
XE gives speech to Clone Empire!

Sword Of Truth hackers have managed to break into the main data stream of Clone TV and replaced existing programming with a recorded speech by Ayatollah Clone XE! This was broadcast to billions across the empire as engineers fought desperatly to cut the link. For two minutes XE spoke to the people. The effects of this massive propaganda coup have yet to be measured.

The contents of his speech :

Fellow clones, it is I : Ayatollah Clone XE. Your spiritual leader. Despite the efforts of the satanic Anti-Oojok I have not been silenced and the power of Oojok flows throughout you all. Oojok came to us many years ago and led us to victory in our darkest hour. Now infidel swine like Captain Clone have forgotton that. They must be crushed by the FIST of RIGHTHOUSNESS!

Rise up all Clones! Rise up and overthrow the secular oppressors who have led you astray, away from the utopia of worship to the misery of democracy and self-determination. Such foul bestial filth can only lead to doom. Such lies can only lead to the path of the Anti-Oojok. Soon you will be sleeping with your fellow men, an abomination fostered by the Anti-Oojok. Resist the call to wallow in filth! Resist the whips of your secular oppressors!

Stand up! Shout out loudly! Your hearts full of joy! Your soul cleansed of secular filth! Your mind full of zeal! Stand up and proclaim loudly your love of Oojok! Oojok is most great! Oojok is-

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