
Jimmy hopes to return to office next year

Former Emperor Jimmy, who was the victim of an assassination attempt last year, has continued his slow recovery after life saving surgery. He told a meeting of army officers he hoped to return to work in the new year, perhaps next spring. The question as what his job will be was not asked though. While Jimmy lay in a coma Ronald stripped him of the Emperorship and appointed him a member of the Senate. There are some experts on Dino Law that say that Ronald did not have the power to do that and Jimmy is still Co-Emperor.

One rumour that surfaced this summer was that Jimmy was reported to be furious with Ronald for stripping him of his crown whilst he lay in a coma. Jimmy however, when asked if he was angry at Ronald, said that before the assassination attempt they had agreed that the two Emperor system would end. Indeed Jimmy was shot at a meeting where Ronald was due to announce his retirement. Jimmy said that the Empire could not have lain in limbo without a leader especially as it was unknown how long he would be injured, or even if he would survive! One officer asked why Ronald did not simply leave Jimmy as Co-Emperor, at that Jimmy said cryptically "Ronald did what he thought was best."