAF aircraft in an air-to-air combat using what should be portable SAMs attached to an executive jet.

The aircraft shot down was a C-440 transport which luckily was returning to base empty after transporting 200 troops and so the loss of life was much less than it could have been. The HCSAF are stepping up air patrols and will escort all transports for the forseeable future. When HCS ground based radar stations have been set up to cover most of the populated areas this should help detect the remaining insurgent bases a HCS spokesclone said.

The Orchid : "I have to deliver!"

At a ceremony at GHQ earlier today The Orchid was officially installed as DDS Commander by Firefly (Sea Urchin is on Liberation). The Orchid acknowledged to her supporters that winning the election was the easy part. "No doubt everyone will be now pouring through my campaign speeches and compiling lists of my campaign promises. Now we have to deliver on those promises. I pledge to you that my promises were not empty and we will build a new DDS to produce a secure future through strength and resolve."

The Orchid has already ordered a review of the fleet and preparations for deployments. She is also advancing her plans for layered defence with a contract being prepared to develop and build a series of listening stations which will be placed along part of the Rim Worlds border in a pilot scheme. The Orchid plans to concentrate forces behind the lines instead of spreading the forces out thinly along a perimetre relying on listening stations to detect enemy incursions which can then be intercepted in strength.

Communications upgraded rolled out to fleet this week

An urgent upgrade of communication and data security systems on all ships in the fleet will be rolled out this week following intelligence that a new generation of Bolitic info-weapons can penetrate existing defences. The Dinos have discovered this during recent skirmishes with the Bolitic and a Dino Army technical team visited the DDS last week to share their intelligence.

DDS Engineering has produced an updated list of ciphers and further restricted communications ports. Thanks to the modular nature of DDS communication systems about 70% of the fleet can be upgraded with the same update. Other ships, mainly older ones, will also receive updates within a few weeks.


The Orchid will hit the ground running

DDS Commander Elect The Orchid will take up her post tomorrow. Tonight she told her supporters that she would hit the ground running and produce real DDS change very quickly. "A team of senior DDS officers will begin a review of ship procurement tonight! I want them to report on our current ship building plans and how we can improve the fleet as soon as possible."

The Orchid will also begin an aggressive programme of deployments and exercises. The DDS has been quite quiet since the election campaign began but that would now change. "Our enemies and rivals need to see our power. They need to see a line of Panthers, a phalanx of Quasars. That way they will know what they are up against!"

Galactic leaders have welcomed The Orchid's victory. Consul Cruggson congratulated her and said he hoped to meet her soon. The Aritan government have sent their congratulations. Captain Clone welcomed a new regime in the DDS as long as the new regime "sought peace not endless bloody war".

The Orchid is new DDS Commander

In the end it was closer than most people predicted with just 8% of the vote in it but The Orchid has won the election for the new DDS Commander to replace Windscorpion. She will be installed as Commander tomorrow after Sea Urchin steps down (which he will do from Liberation). The Orchid said that the DDS had seized the opportunity for change and she would deliver.

Knobhead congratulated his opponent and will now wait to see what role, if any, he has in the new regime.

The DDS go to the polls

After all the debates the voting begun earlier today in the DDS Commander election. The result of the election, which is an electronic vote, will be known within an hour of the polls closing at 12:00 midday GMT.

The Orchid placed her vote this morning and then went to her ship currently docked around Proxima 7 to await the result. Knobhead is on Liberation also waiting to see if he or The Orchid will replace Windscorpion.


Voting begins in DDS Commander election

Voting has begun in some parts of the DDS in the DDS Commander election between The Orchid and Knobhead. All DDS personnel must vote, those who will be on operations or missions were instructed to make a postal vote (including Windscorpion though we do not know who he voted for).

The winner of the election will be the one with a simple majority. There were some fears that the 2 candidates could end up neck and neck as the DDS staff number was an even number. However the Hoods helpfully killed a Windy Massive member to stop that highly unlikely (though as its the DDS quite possible) tie happening. WM responded by raping then killing 2 Hoods.

Most parts of the DDS will vote on Sunday though some parts of the DDS have started early because of galactic time fluctuations.


HCS announce large new ship order

After weeks of wrangling between Captain Clone and Benito Clone, who did not want his defence budget sacrificed too much, the HCS have finally placed an order for replacement ships to restore the fleet to strength after the Xenon defeat. The bill for new ships is 8.6 billion zarks on top of the existing budgets over the next 4 years. Year 1 (2.1 billion) will be covered from emergency funds though the rest of the extra shipbuilding budget is likely to have to come from the existing defence budget which means that some projects elsewhere may have to be delayed or even cancelled.

The ships ordered are :
  • 20 Cosmos cruisers in a new-build standard called Cosmos G with ground attack capabilities
  • 3 Soulaki SLBK battlecruisers
  • 12 Shark frigates, these will be Shark H with minesweeping equipment
  • The funds needed to restore the 7 Kalahati Tuul Bs and 2 purchased ex-Utrek Molentic Tuuls to MTM standard are also included in this budget

5 Kalahati Tuul Bs restored to HCS Space Navy

As part of an emergency move to plug the gaps in the fleet after the Xenon disaster the HCS Space Navy reactivated 7 withdrawn Kalahati Tuul B cruisers. 5 of the ships have now been cleared to re-enter service though their new crews will first need to train up for the "new" type. Most of the crews will have experience in the KTB though so it shouldn't take them too long to get up to speed.

Though the ships are only intended to be in service for 2 years the HCS have given them an upgrade with improvements to their communication system and main cannons. The computer systems have also been upgraded so they can operate current HCS protocols. The remaining 2 ships are expected to be reactivated by next month.

MRM Release 1

Production of the Medium Range Missile has switched to Release 1 and production has increased to begin building up a stock. Release 1 has no major differences from Release 0 but has some 43 bug fixes and addendums to the code and some modifications to the engine control system.

MRM will be carried by Pulsar and Quasar cruisers in normal operation from later this year.

HCSAF to build 24 dispersal airfields on Cloneworld

For years the Clone strategy was to assume they could not match the DDS in space and so retain their strong conventional forces to deter an attack. The advent of serious ground attack capabilities by the DDS totally ruined that strategy and the HCS, for the last couple of years, have been working on reducing their vulnerability to an attack from space.

The HCSAF have announced they will build 24 new airbases on Cloneworld which will be "dispersal airfields". The airbases are likely to be well hidden and have a deployable semi-permanent runway. Most HCSAF combat aircraft and many transports have a good rough field capabilty. Some like the A-85 COIN aicraft can literally operate from fields that are "reasonably" flat.

The idea of these new airbases is to allow the HCSAF to retain strike back capability against a ground invasion in the event of the DDS gaining space superiority and being able to strike HCS facilities at will. The HCSAF are also working on an anti-space vehicle missile that can be fired by the F-45 though unlike the TPM-A it will not have a transphasic warhead. A nuclear warhead would do just the job though.

SeaGale first test planned for Spring

The first test of the HCSN's future SLBM version of Gale-III, the SeaGale, is now planned for the Spring. The first test will be from a HCS' ballistic missile launch test site in Micom HCS bloggers say. The next test will be the first from an underwater launch position and will be made from a tethered tube in shallow water.

CNSS Warhammer, the SSB currently in final build, will enter service later this year though trials of SeaGale in it's 3 missile tubes will not begin until 2111.

Long Watch R2 UUV developed

Long Watch is a highly effective UUV (Uncloned Underwater Vehicle) operated by the HCSN (and ordered by the DDS incidentally though a delivery date is yet to be set). Long Watch R2 has now been developed and will enter service in the Summer with the HCSN with existing Long Watch UUVs being upgraded at some stage.

R2 includes :
  • Propeller replaced with water jet for extra stealth
  • Operating depth increased to 15m (Long Watch is intended to operate just below the surface)
  • Armament provision, at the start a small radio controlled mine though a small torpedo is also being developed
  • Improved EO and passive sonar sensors
  • Better datalinking


Quasar 2110 Update A

The Quasar cruiser fleet is to receive an update over the next couple of months. The updates, which should take 4 days per ship, will be carried out during the ships' scheduled refits and maintenance. The centrepiece of the update will be the fitting of an Info-Warfare Centre (IWC) to co-ordinate cyber-defence. It is not known if the Quasar's IWC will have any offensive capability. The DDS are not saying!

The Quasars will also have a number of systems updated. Although DAC will not be fitted some of the systems will bring a kind of DAC capability to certain systems on the ship though the DDS say this "DAC-ification" will be a gradual process over the next few years and updates. With DAC damaged systems can have their functionality automatically taken over by other systems.

CNS Cloneworld begins to work-up to service

The first new aircraft carrier of the HCSN CNS Cloneworld has begun to work-up to it's planned entry into service "in the Summer". A date of July has been mentioned on some HCS blogs but not confirmed by the HCSN. Cloneworld will depart port early next month to begin it's work-up. It will deploy with 4 F-40Ns and 3 SH-26s and conduct a series of aircraft operation tests.

Following these tests Cloneworld will return to port and be fitted with the final build of it's EW and communications system which will hopefully iron out the worst of the bugs found so far.

The first new submarine CNSS Seawolf (CNSS is replacing SS as the designator for HCS submarines) has completed phase 1 of it's sea trials. Phase 2 will begin in the early Spring. The HCSN are hoping that by the end of 2110 both CNS Cloneworld and CNSS Seawolf will be in service.

ER-72ACR "vital to the HCS"

The ER-72ACR (Airborne Command Relay) is a version of the ubiquitous Mustang reconnaissance aircraft of the HCSAF that acts as a flying radio relay and communications node. It's job is to assist with communications across the empire in peacetime but in the event of a war and the destruction of HCS communications infrastructure the ACRs would be used to maintain a control network as long as possible. Captain Clone has said the ACRs are one of the most important assets the HCS has. "They are vital to the HCS" he said, "They ensure we can still fight back even if our enemy has badly damaged us."

120 were ordered and the HCSAF has decided to up this to 140. The ACRs have now been integrated also into the HCSN communications network and the navy will pay the cost of 25 of the ACRs to be built (though they will be operated by the air force).

Candidates begin final push for votes

Although Knobhead has closed the gap to 11% on the latest polls his rally may have come to an end. There are signs now The Orchid's vote is holding up but both candidates will leave nothing to chance and have begun the final pushes of their respective campaigns. The Orchid is to visit Solaris tomorrow and then return to Proxima 7 for a final rally and to await the result.

Knobhead has returned to his powerbase on Liberation though will also address rallies on Malau via videolink.


Dark Globe
What is lurking inside Bolitic space?

Knobhead to decentralise DDS

Knobhead has cut the gap between himself and The Orchid to 11% and has announced a new pledge if he is elected DDS Commander. He will "decentralise" the DDS and release much more powers out to the fleets and planetary governors. "The people on the ground know best what the DDS needs and needs to do so thats what we will do. Power will be given back!"

The Orchid criticised the policy as leading to "weak and uncertain decision making". "What happens in a war situation?" she said.


Freighter attacker detected?

A Rome class corvette has reported detecting an unknown ship a lightyear away from the destroyed UNP freighter near Malau. The ship was not a UNP or DDS allied ship as the DDS have been given a list of all of the transponder codes of ships that should be in the area : military and commercial.

The Rome gave chase but the unknown ship had too much of a lead and was able to escape. The ship used a kind of scrambling field so the Rome was unable to determine anything about the other ship other than the fact it was there.

Current deployments (19/01/10)

Ships in brackets are part of deployment but not on station (e.g. on route)

Force Voth

C130 Kaon (flag)
F152 Aral Sea II
F106 Tertiary
A151 Gasoline
SKS Randokan (Sirikwan)
AS14 Helunam (Aritan)

Straw People

C109 Antarctic (flag)
D102 Jaguar
F132 Black Sea
F141 Sulu Sea
P138 Kite
T107 Oscar Wilde
A146 Argus

Force Starbot

D109 Cougar* (flag)
F131 Caspian Sea
F112 Holocene
A158 Starbotian Spirit*
+ Starbotian fleet

* Starbotian crewed

Remedian Border Protection Force

D111 Civet (flag)
F108 Eocene
F163 Sea Of Fertility
A143 Liftmaster
+ Remedian Police Customs Patrol

Ships returning to HQ



Knobhead narrows the gap

We are now in the last week of the election campaign and Knobhead has finally caught some fire. He is narrowing the gap with The Orchid. Some say that The Orchid's decision to personally attack Knobhead may have back fired as it has forced Knobhead to throw caution to the wind.

Recent comments by Knobhead that he would be more thoughtful have struck a chord with some voters who wonder if The Orchid is a little too "gung ho". The Orchid still had a lead of 18% over her rival though.

The Orchid noticeably did not attack her opponent in her speech given this evening to supporters at the DDS base at London, Terra. "The DDS under The Orchid will be dynamic, exciting, assertive. We will stamp on the sparks before they become fires. We will show the galaxy that the DDS must be respected." she said.

Bolitic now have 9 Reptoli Tuuls

Recent intelligence indicates the Bolitic have received some more Reptoli Tuuls from the Utrek and now have a total of 9, which are all operated by the Emperor's Chosen Men (though intelligence indicates the ships are not operational yet).

The Utrek have won another victory against the Mantae and it is now thought the Mantae are withdrawing from Utrek territory.

Knobhead : "I am not a wimp!"

Knobhead has angrily denied accusations by The Orchid's supporters that he is a wet liberal wimp who will take the DDS down the path of diversity awareness workshops and health & safety assessments. "I am not a wimp!" he roared at a rally on Solaris, "I was Horsehead's deputy for years, no wimp could survive that!"

"My DDS will be more thoughtful and considered. We will not go blundering off on some macho ego-quest like The Orchid intends to do. We will consider our options and act from a position of informed knowledge."

The Orchid seized on these comments and declared Knobhead a ditherer. "My DDS will be ruled by the heart, the heart of a warrior, the heart of passion not dry statistics and analysis."


No Good Trying
Its time for Dino Big Brother and there is an unexpected housemate...


Footage found from Windy's early life?

SS hold rally against Jimmy

Thousands of SS have descended on Dino-Town (hence sex crimes against men in the city have jumped 5000%) to protest against Jimmy's planned slashing of the SS budget, armed wing and plans to rein in the SS' powers. Protesters also burned effigies of Jimmy and SS-Commander Stinkyson who is loathed intensely by most SS as a "stooge" of the senate and a "disgrace to the holy loins of his most glorious Lord Emperor Ronald".

The Liberal Party's HQ came under attack by a mob of SS and there were 16 arrests and 5 rapes reported. The aims of the protesters were not that clear which seemed to range from the restoration of the monarchy to the impaling of Big Brother housemates, however most were agreed that Jimmy should be executed. Crushing Jimmy under the tracks of a T-55ZDM seemed the most popular option.

Sea Urchin to take charge of freighter attacker search

Sea Urchin has transferred his interim DDS Commander powers to Firefly and is now travelling to Liberation where he will take personal charge of the search for the attackers of the UNP freighter. He is also taking 5 extra ships to bolster DDS South.

It is thought the election campaign is annoying Sea Urchin intensely which is a major reason he wants to be away from GHQ! Sea Urchin said to reporters before he left, "We take the attack of any DDS or UNP ship seriously especially such a callous one such as this on an unarmed freighter. We will find the attackers and i am sure the new Commander will take action."

The Orchid and Knobhead in angry exchange

With the election a week tomorrow the campaign for DDS Commander has really ramped up over the last couple of days with the 2 candidates beginning a series of rallies and appearances across the DDS. Knobhead has continued his attack on what he says is the regimented boredom of an Orchid regime. "The Orchid wants to create a DDS of robots. Dull automations controlled by rigid rules. Unsuited to the dynamic geo-political situation the DDS will find itself in. The DDS of The Orchid will be a lumbering monolith in a galaxy of nimble foes."

The Orchid roared back, "What does Knobhead stand for? He wants to create a liberal fantasyland for the DDS. Maybe he intends for the DDS to defeat it's enemies with leaflet campaigns, charity wristbands and bring-and-bake sales. Of course i want a regimented ordered DDS. Its a military organisation! We will be focussed against our enemies. Our eyes are on the prize. Under Knobhead our eyes will be on diversity awareness workshops.

"Vote Orchid for Panthers and Corkscrew, vote Knobhead for political correctness and bed wetting counseling sessions."

Zone pirate ship spotted near Liberation

The identity of the attackers of the UNP freighter SS Mortimer Grelling is still unknown with a number of possible attackers being considered. One is the Zones, despite the destruction of Zoneland and the absorption of most of the survivors of the Zone race into the Clone Star Empire there are still thought to be dozens of Zone pirates operating.

A Zone pirate ship was spotted a light year from Liberation yesterday by a civilian ship. The DDS have dispatched a number of ships from DDS South Fleet to search for the pirate ship.

DDS talk UNP freighter attack

Captain Caratore, currently deputising for Knobhead as head of DDS South during the election, has spoken to the media at DDS South HQ on Liberation about the destroyed UNP freighter near Malau. First of all he did confirm that metallurgical analysis of the remains found near Malau did confirm the freighter had been destroyed.

"As yet there are no indications as to who carried out the attack." Caratore said. The Xenon are suspected as Malau is the closest part of the DDS to their space he added and he said that the DDS had requested intelligence from the HCS such as Xenon weapon sigint to see if they could confirm this. Piracy was being ruled out, "Remains of the Ferrets which were the cargo has also been found which indicates the attack was not to seize the cargo." Caratore said.

A Rome corvette was now in the area though the Starbotians were taking responsibility for increased security in the area Caratore added.


UNP freighter attacked near Malau

A UNP freighter travelling from Starbot to Liberation has been attacked near Malau. The freighter was unable to identify the attackers before radio contact was lost. A distress signal was sent out but the signal was soon ceased. A Starbotian ship was on the scene within hours but found only wreckage.

It is thought the freighter, an Avery J-class ship called SS Mortimer Grelling, was destroyed in the attack though analysis of the remains are still on going. All 4 crew are thought lost. The DDS has issued an advisory to all shipping in the area to be on the alert. The Starbotians will conduct more patrols in the area. The load of the ship included 25 Ferret-G UCVs for the DDS. It is not known if these were the target of the unknown attackers.

Knobhead fights back against The Orchid

Knobhead, conscious that he is lagging behind in the polls badly and time is running out, has launched a blistering attack on The Orchid at a series of rallies on Liberation and Saeou 6. He said that The Orchid represented all that was wrong of "some previous regimes". "Regimented, crushed, fearful : is that the DDS we want? Where free spirit and expression are smashed by the grinding jackboot!"

"I will deliver a DDS of free expression, free will and personal growth! I will deliver a DDS where a pure meritocracy holds sway. I will deliver a DDS we are proud of, not afraid of. The DDS under me will be dynamic, holistic and empowering." he told his frenzied supporters.

The Orchid, speaking on DDS TV replied "He sounds like he plans to turn the DDS into a sanitary towel advert."

The Orchid says Corkscrew in 2115

The Orchid has said if she becomes DDS Commander she will sign the order to begin development of the next generation frigate class, the "Corkscrew", in her first week in office. The aim would be to finalise a basic specification by the end of 2110 with initial designs and finalised specification before the end of 2111.

"Corkscrew is one of the most vital new projects for the DDS and cannot be delayed anymore." The Orchid said "My opponent [Knobhead] will of course dither and delay the project so much we will end up with Starsystem 2.0 by 2120 if he is in charge." she added in one of the most overt attacks on her opponent in the campaign to date. "If you want the most modern warship in the fleet in 5 years vote for me, if you want the DDS to be destroyed with neglect... well..."

Knobhead was not available for reply.

Exclusive : Screenshot from new HCS game

A screenshot from a new HCS game being developed by the Clones to promote the armed forces to prospective soldiers has been leaked on-line.

TPM-1/2 upgraded

TPM-1 and 2 have both been upgraded. TPM-2A4 will include improved agility thanks to improvements in the control software and the option of a two-stage warhead (two warheads basically) to help counter some enemy tactics where a less important part of a ship is "sacrificed" to be destroyed by a TPM warhead to allow the rest of the ship to survive. There are also a number of software fixes. Production will switch to A4 next week.

TPM-1D6 is a new version of the TPM-1 but will only be an upgrade to refurbished older missiles as production has now stopped. It includes the warhead option and some software fixes.


A-85 could go all-electric

CAC are working on an all-electric motor for a future COIN aircraft (COIN-X) but that motor may be fitted to the A-85 after successful trials in a converted O-43. The motor is an electric motor powered by fuel cells. The power is not yet the same as the piston engine in the A-85 and range is lower though CAC are confident they can bridge these gaps. Coupled with a new propeller and some aerodynamic refinements the A-85 could be almost silent in flight which would give it a huge tactical advantage.

CAC are also looking into "inflight recharging" of an all-electric aeroplane. The A-85NT is currently in production but a next generation is planned for late in the decade and this could have the electric engine.

SROPS to be upgraded to 76B standard

The SROPS fleet of subluminal combat transports will be upgraded to 76B standard over the next few months and new build will commence later in the year or early next year as 49 craft is not enough. The SROPS 76B will have enhanced systems, improved docking and Canister TPM support.

It will be fitted for the forthcoming SROPS Hyperspace Array, a "strap-on" hyperspace drive enabling the SROPS to travel faster than light. The 76B will have a strengthened hull, structure and improved deflection shielding. Work on the Hyperspace Array is behind schedule however as it is not expected to be ready in any numbers before mid-2111.


Fleet news (13/01/10)

Three new ships have joined the fleet this month as the DDS shipyards gear up for a new year. R110 Billman is the latest Missileer 21A. It is currently unallocated to any deployment or fleet though may assist DDS Research with some UCV development over the next few weeks.

A160 Hexane is the latest Extender 73A oiler and introduces some enhancements to crew R&R facilities (for the crews of the deployment the oiler is part of not just the ship's own crew). A227 Amazon is the latest River 75A transport.

F107 Palaeocene and F108 Eocene have completed their ILU (F107 was completed just before Christmas though was not received back into the fleet until now). F111 Pleistocene and F114 Palaeozoic have begun the ILU. With the Isometric jig now dedicated to the ILU programme the upgrades can take place 3 ships at a time with 1 in preparation or post-upgrade testing.


HCSAF talk about work on future warplanes

The state-owned Clone Aircraft Corporation (CAC) who design and build most of the aircraft operated by the HCSAF have held an exhibition where they have given a tantilising peek into the future of the airforce. "Everyone knows about the F-45C." a HCSAF General said, "But what about the next generation after that?"

The next generation after the F-45C is assumed to be a third generation F-45 but the F-X (as the project is known for the next fighter after the F-45C) could be a very different aircraft. Current design ideas for the F-X show a tailless fighter with modular mission equipment. "It is likely that F-X will be optionally manned and we are also looking into plug-and-play mission modules." a CAC scientist told reporters, "Want to use your air superiority fighter as an interdictor? What if you could just unplug the nose with the radar and fit a new nose with attack sensors in minutes?"

Another type in development is a future COIN aircraft that could one day finally replace the A-85, which has remained in production since the earliest days of the HCS. In the 2120s however COIN-X could be in production instead. With it's pusher propellar and all-electric powersystem COIN-X would be very different. As with the F-X though the future COIN aircraft could equally be more conventional (upgraded versions of the F-45 and A-85).

UCAVs will probably figure highly in the future of the HCSAF. A future attack aircraft is in development to supplement or even replace the A-84. UCAV-AX has been in development off and on for some time, current designs show a highly stealthy tailless design interestingly quite different to the RQ-1 which is the UCAV-RX due to enter service in a couple of years. Originally RX and AX were to come from the same design.

Current deployments (12/01/10)

Ships in brackets are part of deployment but not on station (e.g. on route)

Force Voth

C130 Kaon (flag)
F152 Aral Sea II
F106 Tertiary
A151 Gasoline
SKS Randokan (Sirikwan)
AS14 Helunam (Aritan)

Straw People

C109 Antarctic (flag)
D102 Jaguar
F132 Black Sea
F141 Sulu Sea
P138 Kite

Starsystem frigate

T107 Oscar Wilde
A146 Argus

Force Starbot

D109 Cougar* (flag)
F131 Caspian Sea
F112 Holocene
A158 Starbotian Spirit*
+ Starbotian fleet

* Starbotian crewed

Remedian Border Protection Force

D111 Civet (flag)
F108 Eocene
F163 Sea Of Fertility
A143 Liftmaster
+ Remedian Police Customs Patrol

Ships returning to HQ



SS Dinomark NGs handed over to army

The SS has handed over it's 4 remaining Dinomark NGs to the Dino Army saying they were glad to be rid of the "death traps"! The SS exchanged the NGs for an extra PT on top of existing orders. They are also hoping to be allocated some of the new Dinomark MX transport. At the moment SS units share transport with the Army but this can sometimes result in fights and rapes aboard the confined space on transport ships.

With only 1 Dinomark PT order outstanding the Senate has stepped in to order 3 more to keep the production line open this year.

AH-26WNG enters service

The first brand new AH-26WNG has been delivered to the HCSAF, the first of around 100 to be built for the service in this batch. The navy will also be receiving SH-26WNGs at some stage though a delivery date has yet to be set. A transport version for the air force (CH-26WNG) is also in development though hasn't been ordered yet (though the AH version can be used for transport anyway).

The WNG includes the engine, avionics and computer architecture from the cancelled AH-26X project though it's hull and main structure is the same as the W model. A further uprated version is in development for the mid-part of the decade.

Knobhead outlines his vision for a "DDS for all"

Knobhead, trailing badly in the polls, has attempted to breath some new life into his campaign to be elected DDS Commander today by outlining his vision for the DDS at a rally on Terra. He said the DDS was "for all", an inclusive organisation which recognises and builds upon the strengths of it's staff.

His "vision" however has been criticised as too vague and "fluffy". "What does it mean, DDS for all?" one officer said, "It sounds like a mobile phone company not the DDS!" Knobhead, in a later appearance on a chat show, said that the DDS would recognise the strengths of it's staff and it's weaknesses and address them through a holistic bonding process.

Benito eyeing Triple Megan?

After Captain Clone has recently added Oscar and Lornaca Melnig to his part of the empire there is speculation that Benito will also seek to add to his realm. His problem is there are far fewer potential targets in the area of space CSE-E is located in. One major potential area of expansion is the Free Eritran States but the fast growing fleet there (mostly DDS sourced) means that it is unlikely Benito will fancy taking them on.

Triple Megan is a candidate though, a little known world near to 7 Sa Sao space. It is inhabited by an Eritran sub-species though is not aligned to the other Eritran worlds. The main problems for Benito is that Triple Megan is some way off the rest of CSE-E, some 6 days from the nearest CSE-E world Rendrial 4 for the average HCS warship. It is also not thought to have much of value to add to the empire.

HCS aircraft attacked by Lornacan jet

Two A-84 fighter bombers have come under attack from what appears to be an executive jet fitted with air-to-air missiles. The fighters were approached by the jet in the north of the main Lornacan continent and then fired on them with what sigint indicates was an old AA-10, a Clone built missile that has been widely exported but now is very obsolete.

The HCS report states that the fighters took evasive action but the missile veered off course in any case, it is thought the Lornacan pilot was too inexperienced and fired too early. One of the A-84s chased after the jet which tried to escape and shot it down with an AAM. Intelligence reports indicate there may be other Lornacan "fighter jets" like this and air-to-air patrols will be increased.


DDS SAM systems found on Lornaca

Some isolated pockets of Lornaca fighters are still resisting against the HCS on Lornaca Melnig. In a recent attack by A-84 attack fighters on a silo one of the planes was shot down by a SAM. After the silo was destroyed a HCS reconnaissance unit checked the remains and found a launcher for an SA-18K which is a DDS handheld SAM.

The SA-18K is sold on the open market and the DDS, when asked by the HCS, said that Lornaca had bought 50 of the missiles a couple of years ago. Another A-84 has been shot at by the weapon but was able to evade it.

UV150 Naughty Bastard

  • Youth Must Be Crushed - Oojok engineers a victory...
  • Fishnets & Blackface - Gibson sees the man he fears most...
  • Pottymouth Arn't You - ZBH & Crickson's hike runs into trouble...
  • Unsightly Discharges - The Clones invade Lornaca Melnig...
  • The Tough Get Blowing - Is Trok finally going to end Gibson's sad life...
  • Youth Shot Dead - Windy makes Ronald an offer...


Velocity ILU to unify Type 37

The DDS has begun preparations for an ILU of it's Velocity 37A and Evolution 37B (aka Velocity S) destroyers. The upgrade will bring all 5 ships up to the same standard (though in some ways ahead) as the Solaris 37C though without the larger hull. The upgraded ships will form a new class called Velocity 37D. The ILU will include:
  • Tachyon RL-08JM-II engine (identical in most ways to the RL-08J in the Solaris but with external changes to fit into the smaller hull form.
  • Dash speed increased to 960c, cruise 920c
  • Z6 cannon with "fitted for" EA-X integration
  • TPM-2 launcher
  • Internal changes to increase missile load to 36 TPM
  • Docking facilities improved for operation with Coril and Feeder shuttles
  • Communications upgrade
  • Various other upgrades and improvements
No date has yet been given for the start of the Velocity ILU, it may have to wait for the election of the DDS Commander to give the final go-ahead.


Lornaca Melnig to be inducted into CSE by end of year

Captain Clone has said that Lornaca Melnig will be inducted into the Clone Star Empire by the end of the year. He said that 1000s of colonists (including Zones from Colom) will begin to migrate there and Lornaca would become a full and useful part of the empire.

He pledged 209 million zarks for "reconstruction" though this will be mostly to build permanent HCS facilities. For the next couple of years at least a full legion of the HCS will be stationed on the planet. Orbital facilities will also be built and there will be a permanent fleet detachment. Lornaca Melnig does not have much in any mineral wealth to offer the empire (it has plenty of minerals that are already in abundance) though a more thorough geological survey will be conducted by the HCS Geological Survey Team and that may find something more useful.

Senate reshuffle following Jimmy election

Meeting for the first time since the start of the year, when Jimmy became Consul, the senate has been reshuffled. The Consul cannot hold whatever ministerial role he held previously. He can assign his job to someone else in the senate. The former Consul (MBH in this case) is also able to take up a ministerial role.

The major parties were anxious for MBH to be locked out of Jimmy's former job as Interior Minister and Zanus' Defence Ministry (Zanus having already indicated he wanted to move on) but also had to be mindful they had to give MBH a new job or he could call the senate to account in the courts. MBH threatened to "send a fleet of lawyers down on their ass" if he did not get a decent job.

As a result El Diablo is the new Defence Minister and Zanus the new Interior Minister. MBH is the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Ronald quipped that MBH is used to being wined and dined and bribed by foreigners so will fit in well.

Pulsar run-down to begin this Summer

The Pulsar 12A fleet is due to be withdrawn by 2112. Withdrawals will begin this year with 2 withdrawn by the end of the year, 4 in 2111 and the remaining 3 in 2112. The whole fleet is currently being assessed and the order of withdrawal will depend on the mechanical state of the ships with the worst being withdrawn first.

C107 India is likely to be the first to be withdrawn, it has been in a poor state for some time now and is restricted to 450c because of main structural support fatigue (though in practice it has not moved from it's guard position in Solaris orbit for some months now). The other ship for 2110 has yet to be decided.

Operation Straw People

Interim Commander Sea Urchin has announced a new deployment of ships to Charlotte in the Rim Worlds to begin next week. The deployment will be to "facilitate training and interoperability with allies" but really the force is likely to be there to deter the Clones from eyeing any further in-roads into the Rim Worlds. The Aritans will take part in the deployment (which is likely to last a number of months) and the Porquatians too (though not at the same time of course!)

C109 Antarctic (flag)
D102 Jaguar
F132 Black Sea
F141 Sulu Sea
P138 Kite
T107 Oscar Wilde
A146 Argus

Jimmy declares war on SS

New Consul Jimmy has always despised the SS, it should be remembered that years ago during the civil war that first bought Ronald to power (when the ISU - as the SS was then known as - tried to seize power in a coup) it was Jimmy who led the army troops who battled the ISU troops outside the capital. Now he has said it is time for the SS to have it's wings clipped.

He has said their plans for a 4th legion will be cancelled as the recently formed 3rd legion will be disbanded, some of it's units absorbed into the other 2 SS legions. The SS will also have to adhere to the law and not act like they are above it. The SS are naturally furious with these plans but none of their replies were printable because of the amount of violent sexual content included in them.

Jimmy may have some trouble getting his anti-SS agenda across. Although few in the senate support the SS there will be the fear of civil strife if they are attacked too much.


Youth Shot Dead
Windy has a proposal for Ronald, is it indecent?


Captain Clone promises "more conquests"

"We are into a new glorious era of empire expansion!" Captain Clone told the Clone people on a TV address (which displaced Clone Big Brother 72 on Clone TV). He said that Oscar and Lornaca Melnig were "dazzling new jewels in the empire!" That may be pushing it a bit though there is no doubt that both will add something to the CSE-W.

Captain Clone then said there would be "more conquests". This will no doubt raise eyebrows at the DDS as the most likely area for the Clones to expand into is the Rim Worlds which the DDS have some plans of their own for.

DDS given 3 days to evacuate citizens from Lornaca Melnig

The DDS have been given 3 days by the HCS to evacuate UNP and allied citizens from Lornaca Melnig. The DDS had hoped for longer because while the number of citizens is not that great they are spread throughout the planet.

The HCS have allowed more ships to join A117 Trader however, T102 Pyris and A203 Partnership have joined the evacuation efforts along with an Aritan Intrepid II destroyer.

Current deployments (06/01/10)

Ships in brackets are part of deployment but not on station (e.g. on route)

Force Voth

C130 Kaon (flag)
F152 Aral Sea II
F106 Tertiary
A151 Gasoline
SKS Randokan (Sirikwan)
AS14 Helunam (Aritan)

Force Starbot

D109 Cougar* (flag)
F131 Caspian Sea
F112 Holocene
A158 Starbotian Spirit*
+ Starbotian fleet

* Starbotian crewed

Remedian Border Protection Force

D111 Civet (flag)
F108 Eocene
F163 Sea Of Fertility
A143 Liftmaster
+ Remedian Police Customs Patrol

Ships returning to HQ



Two HCSAF helicopters shot down on Lornaca Melnig, DDS weapons?

Two CH-26 helicopters have been shot down on Lornaca Melnig in mysterious circumstances. The helicopters were checking a Lornaca fighters silo and making sure they knew of their government's surrender when they came under fire. The HCS are claiming that DDS SAMs were used in the attack and are accusing the DDS of operating clandestine teams on the planet.

The DDS have denied they have any forces on the planet. The DDS Provider 71A transport on station to evacuate UNP citizens has for the moment been ordered out of Lornacan orbit by the HCS.


The Orchid outlines new force deployment ideas

The Orchid, at a supporters rally at DDS GHQ, has outlined her plans to change the way the DDS deploys it's forces. "Presently we try and spread out forces out along a frontier but this means our forces are too thinly spread. My new deployment idea is that we should deploy instead cheap automated listening posts along the frontier and concentrate our forces at strategic points."

Lornaca Melnig surrenders

Lornaca Melnig has surrendered to the Clones even before the HCS broke out of it's 2 bridgeheads. Lornaca's tiny defence force was badly outmatched even before constant air attacks degraded it to almost nothing. Representatives of the 3 major ethnic groups on Lornaca have met the HCS General and agreed terms.

Lornaca Melnig will be incorporated into the empire later this year. The HCS have said that any Lornacans who wish to leave the planet can. Several hundred hew-mons and Aritans are already preparing to leave in a DDS transport.


DDS fear Bolitic attack in late Summer?

Sea Urchin is understood (after discussions with The Orchid and Knobhead) to have instructed DDS Research to prioritise defence against info-weapons. This has been taken as a sign that the DDS think war with the Bolitic is becoming increasingly likely.

In fact one DDS group are predicting the late Summer as a possible window for a Bolitic attack. The Xeno Research Group, a thinktank based at GHQ, have looked at published records (supplemented with intelligence from Dino sources) for current and pending Bolitic maintenance and refit work for their fleet and say that virtually the entire Bolitic fleet will be available in late July or early August (although there is scheduled work for after these dates).

Bolitic guarding Utrek space?

There are reports that 20 Bolitic warships have been "loaned" to the Utrek to protect their space opposite the Remedian part of the DDS to allow the Utrek to send some 58 extra ships to the Mantae front line. The Utrek are planning to mount a major offensive which, if recent successes are repeated, could deal the Mantae a mortal blow and perhaps push them out of the majority of Utrek space.

A Remedian CPP Kalahati Tuul 2 has encountered a Snarl battlecruiser near the border, some token shots were exchanged by both sides. The DDS are considering strengthening it's Remedian Border Protection Force.

HCS prepare to breakout

Provider 71A transport A117 Trader has been permitted to enter high orbit around Lornaca Melnig to facilitate the evacuation of UNP and allies from the planet which is being invaded by the Clones. This has allowed some details of the operation to be discovered, the HCS themselves being their usual vague selves.

Light brigades have been landed at two points on the planet and an airstrip built at one. 9 Intruder landing ships and 2 Tiamon carriers were used for these light troops. Heavier forces are being landed from 11 Type A and 8 Type B transports. The transport assets are being protected by around 9 HCS warships with 7 others mounting a blockade of the planet system.

The latest reports indicate the Clones are preparing to breakout of their 2 bridgeheads. Air attacks on Lornaca fighter positions have intensified and long-range artillery is now being deployed to strike targets close to Landing Point A. Lornaca is not expected to put up much of a fight though, it is rumoured the government are already in talks on surrendering.


WM riot at GHQ; Windy breaks cover

Several hundred members of Windy Massive converged on a burger bar at DDS GHQ after there were rumours that Windy was secretly flipping burgers there. After they found he wasn't the joyous nature of the crowd soon descended into ugly brutal violence and DDS Security had to intervene resulting in 24 arrests and 9 rapes.

To calm the tempestuous atmosphere in his fan club Windy has finally broken his silence and addressed his supporters from an unknown location via a video link. He wished everyone a happy new year, to keep the faith and said high boots with narrow heels were so last season.


Other Fleet News (01/01/10)


25 Dinomark XTs have been removed from the fleet register as part of cut-backs instigated by Consul Jimmy. The XTs will remain on the civilian reserve which means they can be bought back into service if needs be.


It was a big day for the Raegris Defence Fleet today as the 12th DF-1 frigate and the 1st PC-1 patrol ship (a Raegris version of the Pentekonter-E) both entered service. The Raegris have also announced a carry-on order for both types. Now the Raegris will have an eventual fleet of 20 DF-1s and 8 PC-1s.


Molab have ordered an extra Pentekonter-E1M to add to the 8 already in service. Delivery details have yet to be finalised.


Sirikwan have received their second Extender-E oiler/transport. They have also approached the DDS about an update package for their core fleet of 7 Helwin class patrol ships. Sirikwan want to keep the Bolitic made ships in service for another 12-15 years but they will need to be modernised.

Commander election date set for January 24th

Sea Urchin has confirmed that voting for the DDS Commander position will be on January 24th. The election is now in earnest with the two candidates beginning a grueling schedule of meetings and rallies across the DDS. The Orchid will spend the next couple of days on Liberation before moving onto Saeou. Knobhead will be on Solaris today before moving onto Proxima 5.

Firefly has commented that the DDS is in paralysis until the election and criticised the lack of any fleet operations planned for January apart from scheduled patrol circuits. Sea Urchin has replied that if there was a crisis then the election would be suspended and the DDS would be ready to respond.

Zone troops landed in second bridgehead

Troops from the 46th Light Brigade (Zone) have been landed at a second bridgehead 40km north of Landing Point A. Landing Point B (not officially named by the HCS yet but its a safe assumption) was first secured by Red Lizard before the landing of Zone troops from Intruder landing ships began.

HCS sources indicate the Zone troops may be the ones used to attack the main Lornaca defence positions because the bulk of Lornacan fighters are Zones. It is hoped the Lornacans will not want to fight fellow Zones, but if they do then the Zones will do a good job anyway. Air attacks on Lornacan positions have continued, 2 A-84 bombers were reported lost in a mid-air collision, the first Clone casualties of the attack to date.