
New wave of attacks by SOT

Colonel Ximan Belmont of the HCS was waiting for his train at the provincial station of Helun in eastern Ailier as usual to go to his job at the regional HCS recruitment office yesterday morning. Only he never made it. A fellow passenger pushed Belmont onto the tracks as another train was travelling through the station, Belmont was crushed to death by the train. Later on the Sword Of Truth claimed responsibility.

It was one of seven attacks on HCS officers (two were unsuccessful) across Cloneworld that morning. Captain Elton of the 312nd Infantry Regiment was another victim. He was crossing the road from his home near the army base in Wells Fort, West Clone Republic. Suddenly a car appeared out of nowhere and mowed him down. The SOT also later claimed responsibility. A SOT source told Clone TV that all HCS officers were now targets. The HCS have told all it's personnel to take all possible precautions.