
Analysis : The reasons behind Ronald's republic

At first glance the declaration by Ronald that the Dino Empire should become a republic seems surprising and even bizarre. However it comes as no surprise to some seasoned Dino commentators. Its been no secret that Ronald wishes to stand down from the day-to-day strain of being the Emperor. However he does not want the Dino Empire to suffer in his absense as happened the last time he stepped down and the disasterous reign of El Diablo followed by the coup of One-Horn led to war between the Dinos and DDS.

One solution was a two-Emperor system (even if it was forced on the Dinos by M-B-H's actions) but Ronald still wished to stand down and was on the verge of doing so when Co-Emperor Jimmy was nearly killed by an assassin's bullet last year. Now we have the two Consul republican system which Ronald hopes is the way he can finally retire... but leave the door open for a return.

Under this new system Ronald can stand down safe in the knowledge that even if his replacement proves to be a failure his term of office is fixed and limited so can be replaced. Ronald would also be free to run for a Consulship again at some stage (we believe there is to be a 5 year period before an ex-Consul can become one again) as we expect he would become bored with DIY and fishing after awhile.