
End of an era for HCS as last Aardvarks withdrawn

Back in the early days of the HCS two types of IFV were introduced, the TRV-5 Tapir reconnaissance vehicle and the TRV-7 Aardvark troop carrier. The Tapir was a tremendous success and has been built in the hundreds of thousands, the Aardvark was a bit of a failure and it's job was soon taken over by the Tapir too. Several thousand Aardvarks were built though but they were reasonably quickly relegated to reserve and training units.

The final 50 Aardvarks have now been withdrawn from service though nearly 200 remain on the HCS "books" in storage. It is likely the HCS will try and sell them to the Aritans who already operate around 150 ex-HCS Aardvarks.

The wheeled APC the WRV-9 Armadillo has also been withdrawn. Only 450 of these were ever made and they seldom saw any action though have been invaluable for training units acting as the "enemy". However now they are starting to seriously age and it has been decided to withdraw them. Because of their very worn state it is unlikely they will find any buyers.


Other Fleet News (30/10/09)


A 6th SX-98 landing ship has been ordered to provide some excess capacity to the Dino amphibious landing force. All ships will be receiving some modifications over the next few months to optimise loading and unloading of equipment.

The first Dino built Provider-EDA has been delivered joining the 3 Raegris built ships already in service. 4 more are on order but it is expected that more will be built.


2 Cosmos A cruisers have been withdrawn because of the poor material condition of the ships. They are part of a small number of the Cosmos fleet that will not be upgraded to Cosmos K. The two ships will be used as a source for spares.

The final 2 Molentic Tuul GX cruisers have been upgraded to M standard. Work will now begin on the 20 MTA to bring them up to MTM standard.

The 28th (and final) Shark frigate has been delivered to the HCS Space Navy. The first of the follow-on Thresher class is shortly to begin for an introduction into service planned for late 2110.


The Raegris have taken delivery of their 11th DF-1 frigate which is based on the DDS Terran Sea design. A fleet of 14 was planned but this will now be increased to 15.

The first RC-2B upgrade has begun. The RC-2 cruiser is the original ship which the HCS Cosmos was based upon. The DDS RC-2B upgrade will ironically upgun and upgrade the RC-2 into a ship not that dissimiliar to the Cosmos.

Porquat 640

Porquat 640 have ordered 3 of their next-generation Xian 508 cruisers which will be the new vanguard of their fleet.


Molab have taken delievery of their final, and 8th Pentekonter-E1M patrol ship. One of it's elderly Vormix destroyers has been retired, the final 2 will be retired 1 a year by 2111.

Extract from Redjec's new autobiography published

Admiral Redjec DSO BSC NOB is to release his autobiography "Why I am great (and misunderstood)" by the end of the year. Here is an exclusive extract of the book which is likely to be available in all shops by Christmas and all charity shops by New Year:
If it wasn't for all the people pulling me down then no doubt i would already be DDS Commander but that will come soon. My rise through the ranks is unparalleled. My epic quest to achieve the top prize in the DDS shows my amazing ability and intellect, second only to my amazing modesty. Redjec is success, Quarz (to take a random example) is failure. I hate him!
Of course some small, minute, tiny thanks in part to the little people. You know who you are. Who helped me in a tiny small way to achieve my potential. The school master of course who sadistically beat me at school and touched my bum. Yes you helped me achieve glory in the DDS because i failed my exams and thus had to enter the DDS. At the time it seemed a sad and lonely fate but of course if i had not joined the DDS i would not be in the amazing position i am now in now. A position to lead the DDS to greater heights and to finally destroy the cancer at the heart of humankind. That is the festering sore that is Quarz.
The many girls who turned down my requests for dates, well i know now why because you saw that i need not waste my time on frivolities like fun, beer and sex but i should dedicate myself to endless toil and self-denial so i could achieve my potential...


Windy sets up Windy Massive Battalions

Windy asked his supporters, the fanatical Windy Massive, for volunteers for a number of shock battalions in the New DDS Army and within minutes 99.2% had volunteered (the other 0.8% was raped for being cowardly). Thousands of young man declared their desire to be hurled into hopeless battles and die for Windy!

Windy said 5000 WM members would be selected for a number of battalions. He said the WM units would form a "firm rearguard and backbone" to DDS positions. They would ensure no one run away and would "process" any prisoners taken.
Windy and co. have the trip of a life-time... (2121/1)

7 Isometric 41Bs ordered

As expected the DDS has placed an order for Isometric-Es to act as a stop gap until Corkscrew can be added to the fleet in the late 2110s. No less than 7 Isometric 41Bs will be bought, 2 will be bought by Starbot and remain in their service (and thus in the DDS pool), Starbot will also fund one of the other ships. It is likely the 5 other ships will be sold on to the Aritans and Sirikwanese.

The specification of the Isometric 41Bs has been published. The ships will be based on the mid-level Isometric-E but will of course have TPM-2 support. They will have Meson TL-03Hi-6 engines like the Isometric-ILU and have a similiar performance with a cruise speed set at 720c.

Deliveries will have to be arranged around customer deliveries but the first could arrive before the end of next year.

Update : The ships will be known as the Dragonfly 41B class.

DDS reaffirms LRM plans

Following reports that the Clone Space Missile could be a year from deployment the DDS have ordered a speed up of it's equivalent Long Range Missile (LRM) programme. The first version of this, a missile with a range of up to 20 light years, LRM-20 could enter service by 2114. However this may be a ship-launched version of the missile, it is unknown when silo based missiles will be ready though a booster stage development programme has begun and a site has been found on Proxima 5 for the launch tests and ultimately the first silos. A DDS blogger has said that a silo based LRM-20 might not be ready until around 2116.

Following on from LRM-20 will be a much longer-ranged version, LRM-100, which will have a range up to 100 lightyears. From Proxima 5 most places in the Clone Space Empire would be in range. From a silo on Remedia Prime the missiles could reach deep into Utrek space. LRM-100 may not arrive until the 2120s however.


Consul election campaign begins

The 2109 Dino Consul election has begun in earnest ahead of the vote in late November. However with Jimmy on 93% of the vote in the latest poll excitement has been a bit muted. Jimmy opened his campaign with a speech to the Liberal Party in Dino-Land. He pledged decreased defence spending and greater social spending. Health Secretary Spikeson (also a Liberal Party member) said there would be increased help for unmarried Mums (though some wags did say that Spikeson had probably caused most of them).

Although Imperial Order are not standing in this election Ronald has said that cutting the defence budget would be a mistake. MBH, who will be replaced as Consul by the winner of the election, said the policies were typical of the "wimpy and soft Liberals".

Starbot order Panther 35B

Starbot has ordered a 4th Panther to go with the 2 they already have and the 1 on order. The 4th Panther will be one of the follow-on Panther 35Bs, known as the "Panther Plug" with a larger hull for a greater multi-role capability.

K-1 told reporters that the ship would be the new flagship of the Starbotian Navy. I-1A would revert to a scout ship and VIP transport. The future ship could enter service by around 2111 though the production details of the 35B have yet to be finalised by the DDS (or indeed the specification!)

CSM closer to operational deployment than DDS thinks?

Although the HCS themselves have been rather vague on when the Clone Space Missile, nuclear armed missiles than can be launched from the surface of Cloneworld (or other planets) and strike targets on other worlds, would be deploymed. The DDS recently have been saying it was likely to be around 2112-3. Still before the DDS plan to field their similiar LRM-20 but not too long as LRM-20 is hoped to be ready by around 2116.

However now HCS bloggers are reporting CSM Phase 1 could enter service by the end of next year! Work on the Gale-III based booster has been completed and work on the space-stage, the NSV (Nuclear Space Vehicle) is well advanced. NSV is based on the HCS' superluminal UCV Nybble which could enter service next year. As the NSV is bascially a Nybble stripped down to the bare minimum to make a 1-way trip it can be seen that NSV could be close to completion too.

A full test launch of a NSV topped missile is planned for early next year and the first superluminal tests of NSV could occur around a similiar time. The HCS could, if nothing goes badly wrong, be ready to field a basic CSM system (likely to be only able to hit DDS GHQ) by the end of next year with a re-programmable system in place by the end of the year after.

By the time the DDS have LRM-20 ready the HCS could have already moved onto their Phase 2 of CSM with submarine launched and road-mobile launchers missiles across a number of locations in the empire.


MRM factory begins production

The new MRM production facility on Liberation (ex Rathun's World) has begun production of Release 0 missiles of the DDS strike weapon. Up until now a trickle of MRMs have made it out of the development facility at DDS Research but the new factory can ramp up to 10 missiles a day though will probably maintain a rate of 2 missiles a day for the time being.

Release 1 MRMs will begin rolling out early next year, about 40 minor improvements will be made in the mainly software update. Two more MRM factories will be built over the next couple of years, likely in the Proxima Centauri system and on Remedia Prime.

HCSAF aiming for "3000 fighter fleet"

At a technical briefing on the F-45C, coming in the next decade, a HCSAF General has revealed that the HCSAF aims to stabilise on a 3000 strong fighter fleet. Currently the HCSAF has around 900 F-45As and 2470 F-40s (so 3370) but the number of F-40s has been gradually being reduced over time.

900 F-45Cs are likely to be bought but this still means there will need to be well over 1000 F-40s well into the 2120s and beyond. A number of older F-40s are being upgraded and rebuilt to F-40S standard which will keep them flyable until 2130. A third wave of F-45s is expected in the 2120s but it is likely there will have to be hundreds of F-40s flying well into the 2130s. The HCSAF are looking into rebuilding the newest F-40s in the 2120s when they reach the end of their lives and these are likelty to be the rump of the fleet that maintains numbers towards the middle of the current century.

Year's final exercise (Southern Spirit) moved to Rim Worlds

The DDS have named their planned final exercise of the year, Southern Spirit, and they have moved it's location from Remedian space to the Rim Worlds near Charlotte, recent scene of a Tarbotian incursion. The DDS say that the deployment will become a semi-permanent deployment like Force Voth afterwards.

One problem is in persuading the Dinos and Raegris to continue to take part in this deployment. The Raegris are known to have signed up because of the proximity to their own space, the Dinos because of the proximity of their base on Loeuss (though are likely to be still happy with the exercise location if the DDS can include some "ABBO training").

The exercise is due to begin in mid-November.

Ground Shock ends

The large Ground Shock deployment has ended and ships are now returning to various ports. Considering the current shortage of ships the deployment has probably ended just in time though most ships in the deployment were from the DDS' amphibious fleet.

Ground Shock has been proclaimed a great success by DDS commanders though there were a number of problems found with the Pangaea landing ships and other new equipment of the New DDS Army (though no show stoppers). Windy told reporters "Some things worked great, some not so well but that is what this deployment is for to find out these problems so we can rectify them. Its easier to fix them now then wait until you are in a real war!"

Current deployments (27/10/09)

Ships in brackets are part of deployment but not on station (e.g. on route)

Force Voth

R101 Missileer (flag)
C130 Kaon
F152 Aral Sea II

Terran Sea

F136 Barents Sea
F101 Cambrian
A145 Globemaster
SKS Undian (Sirikwan)

Force Starbot

D109 Cougar* (flag)
F131 Caspian Sea
F122 Permian
A158 Starbotian Spirit*
+ Starbotian fleet

* Starbotian crewed

Remedian Border Protection Force

D162 Epsilon Eridani (flag)
F144 Flores Sea
F145 Arafura Sea
A152 Kerocene
+ Remedian Police Customs Patrol

Ships returning to HQ

R102 Lancer
C109 Antarctic
D103 Puma
F102 Silurian
F113 Quarternary
F150 Sea Of The Hebrides
F151 North Sea II
L111 Pangaea
L112 Gondwana
L113 Laurentia
P132 Kestral
P133 Eagle
P137 Buzzard
P138 Barn Owl
A108 Galaxy
A115 Lodestar
A155 Skymaster II


EA-84FEA testing begins; A-84 production line to re-open anyway

The EA-84FEA EW aircraft version of the A-84 bomber was supposed to be the spark that re-opens A-84 production next year but it now the case that production will resume next year anyway as the HCSAF begin to recapitise their 1700 strong fleet.

Around 250 of the oldest Bombardiers will be replaced by 120 new-build A-84Fs and 70 refurbished and updated older aircraft. Its not known what differences there will be in the new aircraft from the last new-built aircraft but there is likely to be some updates. EA-84FEA production will also take place but now at a lower rate. Testing of 2 modified aircraft has now begun in any case.

Corkscrew/FFX bought forward 5 years?

There are unconfirmed reports that the DDS may bring their next generation frigate design the FFX, now known as Corkscrew, forward by 5 years and aim to have the new frigate which is based on the Rome platform in service by 2115. This is part of DDS efforts to boost their fleet in the medium term.

The DDS are looking at a number of options for the shorter term too, building more SOTs is thought to not be an option because they are very expensive fleet escorts and what is needed are more affordable general patrol assets. One option being looked at seriously is to build 5 or 6 Isometric-Es to perhaps the mid-range specification for the DDS and then sell these ships on when they are replaced by Corkscrew later in the decade.


Call For Help
The HCS probe into Xenon space finally runs into trouble...


Windy : DDS is too thinly spread

Following the recent trouble in finding any ships to reinforce the UNP colony of Charlotte Windscorpion has warned DDS and UNP officials that the DDS is becoming too thinly spread. "Although the DDS has built many ships over the last few years the commitments and area the DDS has to protect and patrol has increased dramatically. The DDS now has to protect a huge area of space ranging from Voth to Starbot up to Remedia. An area of space larger than the Clone Star Empire and Dino Republic put together!"

Windy said he was going to try and secure more funding for an expansion of the fleet, however he acknowledged that that would be difficult with the current economic downturn in the UNP. "I think we need at least 5 more destroyers and 10 more frigates on top of the existing fleet plans. We have already ordered 2 extra Missileers though to be honest we probably need 15 not 12!"

Windy said as a short-term measure the 2 Starsystem frigates put into reserve would be re-activated as soon as possible and put on low-level threat patrols, thus releasing 2 Romes or Isometrics to the general fleet. Windy would also ask the Raegris to contribute ships to Force Voth and the Remedian Squadron thus allowing DDS ships to be released from these duties. The Starbotians had already agreed to allocate I-1A to a patrol circuit. The final exercise of the year would go ahead though Windy added saying that training was vital and the ships allocated had already been taken into account in resource planning.

DDS look to strengthen defences in Rim Worlds

Following the Tarbot incident near Charlotte in the Rim Worlds the DDS have been considering how to strengthen their defences in this remote corner of UNP space. With current deployments and patrol commitments the DDS have ruled out creating a "Force Charlotte" because they simply do not have enough ships to spare though this may ease next week when Ground Shock ends.

The DDS are instead looking to the Aritans, who are the nearest power to the area, to strengthen DDS and allied defences there. Charlotte Spaceport is currently being protected by a Rome corvette on a normal patrol circuit. The Aritans will send an Intrepid and 2 Kalahati Tuuls to Charlotte and use it as their base for patrols. The Aritans are understood to be not that happy about doing this because of their budget problems though the DDS may sweeten the Aritans unhappiness with a loan of 20 million zarks.


Tarbotians seen near Charlotte

A Tarbotian detachment has been spotted near Charlotte, a UNP administered colony in the Rim Worlds. As the planet is a UNP protectorate the DDS are tasked with defending it. The nearest ship was Rome 46A corvette K102 Caesar which investigated the Tarbotians and found the detachment consisted of an old Hyper Ship cruiser and 3 Samara destroyers.

Caesar was "buzzed" by 3 Tarbotian Triangle bombers and tried to contact the Tarbotians but they did not respond to any attempts at contact with the DDS. A Quasar cruiser was at New Arit and was despatched to assist though was still over a day away. An Aritan Intrepid destroyer was closer but still hours away. Because of this the captain of K102 Caesar did not attempt to engage the Tarbotians but maintained a watching brief.

Some hours later, presumably when they detected the Quasar on long-range scans the Tarbotians headed out of UNP space and engaged their cloaks. The DDS are now considering how to strengthen this part of their space.

Sprite to enter service next year

The Sprite UCV, a modernised version of the Welik which was in service with the HCS Space Navy in the early 2090s (it was withdrawn due to budget problems at the time), is currently being tested and production could begin early next year but a planned entry into service "within a year". Sprite is a small sub-luminal space fighter similiar to the DDS Ferret.

Though the Ferret itself was inspired by the Welik which the DDS encountered during the final stages of the Clone Wars.


LLAD looks promising

The MQ-14 Long Loiter Attack Drone will be a key part of the DDS Air Force in the next decade. Flight testing of LLAD, a long-range subsonic reconnaissance drone with a stand-off attack role, began in the Summer and already LLAD has impressed the DDS.

Range has been found to be higher than estimated and the platform is very aerodynamically sound which makes it very stable. A further refined second prototype will make it's debut in a few months and testing with the sort of sensors it will use in service will begin. Datalinking with manned and other unmanned aerial assets will also be tested.

Isometric-M offered to Molab

The DDS have offered a dedicated minesweeper director version of the Isometric-E to Molab on request. The Isometric-M is based on the low-end Isometric-E55 but without passive sensors or a Z5 cannon. It will have Pave Yellow 2.0 fully integrated into the ship's systems. A QPM launcher will be fitted though the dorsal space usually occupied by the Z Cannon on the Isometric will be used instead for an optional mine layer module to be developed by Molab themselves.

Molab are going to evaluate the design and make a decision about buying it (and a Pentekonter-EM flotilla) later on, but as the Isometric-M specification has drawn on a lot of input from Molab it is thought pretty likely they will buy it. It is thought they could buy 1 with an option of a second along with 5 Pentekonter-EMs. One sticking point is funding. Molab is trying to get Sear N7 and Oxsasx to contribute financially in return for the minesweeping force being available for their needs too. One source reports the cost of this order could be around 3.3 billion zarks.

First Triona II launched

The first Triona II OPV(H) for for the HCS Navy has been launched and named Admiral Woulan. This is the first of at least 6 patrol boats to supplement the 16 Trionas already in service. The Triona II is 500 tons heavier but has a similar equipment fit as the earlier boat however the extra size makes the craft left crowded and allows for a higher weapon load.

One change is the SA-N-6A close-range SAM, the Triona has the older version of the missile. The Triona II will also have improved sonar and communication systems. P20 Admiral Woulan will begin sea trials early next year and enter service by the Summer.

DDS, Dinos and Raegris to take part in exercise before end of year

Ground Shock is currently in it's final action and the DDS are already looking into their next, and final, deployment of the year. The as-yet unnamed deployment will take place in November and will include Dino and Raegris ships. It is thought the deployment will include cross-crew training and mock-combat in Remedian space near Loeuss and maybe Raegris territory too.

The DDS are also drawing up plans for their exercises for 2110 which will include Atomic Fist and Ground Shock deployments. The DDS are hoping they can get the Clones to accept joining one deployment.


Dinos to upgrade older T-55ZDMs, other AFV changes

The Dinos have awarded the Clones a 7 million zark contract to upgrade the 360 T-55ZDM tanks it currently has to the later (and current) T-55ZDM2 standard. The Clones will provide kits to the Dino Army who will carry out the upgrades themselves. The tank has proved to be very popular in Dino service and the Dinos have accelerated efforts to standardise on the tank.

The last remaining Type F tanks have been withdrawn leaving the Type G as the sole remaining Dino designed tanks in service and these are pretty old too. The last 32 T-88++ tanks the Dinos bought off the HCS originally before standardising on the T-55Z have been given to the Aritans for free as a gesture of goodwill (not that they are worth a lot). 170 ex-HCS T-55Zs have been transferred to the Dinos to boost stocks. It is not known how much the Dinos paid the Clones for these tanks however 2 Dinomark XTs have recently been loaned to the Clones Space Navy for evaluation for 2 years and there is speculation that this loan is the "payment".

Radar upgrade for older HCSAF F-45As

The HCSAF have announced that the 250 oldest F-45As will be upgraded to F-45AEC (Enhanced Capabilities) standard in a programme which will also tide the F-45 production line over until the F-45C arrives. F-45AEC will replace the radar with a newer version which has also been used on the last 128 F-45As as well as enhancements to the ECM defence suite.

The whole F-45A fleet (all 899 aircraft) will receive modifications and software updates to make them compatible with a new air to surface missile being introduced by the HCSAF in 2111.


The 5036-A combat suite debuted with the Rome and has been added to other recent ships. Many people do not know what it actually is. According to a DDS source it is a pre-processor of combat data, it filters out unnecessary data and overlays information from various sources along with some predictive data. It then sends this much improved data set to the ship's tactical system.

Ships with 5036-A have been found (in simulations) to perform better in multi-threat multi-aspect combat situations. With modern space warfare becoming ever more frenetic and complicated with multiple threats ranging from enemy ships to missiles to UCVs to electronic attacks it is becoming increasingly difficult for crews to know what exactly is going on. 5036-A helps the crews manage the vast amount of tactical data incoming.

5036-B is now in development and will make it's debut next year (probably when the Rome production line re-opens). It has a much faster processor array and rewritten software. It will likely be at least 40% faster than the A and be handle over 450% more data. As the modern space battlefield gets more complicated by the day these extra capabilities will soon be needed. It is likely to be fitted to other combat ships across the fleet during upgrades.

Final operation of Ground Shock begins

Following a combat conditions journey from Mila to Ailiari the Ground Shock deployment has begun it's final training operation on the harsh Remedian world. Panther destroyer D103 Puma suffered a tactical system failure during the journey and the deployment commander decided to wait for this to be fixed before proceeding with the mission which delayed things by 17 hours.

Supported by a Pulsar cruiser and Ferret-E UCVs the Pangaea class landing ships and Fighting Falcons will deploy DDS Army forces, and some guest Dino Army troops, to a position secured by Prowler and Dino SS-D special forces with Dino and Remedian Army troops providing "opposition". The DDS forces have to hold their land in the space of opposition for 5 days. Ground Shock is due to end at the weekend.

Current deployments (20/10/09)

Ships in brackets are part of deployment but not on station (e.g. on route)

Ground Shock

R102 Lancer (flag)
C109 Antarctic
D103 Puma
F102 Silurian
F113 Quarternary
F150 Sea Of The Hebrides
F151 North Sea II
L111 Pangaea
L112 Gondwana
L113 Laurentia
P132 Kestral
P133 Eagle
P137 Buzzard
P138 Barn Owl
A108 Galaxy
A115 Lodestar
A155 Skymaster II

Force Voth

R101 Missileer (flag)


C130 Kaon
F152 Aral Sea II
F136 Barents Sea
F101 Cambrian
A145 Globemaster
SKS Undian (Sirikwan)

Force Starbot

D109 Cougar* (flag)
F150 Sea Of The Hebrides

(F131 Caspian Sea)
F122 Permian
A158 Starbotian Spirit*
+ Starbotian fleet

* Starbotian crewed

Remedian Border Protection Force

D162 Epsilon Eridani (flag)
F144 Flores Sea
F145 Arafura Sea
A152 Kerocene
+ Remedian Police Customs Patrol

Ships returning to HQ

C110 Eurasia
F137 South China Sea


You Can't Handle The Tooth
El Diablo and co. close in on the fish!

Ayatollah Clone XE : Xenon will be crushed!

Ayatollah Clone XE has made his first televised sermon since the lifting of the ban on Oojok Madness. Sharing a joint platform with Captain Clone and Oojok he soon was back to form and gave the following speech to a frenzied crowd of Clones:

Fellow Clones, today we face the gravest threat to the Clone race for some time. A wicked and degenerate foe, drenched in sin and unholy evil, an Anti-Oojok, a dark horned beast overcome with vile lusts and an addiction to illegal thrills. That threat is the Xenon faction of the 7 Sa Sao. These infidels dare to challenge the unparalled might of the Clone Star Empire! These infidels dare...!

Their evil cannot be imagined. Even to think upon their dark antics is a sin that must be cleansed with self-penance such as self-beating and self-abuse. If you cannot manage to abuse yourself then a fellow follower of THE WORD will be happy to abuse you i am sure. Maybe you can mutually abuse each other?

In that pain, in that agony and shame then we can know a taste of the vile filth that the Xenon wish to inflict on us! The Xenon plan to enslave us! They plan to dishonour our women! Turn our sons into slaves, our daughters into painted harlots of the street. Millenia of Clone culture will be destroyed and swept away by a tidal wave of SIN!

So we must stop them. We must mobilise to crush the infidels, to smite the Anti-Oojok. Self-interest must be abolished. Everyone must submit to endless toil and self-denial in order for the HCS, our shield against SIN, to be strong enough to defeat the whores of Babylon. If you suspect your neighbour is not doing his all then you must report to the authorities and they will be... punished.

Raise up now! Submit your soul to Oojok! Pledge your life to the Clone Empire! Happily sacrifice yourself for the glory of Oojok! We can defeat the denzians of Doom! We can crush the sluts of Sodom! Oojok is most great! Oojok is most great!

Dinos cancel meeting with Bolitic

The Dinos have cancelled their planned meeting with the Bolitic on Yeng at short notice. MBH and the other delegates were in transit when they were recalled by the senate. This has surprised observors who assumed it would be the Bolitic who would pull out. Indeed the Bolitic are already on Yeng and have been enraged by being "stood up". An orgy of violence, killing and rape ensued at the Bolitic embassy. Not that this is unusual.

No one knows yet why the Dinos have pulled out but it is rumoured the Dinos think the Bolitic are involved in a "recent attack" on Dino-Land. The only recent attack has been the underground bomb plot however and this would be a very serious situation if the Bolitic were behind it. The Dinos have also raised the readiness of their armed forces to amber.


DDS develop direct link laser communications

The DDS have developed a direct link laser communication system for use in space battles for communications between close warships. Instead of radio transmissions the new system uses extremely highly focussed lasers. These beams are virtually impossible to intercept and to jam and also has a very high bandwidth for data transfer.

6 development sets have been developed by DDS Research and they will be fitted to ships in a deployment later this year for field testing. If successful the new system will be rolled out to the whole fleet. The new system is an important part of the DDS' efforts to combat info-warfare and improve data and communications security.
Aftermath Crisis
The hunt is on for the giant talking fish.


Snarl clocked at 500c?

A Raegris patrol is reported detecting a new version of the Bolitic Snarl class battlecruiser which was doing 500c, much faster than earlier models which could only reach 300c. Some years ago the Utrek began to assist the Bolitic with engine technology and this could be the start of the fruits of these labours. If the reports are correct then it would have strategic implications.

Bolitic warships like the Snarl are very powerful and heavily armed though their weakness has been the slow speed. if the Bolitic have increased their speeds to this extent then it will make the Bolitic threat much more serious.

2 more Missileers ordered

The DDS have said they will build 2 more Missileer 21Bs in FY 2010-2011 to take the fleet up to 12 ships. The extra 2 ships have been ordered because of the type's expanding role and thus increased pressure on the fleet. Construction of R110 Billman has begun 2 months earlier than planned so that ship will be available early next year and not by next Spring.

The final two ships will also receive a speed boost after analysis has shown that the speed can be increased to 750c without having to make any structural modifications. Hitachi are now looking into boosting the power of the HS-740 drive. Other 21Bs may also get the speed boost as they receive refits, Billman may get the boost from the off if engine modifications can be made in time.

Artensis 60 order DDS and Dino ships, weapons

Artensis 60 is the latest planetary system in the region of space near the Dino and Aritan sectors to invest heavily in a new fleet to replace it's ageing legacy fleet (made up of ex-Tarbotian and Utrek ships). Artensis have been courted by both the DDS and Dino and to that end Artensis have decided to keep everyone happy.

Artensis first ordered, in a 6 billion zark deal, 2 Isometric-E1A5 frigates with QPM, 3 Pentekonter-E3A1 patrol boats again with QPM (indeed this is the highest spec Pentekonters yet sold) and 2 Extender-Es. Delivery dates have yet to be set.

They also ordered in a 2.1 billion zark deal with the Dinos (and Clones), 6 Dinomark XTs and 400 T-55ZDM tanks and 750 TRV-5HD IFVs. Several thousand SM-26 rifles and ammunition have also been ordered. The Dinos will also establish a base on Artensis 60 and assist in the refurbishment of the planet's existing docking facilities.

There may also be upgrades performed of the legacy fleet though this has not yet been finalised.


The terrorist attack on Proxima 5 DDS HQ is investigated by the bestial Black Hat...

DDS despatch battlegroup to New Jakarta

Following news that Oscar is to vote on whether to join the Clone Star Empire the DDS have responded by forming a battlegroup and sending it to the DDS base on New Jakarta, which is just over 1 lightyear from Oscar. The battlegroup, called Force West, is headed by a Missileer cruiser and contains 80 Ferret-E UCVs.

R104 Musketeer (flag)
C129 Charm Quark
D108 Ocelot
F138 Java Sea
F146 Bohol Sea
A149 Octane

Force West is expected to reach New Jakarta by the weekend. The 2 frigates already there will return to GHQ.


Oscar to "decide" on joining Clone Star Empire

Oscar has announced a referendum (though no date for when it will take place yet) to decide if Oscar should give up it's independence and join the Clone Star Empire. The DDS have protested such a move saying that the planet must remain independent though already know that it is unlikely the referendum will be made unless they are reasonably sure of success.

A recent poll suggested 78% of the Clone population wanted unification. Only 12% of the non-Clone population wanted it but recent mass emigrations have made these a definite minority on the planet now.

MBH to lead Dino deputation to Bolitic

MBH is to lead a historic and until lately unthinkable mission to conduct talks with the Bolitic Confederacy. The talks will take place on Yeng, a neutral planet near to Dino and Bolitic space. Not much is expected from the talks which are hoped to just pave the way for future dialogue. Its just hoped the talks go better than the last attempt back in 2077 which resulted in a massive fight with 4 deaths and 7 rapes.

MBH says he expects there to be some concrete progress from the talks though some wags have already pointed out he is rumoured to be highly influential behind the scenes in the Confederacy so could arrange something to boost his image.

Ground Shock Ailiari "attack" begins

The final operation of the Ground Shock deployment has begun, two days later than initially scheduled because of some engine problems with L111 Pangaea. The fleet is now on it's way from Mila to Ailiari on the other side of the Remedian Belt. This journey should take around 5 days.

Early next week when the fleet reaches Ailiari a major deployment of ground troops will take place backed up by attack assets. This operation will last a number of days.

Bolitic involved in gun attack?

Sources close to DDS Intelligence have said that there could be a Bolitic link to the recent gun attack on the DDS base on Proxima 5. Although the attack was carried out by hew-mons it may have been sponsored by elements in the Bolitic Confederacy. As yet there is no link to the court of Emperor Aliowaki. It could be the work of one of the Houses wishing to raise it's profile in the eyes of the Emperor.

Further investigations are taking place. Windy is keeping a close personal eye on the situation.


Force Voth to be reduced

During the upcoming rotation of most of the ships in the Force Voth deployment F101 Cambrian will not be replaced by another frigate. This will leave Force Voth at a Missileer, a cruiser and 3 frigates. Back-up is supplied by a Sirikwanese ship and it will be joined by an Aritan ship in a couple of weeks.

Upgraded Ferret-E UCVs with a new build of the tactical system and a new engine will make their debut in the deployment, replacing the squadron currently serving there.

Current deployments (13/10/09)

Ships in brackets are part of deployment but not on station (e.g. on route)

Ground Shock

R102 Lancer (flag)
C109 Antarctic


D103 Puma
F102 Silurian
F113 Quarternary
F150 Sea Of The Hebrides
F151 North Sea II
L111 Pangaea
L112 Gondwana
L113 Laurentia
P132 Kestral
P133 Eagle
P137 Buzzard
P138 Barn Owl
A108 Galaxy
A115 Lodestar
A155 Skymaster II

Force Voth

R101 Missileer (flag)
C110 Eurasia

(C130 Kaon)
F137 South China Sea

(F152 Aral Sea II)
F136 Barents Sea
F101 Cambrian

A145 Globemaster
SKS Undian (Sirikwan)

Force Starbot

D109 Cougar* (flag)
F150 Sea Of The Hebrides

(F131 Caspian Sea)
F122 Permian
A158 Starbotian Spirit*
+ Starbotian fleet

* Starbotian crewed

Remedian Border Protection Force

D162 Epsilon Eridani (flag)
F144 Flores Sea
F145 Arafura Sea
A152 Kerocene
+ Remedian Police Customs Patrol

Ships returning to HQ

R107 Archer
A150 Refinery
A146 Argus


Fleet news (12/10/09)

Solaris 37C destroyer D164 Polaris II has joined the fleet and taken up a position as the flag of a new active readiness squadron. This is a new (and at the moment small) group of warships on continuous readiness to depart for a trouble zone within an hour's notice.

Isometric 41A frigate F106 Tertiary has completed it's ILU and rejoined the fleet, F107 Palaeocene has begun it's update. Windy's flagship F103 Carboniferous has also returned to DDS Engineering for a further update of some systems including better passive sensors, tactical computers and datalinks. The flagship will test out these improvements before they are rolled out as part of a mid-ILU refresh.

The two shuttle classes have been renumbered in the 8x number range and are now the Feeder 82A and Coril 86A/B classes. As for the Coril A581 Sea Urchin has just joined the fleet.


HCS develop export Shark / Big export deal with Telvin 802

The Clones are to develop an export version of their Shark frigate following a large order placed by Telvin 802 for Clone space craft, land weapons and aircraft. Details of the export Shark have yet to be finalised but it is likely to be a similar spec to the HCS' own. As part of a 4 billion zark deal Telvin will buy 4 Sharks, 2 Type A transports, 2 Type J oilers and a Type C transport configured for VIP use. This will largely replace the existing Telvin fleet made up of old Tarbotian and Bolitic warships.

As well as this deal Telvin has placed a 1 billion zark order to recapitalise it's army and airforce. 350 T-55ZDM tanks, 550 TRV-5HD Tapir IFVs, plus artillery will be bought for the army (all new though there will also be some assorted second hand equipment). The Dinos will get a percentage of the profit from the tank and IFV sales as the types are the new versions they helped fund. The Telvin airforce will buy 140 A-85NTs COIN aircraft, 100 AH-26WNG combat helicopters and 16 C-440 transports.

The order is a huge boost for the Clone defence industry and jump starts Clone aims to be a real competitor to the DDS in ship exports. The news is likely to worry New Arit with whom Telvin almost went to war earlier this year.


Gun attack at DDS P5 base

Unknown gunmen have gone on a rampage at the DDS HQ on Proxima 5. Four gunmen, of unknown identity, launched an attack on the HQ. Twelve DDS soldiers were killed in the attack, all 4 gunmen were shot dead.

The identity of the men has yet to be determined, none show up on any UNP register. Security has been raised at all DDS bases in case there are further attacks. There was some disturbances at DDS GHQ but this was found to be a riot between WM and Hood members that resulted in 4 arrests and 5 rapes.


UV146 : Crushing Young Dreams

  • Thrust Up The Rear - ZBH and co. are given a new mission...
  • Chicks With Dicks - Black Hat investigates a case of smuggling...
  • Permanent Marker - Ice Ranger and a Prowler unit investigate a Tarbot base...
  • To Pull On - Cruggson discovers the real cause of the earthquake...
  • Mole Hole - The Dinos prepare to attack the underground tunnels of the gangsters...
  • One Second From Def - Can the Dinos avert a mass disaster?
It has been announced that the experiment with a serial run of storylines will end and the next book UV147 will revert to the old style.


Ronald resumes public role

Ronald has kept a low profile since stepping down as Consul at the end of last year (and thus becoming a regular guy). It has been reported he has been spending most of his time with his baby daughter Crystal. However now Ronald has stepped back into the public view which observers think is part of his road back to power. Ronald is eligable for Consul election again next year (4 years after the start of his last reign) and is expected to be on the Imperial Order ticket for that election.

Ronald, who is Head of the Senate and Minister of Cultural Affairs (he saw an art exhibition once, while escaping the rain), has taken over command of the 6th Legion (an elite, though largely ceremonial unit these days) and he will also take charge of a Dino exercise to be held on Xi next month. It is possible he may take over the Ministry of the Interior next year when Jimmy becomes Consul (which he will) though the Liberal Party may be keen to get ZBH into that role. Another option maybe thus be Ronald taking ZBH's existing job as Minister of Finance, Trade & Industry "which probably means economic collapse in a week!" said a wag, anonymously.

Ground Shock prepares for final operation

The Ground Shock deployment will conduct it's final exercise early next week following a couple of weeks of R&R. Firstly the fleet will travel to Ailiari (which will take a couple of days) and then stage an "invasion" of the planet which has a fairly hostile atmosphere so will make things more interesting. Remedian Army forces will act as the "defenders" though some Dino Army troops have also gone on ahead to Ailiari to provide armoured support to the defenders.

The Pulsar cruiser C109 Antarctic will conduct a simulated "missile strike" on the defenders and help support the landing with it's Z5g cannon. Aritan and DDS troops will be landed on the planet and will then attempt to hold a bridgehead. A DDS Prowler unit is supposedly already on Ailiari preparing the ground though this has not been confirmed by the DDS. However one of the special forces Corils was seen in the vicinity of Ailiari by a Remedian space ship spotter. This is an annoying break in operational security but is likely to be secretly welcomed by the DDS as it will show they need to tighten up their procedures and it will make the training more "interesting" for the special forces on the ground now that they are being hunted for.

A DDS spokesman has said that Ground Shock so far has proven invaluable in testing out new DDS equipment like the Pangaea class landing ships and DDS systems and protocols in amphibious operations.


Windy restores the house system

Windy has restored the Rotarios-era house system to boost the morale and performance of the DDS. Under the Rotarios house system all front line staff were collected into 4 "houses" and gained house points for success. At the end of the every month the house with the most points won the prestigeous house shield.

"Its the only good thing that lousy tinpot terrorist ever did when he was in charge of the DDS." Windy said. "The house system will return within the next couple of months and it will boost performance. Those who do not earn merit points may have to answer to their local Windy Massive Officer..."

Dinos break terrorist plan to cause massive disasters

A major earthquake in the Central District of Dino-Land that killed over 100 civilians is now known to have been created artifically by a terrorist group who detonated atomic weapons deep underground. A similiar and much larger scale plan to cause 6 further "earthquakes" including underneath a nuclear power station has been thwarted by Dino special forces.

Using the cover of a mining company the terrorists, who belong to a far-left group though it is thought the real masterminds are another party, dug tunnels deep underground and placed atomic weapons in them to cause the massive shockwaves to wreck destruction overground. CSS and SS-D teams secured the bombs before they could be detonated while Dino Army troops led by Consul Cruggson stormed the mining company HQ. Few terrorists overground escaped alive, 78 Dino troops lost their lives in the bitter battle.

The Dinos are now investigating who was the mastermind behind the operation.


One Second From Def
Can the Dinos avert a disaster?

F-45 carrier conversion work begins

When the F-45C next generation fighter enters service with the HCSAF in a few years time it will be quickly followed by a carrier-borne version the F-45K. To aid the design of the strengthened undercarriage and other changes needed for carrier operations. One of the F-45A prototypes is currently being converted and will conduct a series of tests on the HCSN's carrier CNS Cloneworld in a couple of years time.

The carrier, when it enters service next year, will deploy with F-40Ns however these will be replaced by F-45Ks in the mid-2110s.

Current deployments (06/10/09)

Ships in brackets are part of deployment but not on station (e.g. on route)

Ground Shock

R102 Lancer (flag)
C109 Antarctic
D103 Puma
F102 Silurian
F113 Quarternary


F150 Sea Of The Hebrides
F151 North Sea II
L111 Pangaea
L112 Gondwana
L113 Laurentia
P132 Kestral
P133 Eagle
P137 Buzzard
P138 Barn Owl
A108 Galaxy
A115 Lodestar
A155 Skymaster II

Force Voth

R101 Missileer (flag)
C110 Eurasia
F137 South China Sea
F136 Barents Sea
F101 Cambrian
A145 Globemaster
SKS Undian (Sirikwan)

Force Starbot

D109 Cougar* (flag)
F150 Sea Of The Hebrides
F122 Permian
A158 Starbotian Spirit*
+ Starbotian fleet

* Starbotian crewed

Remedian Border Protection Force

D162 Epsilon Eridani (flag)
F144 Flores Sea
F145 Arafura Sea
A152 Kerocene
+ Remedian Police Customs Patrol

Ships returning to HQ

R107 Archer
A150 Refinery
A146 Argus


DDS pitch further upgrades to HCS transport fleet

With the groundbreaking programme to refurbish and update 25 Type A transports currently ongoing the DDS are now looking to do other work for the HCS transport fleet, updating transport ships is considered acceptable by both sides. For the DDS they are not overtly improving a competitor, for the HCS nothing sensitive is put in DDS hands.

The Type B transport fleet has around 6-10 years more life left in it though will need some work to get through that time. The DDS have proposed a number of options for upgrading and refurbishing the 33 strong fleet depending on what the HCS want (and are willing to pay for) ranging from basic system updates and refurbishment to a whole new navigational and communication suite. The HCS will give the DDS an answer before the end of the year.

It is likely some Type J oilers (which are based on the Type A) will receive the same refurbs as the As once the current programme ends though no contracts have yet been signed.

TF-40 fleet to be rebuilt/modernized for F-45

The TF-40 two-seat trainer version of the F-40 fighter fleet is now showing it's age and the HCSAF did consider buying a two-seater version of the F-45. However instead it has been found to be cheaper and quicker to rebuild the TF-40s instead. CAC is now working on a TF-40M rebuild which will have a totally new avionics suite to aid training for the forthcoming F-45C/K. New engines and an airframe refurbishment to give the type 15-20 years more service.

One TF-40 will be rebuilt over the next few months and if the trials next year are successful then the 155 other TF-40s will follow suit.

Corkscrew confirmed to be based on Rome platform

The DDS have confirmed that the next generation frigate, known as "Corkscrew" for entry into service in around 10 years time, will be based on the Rome platform. There had been talk of possibly using a scaled down Panther but using the Rome was always the favourite. Early stage work is currently being done on specifications and capabilities of the future ship which will probably enter service in 2120.

The DDS have given a provisional timetable for the Corkscrew roadmap. Specification lock-down has been pencilled in for 2114 with design lock-down in 2118 and the first example beginning trials during 2119. All these dates are subject to change of course and one major determinant of that change will be the progress of the DDS worm-drive which will be fitted to Corkscrew. The DDS are also hoping for a man-rated w-drive by 2119-20.

Pulsar Ground Attack Update 2109

The Pulsar cruiser fleet is to receive an update to it's attack system in keeping with the improvements also being made to the Quasar and Rome fleets. The attack system will be upgraded to SAS-D2 standard with improved ground scanners and data analysis. The upgrades will take only a few hours to carry out and will be done during routine maintenance. At the same time the opportunity will be taken to fit an improved targeting computer for the cruisers' Z-cannon.

Two Pulsars will not be upgraded however, it is thought these 2 ships (which are not being named yet) will be the 2 ships withdrawn next year and the DDS think it is not worth upgrading them for what might only be a few months service.


Mole Hole
Can a mega-disaster on Dino-Land be averted?


Quasar 2109 Update B

The Quasar cruiser fleet is to receive it's second update of the year over the next few weeks. The update will include modifications to the attack system (with updates similiar to as fitted to the Rome ground attack modules) to take the system up to SAS-Q2 standard. Although the Info Warfare Centre (IWC) will not be fitted until next year some preparatory work will be done to the ships ready for IWC including modifications to the ship's main databus and communications system.

Around 25 other systems will also receive minor updates, mostly software only. Each update will take around a day to complete and will be carried out during routine maintenance.

Rome Ground Attack Upgrade 2109A

The Rome corvette fleet will be receiving an upgrade to it's ground attack capabilities over the next few weeks. Most changes will be made to the ground attack modules so the fleet itself will not be affected in normal use, indeed the changes to the Romes themselves are software only and will be rolled out to the fleet over the next few days.

The modules will receive improved ground imaging scanners, a new front end processor and improved communications sub-systems. The upgrade will improve accuracy especially of sub-surface targets.


DDS survey 2009

To help with some feedback on the direction and implementation of the DDS storyline and universe please fill out the brief survey by clicking on the link below.

Helinox order more ships/upgrades

Helinox, who recently made their second Pentekonter-E operational are obviously happy with the patrol ship as they have ordered a third as part of a 307 million zark contract just signed with the DDS. As well as the extra ship all 3 ships will have their communications and sensor systems upgraded.

Helinox has also ordered 4 Coril-E shuttles. They have requested technical information on the QPM missile as well as 2 training rounds though have not yet ordered the type. It is thought they may order QPM as part of a further upgrade packedge of their Pentekonters.

First 2 Voth Space Navy ships begin operations

Last year the DDS donated 12 ex-Utrek Kalahati Tuuls to the Voth to form their own navy, the Voth Space Navy. The ships were given refurbishment and minor updates so they could operate in DDS deployments though the problem was the Voth had little space infrastructure and few trained personnel. A year later that has changed to an extent. The Voth now have their own space dock in orbit over Voth, around 300 Vothites are currently at the DDS Space Academy and now the first 2 KTs have been declared operational.

Both ships are operating in "training mode" at the moment and are crewed mainly by Vothites though some DDS personnel are present to assist. The two ships have been fitted with Canister TPM and will receive full TPM upgrades next year. By the end of the year the 2 ships will join Force Voth patrols alongside DDS ships. By the end of 2110 the Voth hope to have 3 more KTs operational.