
Utrek try to steal Dinomark AM!

The Dinos are reporting that Utrek agents working in conjunction with Dino traitors tried to steal the prototype Dinomark AM bomber DM50. The Dino traitors struck while the crew of the ship was low due to rotation and training, the bridge crew was incapacitated and the bridge locked out. Then with Utrek agents joining them they tried to take DM50 across the border escorted by 2 Molentic Tuuls.

The plan was foiled due to the brave actions of an elite Dino team aboard DM50 investigating suspicious links between some crew members and anarchist terrorist factions. DM50 was returned safely to Dino-Land orbit and the traitors and Utrek arrested.


DDS working on Provider/Extender follow-on

The DDS are working on a "next generation" transport/oiler (though it seems to be more an evolution) to enter service around 2118. The Type 131 would be a SUP based design but feature a high degree of mission modularity. Replenishment equipment for example could be fitted and configured in a matter of hours.

If the DDS decide to go ahead with the Type 131 then the final 2 Extender 73As on order could be cancelled. No Provider 71As are currently on order though there is the need for more.


Fleet News 28/12/15

Two Freedom 41B MCS have been wormed, these being M121 Freedom and M125 Forward. The rest of the class will be wormed over the first few months of 2116 ahead of the major Quasar upgrade which will also include worming.

A new hospital ship has joined the fleet allowing for greater rotation and availability. A903 Doctor Vincent is the 3rd Nightingale 88A.


Knobhead said to prefer "New Sparta"

DDS Commander Knobhead is said to prefer "New Sparta" as the new name for the DDS, he wants to have the name change completed by the Summer of 2116. However Knobhead says the DDS is open to suggestions and a consultancy will be held next month before the DDS Politburo makes a final decision.

Windscorpion has welcomed the name change, he told DDS News 24 that the DDS name was now tired and mired in the past.


DDS will change its name in 2116!

DDS Commander Knobhead has confirmed that the DDS will change its name next year! Knobhead said that DDS, Dino Death Squad, was no longer a relevant title for a massive pan-solar system multi-spectrum military organisation. "The name may have suited us in the early days when we were not much more than Ronald's private army for operations outside Dino space but now it is a bit of an embarrassment."

The DDS nearly changed name to New Sparta in the early 2100s, some signage was even changed, though the name change was overturned at the last moment. Firefly also considered a name change during his reign a few years ago. It is thought that Knobhead is keen to make his mark on the DDS and a new name and branding would certainly do that. What the new name and when exactly the change will take place is currently not known.


DDS deploys troops to Delta 9 to assist with disaster recovery

Soldiers from L12 Infantry Regiment, DDS Terrestrial Forces, have arrived on Delta 9 from Liberation and will assist with disaster recovery following the volcanic eruption near New Erdington. Emergency supplies have also arrived but personnel are now needed to help stricken and evacuated residents and assist with the UNP led recovery.

The volcano is said to be calming down now though there are still minor eruptions. Luckily the town has not been hit by lava flows though there has been extensive damage due to debris from the eruption.


Dinomark XT will end production in 2116

After 65 years production of the Dinomark XT will finally end in 2116 following the completion of existing orders for the DTA and export customers (new orders will be accepted until the end of next month). The last ships for the Dino Army have already been delivered.

It is thought (official records have not been released) that over 900 XTs have been built to date and over 150 remain in the Dino Army with 300 others in the civilian reserve and other government departments like the SS. A few hundred more older examples still serve across the galaxy.

The first of the replacement Dinomark LM is expected to enter service next month.


Bolitic to help Utrek in war against Mantae?

The Raegris have reported detecting a fleet of 17 warships leaving Castarian and Bolitic space and heading in the direction of Utrek space. This confirms some intelligence gained by the Clones which was leaked to the press in that it is thought the Utrek have asked the Bolitic for assistance in their re-started war against the Mantae.

This could indicate the war is going badly, something also pointed to by the sudden withdrawal of dozens of Utrek ships from territory bordering the Remedians, Raegris and Clones.

Other Fleet News (21/12/15)

The final 2 Dinomark XTs built for the Dino Army have been delivered though production will continue for the DTA and export for a couple of years. The first of the next generation Dinomark LM is currently in acceptance testing.

New Arit has received a Provider MX tactical transport.

The Raegris have received a WF-1 Ku'Yema (Extender) oiler.

The Bolitic have built a new Furl, their first new reported ship for some time.

Melaris 12 have received 2 Coril ST-76M shuttles.


Wolkapi deported back to Clone Star Empire

Oojok's son Wolkapi has been deported from the Dino Republic back to the Clone Star Empire following his arrest for an attempted assassination of a government minister. He has been banned from all Dino and DTA territories indefinitely and would face a potential prison sentence of over 100 years if he does enter Dino or DTA territory!

Wolkapi has been sacked from the Oojok Death Squad which he headed for his father and is no longer Oojok's heir (younger brother Terin now is). It is thought Wolkapi may be given a minor ambassadorial role.

The Oojok Death Squad has been taken over by Sleeze and it is reported a purge has taken place. Other Wolkapi supporters and friends in the CSE have also been arrested or moved.


Story #2213

Southern Final
The bridge crew of the new Dinomark is neutralised.

Story #2212

Should It?
Are the Utrek after the secrets of the new Dinomark?

Story #2211

Burn The Bun
Crickson and co. are given a new mission.

DTA legion declared operational

A legion made up of the non-Dino members of the DTA has been declared operational and has joined the unified military command of the Dino Army / DTA. The legion's constituent units will remain part of their separate armies though will be ready to deploy for DTA expeditionary missions and joint training. The DTA legion has the same command and structure as a Dino Army legion and this system will eventually be rolled out to all of the DTA member armies.

The DTA Legion consists of:

781 Sirikwan Panzer Brigade
771 New Arit Infantry Brigade
772 New Arit Infantry Brigade
784 Sirikwan Infantry Brigade
791 Voth Infantry Brigade
90283 Yeng Infantry Company
3781 Sirikwan Artillery Battalion
6772 New Arit Transport Brigade
6792 Voth Transport Brigade
7117 Sirikwan Engineering Battalion
558 Yeng Support Battalion
559 Yeng Support Battalion
90287 Sirikwan Reconnaissance Company
90232 Voth Reconnaissance Company


First DDS help arrives at Delta 9

A couple of days after a volcanic eruption which badly affected a heavily populated area, an Indy 35B from the Rapid Reaction Squadron has arrived at Delta 9 bringing personnel from the UNP Geological Survey, vulcanologists and specialist medical personnel as well as some specialist supplies. The Indy 35B is a warship so could not carry a large amount of aid though a laden Oceania 63A is due to arrive from Liberation on Wednesday with aid and support personnel.

The volcanic eruption is said to be continuing though some scientists predict it will lessen by next week. Thousands of people from the town of New Erdington have been evacuated. About 40 people are unaccounted for though the Deltan authorities think the death toll could rise.

Two Provider 71As are being prepared and loaded at Liberation with the next wave of supplies though will not depart until an initial survey is made to see what is needed.


DDS deployed to natural disaster on Delta 9

A volcanic eruption on Delta 9 has put the population around the town of New Erdington at risk from lava and ash. The overstretched civilian authorities have asked the DDS for assistance. The DDS always keep one of their amphibious squadron ships on 48 hour notice for just this eventuality and L151 Oceania will depart from Liberation tomorrow with supplies. It should arrive at Delta 9 by the middle of next week.

M190T Beta Centauri was diverted to Delta 9 from a training mission and has taken atmospheric samples and photographs of the eruption which has been sent to the DDS for analysis.


Raegris to invest 15 billion zarks in fleet

The Raegris have announced a huge boost to their space fleet with 15 billion zarks to be spent over the next 5 years on extra ships, upgrades for existing ships, 3 new staging points and communication network upgrades. The Raegris say that the enlarged fleet will improve their security and sovereignty and improve interaction with the DDS.

The investment will include:

  • 6 more DF-1 He'Taka (Isometric) frigates - giving an eventual fleet of 26. All will also be upgraded to a standard similar to the DDS Mediterranean Sea. All 20 existing DF-1s will also be wormed and upgraded.
  • 12 more RC-2C Yel'Tema (Cosmos) cruisers - giving an eventual fleet of 30. All RC-2Bs will be updated to RC-2C.
  • 2 more KA-1 Norenka (Olympus) carriers - giving an eventual fleet of 5.
  • 5 DC-1 Uhm'Waa (Quasar) cruisers will be wormed and upgraded along with the DDS Quasar 2116 Update.


Ronald plays hardball with Clones over worm drive

Ronald has said talks on the Clones acquiring Dino worm drives can resume despite the scandal of Oojok's son Wolkapi trying to kill a Dino government minister. However Ronald has said that a number of offsets cannot be included in the price and that the payment schedule will be tightened which means the price has risen to around 12 billion zarks for 30 worm drives and engineering support and set-up.

The price rise will put greater pressure on the Clone defence budget already being squeezed by the original price and a number of projects have been cut back and put on hold. Oojok is said to be discussing the deal with his senior advisers.

Wolkapi meanwhile is likely to be deported from Dino-Land in a few days and will be barred from the Dino Republic for 100 years according to a Dino government source.


Wolkapi demoted, Terin now heir of Oojok

Wolkapi, who is still languishing in a Dino Army gaol, has been stripped of his status as Oojok's heir apparent. Oojok is understood to be enraged by his eldest son's behaviour on Dino-Land where he tried to assassinate a government minister (though to be Justice Minister Araniza). The incident threatens to derail the purchase of worm drives which Oojok believes are vital for the future of the Clone Star Empire. Ronald has suspended negotiations and there are no signs as to when, or even if, talks will resume.

Oojok's younger son Terin has been named the heir apparent, a slightly unusual move for the Dinos who tend to go for age seniority though not unknown. Terin has done well in his duties to date and is currently Deputy Emperor of CSE-E, some feel he would make a much better future Emperor than Wolkapi in any case.

Wolkapi is not expected to stay on Dino-Land for long, it is expected he will be deported and released back into Clone custody within days. The welcome he will get from Oojok is not expected to be warm.


Fleet News 02/12/15

There are no new ships to report this month as the DDS begins to shut down for Christmas. However worming of the Isometric 41A fleet has finally been finished with M116 Devonian being equipped. The Freedom 41B fleet is next to be wormed.


Wolkapi arrested on Dino-Land, accused of assassination plot

Oojok's son and heir, and commander of the Oojok Death Squad, Wolkapi has been arrested by the Dinos and is accused of plotting to kill a senior civilian minister in the Dino government. Details of the plot are still emerging but it is thought that Wolkapi employed 2 criminals to kill the minister under the guise of a "robbery that went wrong". Another Dino has been arrested who is alleged to be Wolkapi's head of ODS on Dino-Land. An SS source says that 2 Clone ODS members are in the Clone embassy in Dino-Town.

Ronald has reacted angrily to the plot and has suspended talks with the Clones on a sale of worm drives, Oojok was to travel to Jeloka to meet with Ronald next week but that has now been cancelled.

Story #2207

Under The Bed
S101 and B-B head off on their trek into the stars... a kind of star trek.


Operation Northern Project 2115

Northern Project is the final major DDS exercise of the year and is a "mock war" that requires the full spectrum of DDS military capabilities. The exercise will last for just over a week and include space combat, reconnaissance and EW, amphibious landings and mine warfare. A number of DDS allies will be taking part to act as the "enemy" (Red force). The exercise begins tomorrow. The ships involved are:

S201 Missileer (flagship)
H101 Panther
H112 Royal Tiger
H201 Mulberry
M108 Holocene
M135 Fox
M178 Sea Of The Hebrides
M183 Sea Of Serenity
A182 Zebra

L131 Tethys Ocean (amphibious force flagship)
L111 Pangaea
L117 Rodinia
L153 South East Asia
L158 South America
H162 Polaris
H175 Altair
M126 Fury
M171 Mediterranean Sea
A153 Propane
A107 Condor

M110 Cryptozoic (MCM force flagship)
K201M Thucydides
K209M Pericles
K213MX Paris
A143 Jetstar

A304E Fleming (Recce EW force flagship)
H121 Independence
H129 Impregnable
K109 Sulla
A168 Hexanol

S251 Anubis (Red force flagship)
M195T Oscar Wilde
A153 Methane
+ Remedian, Raegris, Porquatian ships


Story #2206

Work Out
Wolkapi's plan goes into action.

Story #2205

Against Him
Tiger shows off again.


TPM-3 makes delayed entry into service, early TPM-4 details revealed

The third generation TPM-3 has finally made it's entry into service after software and engine problems delayed a planned entry into service in the early Summer. The first production facility has now moved over to the TPM-3 and missile loads have gone out to a number of ships. Unlike the TPM-1 to TPM-2 change TPM-3 is compatible with TPM-2 launchers though is 80% smaller. Future purpose designed storage facilities and VLS batteries will thus potentially have larger potential capacities. However the DDS have said that TPM-2 will remain in service until about 2120 at least due to the huge stockpile.

TPM-3 as well as being smaller has a triple warhead option, improved stealth and signal management including a low-emission ion engine. Production will switch fully over to TPM-3 by the end of 2116.

Also announced is the next generation TPM-4 (though this was mentioned in the AABS announcement yesterday). Not much is yet known about the fourth generation missile except that it will have a simplified and optimised design and structure to help with rapid "just in time" manufacture.


DDS to invest in static defence

The DDS are to invest in static defence positions in 6 star systems and 3 key interstellar positions along space lanes in a 1.7 billion zark programme to run over the next 4 years. Automated sensor grids will be built along with improved defence systems on existing orbital facilities. Communications and control systems will also be upgraded.

DDS Research would also get funding for the AABS (Automatic Arsenal Battle Station), these are self-contained missile bases on asteroids (presumably towed to strategic locations) which as well as sensor, communications and weapon emplacements include full facilities to mine raw materials and manufacture their own TPMs on demand. AABSs could be fully autonomous only needing the occasional inspection or specialist maintenance. It is thought the simplified TPM-4 design could lend itself to rapid manufacture on demand in an AABS, maybe even within a few seconds.

Director of Operations Torus said that strong defences would mean that ships could be released for more pro-active duties elsewhere. She also said that DDS Space Force would be reorganised next year with a whole new ORBAT.


Story #2204

Lizard Boy Lover
Krusty's undercover mission into the Clone embassy does not go to plan.

Story #2203

March Of The Has-Beens
Kalifei and Tiger are re-united.


GHQ Metro to open new branch and extension early next year

The Ren's Bay branch of the GHQ Metro on Helnikan Island, Proxima 5 will begin operation early next year following the completion of extensive testing of the short branch line and integration with the main line through to the rest of GHQ. Freight trains from West Quays will begin immediately with East Quays also becoming operational soon afterwards.

Work on the western line through to the Quentin Hills Observatory has also been completed and fitting out and testing of the latest extension will soon begin. This length of line is also expected to become operational next year, by late Spring. The next extension planned to become operational in 2117 will be to Henkly Point and the branch to Rotos Island.


Utrek war with Mantae restarted?

The Urlik Utrek Federation waged a very costly war against the invading Mantae for several years, at times DDS observers were alarmed at Utrek losses and the prospect of the Utrek collapsing (enemies though the Utrek are they are a known quantity unlike the Mantae). The Utrek were so short of ships at one stage that they even bought back obsolete Kalahati Tuuls from some export customers.

The war ended after the Mantae were pushed back out of Utrek territory (at one stage the Mantae were only 9 light years from the Utrek capital world) but some intelligence indicates that the Mantae have gone on the attack again. Around 30 Utrek ships have been redeployed from the border with the DDS according to ISSF, a Dino merchant has also reported detecting weapons fire from near the Utrek-Mantae border.


DDS gain export order for NDAA

The DDS have won an export order for its NDAA (A-12) light strike aircraft. Helinox has ordered 42 of the type for its air force for policing and attack training duties. Other Eritran members are also said to be interested in the type as they seek to round out their armed forces after a focus on their space fleets. This is not the first export order for the type but hopefully will be the first that actually results in a sale. Sirikwan did trial 3 of the aircraft for a few months but in the end did not buy it. The Voth also placed an order but also changed their minds later.

Seventy eight NDAAs currently serve with the DDS Terrestrial Force (Air Corps) with 16 more on order though this batch may be delayed to speed up delivery to Helinox. The DDS are currently looking into an upgrade package for their fleet which would include improved stealth, communications and ECM.


Other Fleet News (16/11/15)

The Dinos have built 2 more Dinomark XTs for their own service, just 1 remains to be built now (but won't be built until next year). Production continues for the DTA and export.

Sirikwan have received 2 more refurbished Nerval TYB transports from the Clones completing a fleet of 9.

The Raegris have received their first KA-1 Norenka carrier (a.k.a. an Olympus 23A though with some local modifications).

Haylei have received a Pentekonter Protector 351HA.


Story #2202

Ready To Pounce
Krusty has a new SS-CINT mission.

Story #2201

Danger Zone
Wolkapi sees a new threat to his power.


Dinos to upgrade/refurbish oldest tanks

The Dino Army is to upgrade and refurbish around 300 of its oldest tanks, former HCS T-88++s. These tanks were delivered in large numbers around 10 years ago and allowed the replacement of legacy Dino tanks like the Type F. Around 800 are in service (with 200 kept serviceable in a reserve). The Dinos also have around 700 T-55Z/ZDMs with more in production.

Three hundred T-88++s will receive software and communications updates and reconditioned engines and power trains. The work will be carried out over the next 2 years.


DDS will keep to same exercise schedule for 2116

The DDS are to keep to the same exercise schedule next year as for 2115. There will be 5 exercises in 2116.
  • Ground Shock 2116 in March (ground attack, amphibious assault)
  • Info Affairs 2116 in May (special forces and cyber warfare)
  • Atomic Fist 2116 in July (strategic attack)
  • Civilian Partnership 2116 in September (humanitarian relief and UNP co-operation)
  • Northern Project 2116 in December (full spectrum "mock" war)
The 2115 edition of Northern Project has meanwhile been set for early next month and will be the final set-piece of the year for the DDS before the Christmas break. DDS forces will engage in a mock war with PorquatianRemedian and Raegris assets and the exercise will include space and land combat exercises.


Anti-UNP terrorists launch attacks on Charlotte

Associate UNP member Charlotte in the Rim Worlds has been engaged in talks with the UNP for full membership (something the DDS are very keen on). However not everyone is keen on joining the UNP it seems after a terrorist group which calls themselves the Charlotte Truth System (CTS) has launched attacks on UNP and DDS offices and has called for Charlotte to withdraw fully from the UNP never mind become a full member.

Three attacks have been claimed by the CTS so far, a UNP liaison office in the capital was fire bombed followed by a residence used by a UNP official. No one was hurt in the incidents. More seriously a DDS liaison officer working with the Charlotte military was murdered by the CTS outside of his home.

The Charlotte law enforcement authorities have launched a planet wide hunt for the CTS. It is thought an ISSF active service unit will be sent to Charlotte to assist.


Vosun-Voth buy Clone warships

The Vosun-Voth Star Empire, rather misnamed these days seeing as the Voth have split to gain freedom and the rest is a virtual vassal state of the Bolitic Confederacy, have bought 4 Shark SK-E frigates as part of their fleet rebuilding efforts.

As well as indigenous warships the VVSE has also a collection of old Bolitic and Tarbot ships but the Sharks will be their most modern. They will be integrated into the joint VVSE-Bolitic Military Command by the Bolitic who will also perform some upgrades including info-weapons. It is understood that the VVSE (and Bolitic) are part paying for the ships with a transfer of info-warfare technology to the Clones.


Knobhead wants a more phased shut down of DDS CIty

Following a debate in the DDS Politburo on The Shiner's plan to sell off DDS City the DDS Commander Knobhead has said he agrees with the plan in principle though wants the timeline of the plan extended, perhaps to 10 or 12 years.

Although he sees the benefits of selling off DDS City and moving facilities elsewhere (raising an estimated 100 billion zarks) he is wary of large scale disruption due to the uncertain astralpolitical situation. He has asked The Shiner for a modified plan which will be debated next month.


UV219 : Prisoner Of The ABBOs

  • Don't Start Him Off! - Ronald begins another of his epic stories.
  • To Rescue A Hero - Ronald recounts back when he was a prisoner of the ABBOs.
  • Miles In The Air - Ronald makes plans to destroy the ABBOs from within.
  • Computer Crime - Ronald launches his attack on the ABBO Core.
  • Taking Their Toll - GBH's rescue attempt begins.
  • A Younger Group - Can the Dinos escape the ABBOs?
  • The Journey Home - Ronald is forced to take drastic action.
  • To Not Speak - Ronald imagines a world where MBH is in charge.


Story #2198

To Not Speak
Ronald imagines a world where MBH is in charge.


Quasar to get worm drive next year in major upgrade

The Quasar 15A bomber fleet is seen by the DDS as its "flagship" fleet due to their prestige and C3 functions though arn't the most powerful ships in the fleet anymore. One major weakness of the ships now is the lack of worm drive but that will be finally addressed in the Quasar Major System Upgrade 2116 (Quasar MSU16) programme set for next year. The upgrade will include:
  • W1A wormdrive
  • Z7 cannon
  • Mine laying system similar to Raegris Quasars
  • Attack missile load increased to 48 thanks to internal changes
  • TPM load boosted by VLS cells (probably increased to 96)
  • New SAS-NG attack suite
  • New computer system
  • Various other enhancements


Fleet News 02/11/15

S252 Osiris is the second Olympus Balista 23M to enter service.

M209 Conflict is the latest Corkscrew 51A to enter service.

Isometric 41As M102 Silurian and M115 Permian have received worm drive, just 1 Isometric remains to be updated.


Story #2197

The Journey Home
Ronald is forced to take drastic action.


The Shiner unveils plan to sell off and close DDS City

Although no longer the GHQ DDS City near Hexian City on Proxima 7 is still the centre of the DDS universe with around 60% of all staff working across the sprawling acres of offices, factories and barracks. However with land prices at a premium on Proxima 7 The Shiner has revealed a plan to close DDS City and sell off the land which could raise over 100 billion zarks!

Under the plan, which has been presented to the DDS Politburo, the DDS would move personnel to a mixture of new sites on P7 (in much cheaper areas such as near Yavilanda) or other worlds. Even with the cost of relocation and purchasing new land and building replacement facilities The Shiner says that the DDS would reap a huge benefit and the money can help afford large scale capital investment and fleet building over the next decade and beyond.

Only Central Air Force Base and the army barracks would remain of DDS City as these are needed for the defence of Hexian City. The plan will be debated in the DDS Politburo soon. The decision will be Knobhead's though. Unlike Firefly who loathed DDS City its not known if Knobhead would be as keen to see the old HQ go, as there would be a lot of disruption.


Kelsan receives upgrade

The Kelsan KS bomber will receive an upgrade over the next few months the Clone Defence Forces have announced. The Kelsan is a simple but reliable and adaptable platform and will receive a number of sensor and tactical system updates including a new ECM sub-system and improved communications.

The Sigint role was one which it was rumoured the Kelsan could also perform (along with strike and mine laying) and this has been confirmed by the integration of an improved electronics package and main databus update.

The Clones do not usually announce upgrades to their space ships but it is thought an exception has been made in the Kelsan's case for propaganda reasons.


Story #2196

A Younger Group
Can the Dinos escape the ABBOs?


Story #2195

Taking Their Toll
GBH's rescue attempt begins.


New Vosun to form space fleet

The newest member of the DTA has formed a space fleet and it will be integrated into the DTA Space Command. The Dinos will donate 4 second-hand Dinomark XTs to the Vosunites to get them started though its not known when these will arrive or what standard they will be.

New Vosun has reorganised its land forces too and formed an elite expeditionary brigade which will take part in joint-DTA operations. Equipment has been donated by the Dinos for this too though will mostly be part of the Dinos huge stockpile of ex-HCS vehicles and weapons.

Story #2194

Computer Crime
Ronald launches his attack on the ABBO Core.


Mediterranean Sea 2115 Update A

Although the Mediterranean Sea 43G has only recently been created out of the 3 sub-classes of the Type 43 (the old Terran Sea family) there are differences due to some technologies not being ready when the unification took place - which also took an extended period of time. The fleet will receive an update over the next few months to rectify this and also to roll out some other upgrades.
  • Ships with Z6 to receive Z7 cannons
  • Improved passive sensor suite
  • New astral-navigation system
  • Improved facilities for special forces
  • Various other updates and bugfixes


Clones commit to third generation Falcon by 2125

Since the introduction of the second generation K45C/K Falcon the Clone Air Force has been tight lipped on what the third generation may look like. It is thought the Clones have looked at clean sheet designs and unmanned fighters however they have decided to continue with the Falcon platform.

The K45M will enter service sometime between 2123 and 2125 and will replace the remaining K40 fleet by the time it becomes life expired by 2130. There are as yet no technical details for the K45M though it may be optionally manned, have a quick-change modular mission facility, and have a synthetic display with augmented reality cockpit canopy (though this could arrive on the K45C during a mid-production refresh).


Other Fleet News (17/10/15)

The Dinos have accepted their third Extender-EDA oiler into service.

The Voth have received 2 Dinomark XTs.

The Clones have received 2 Freighter TYA transports into service.

Vontapi have received a sixth Pentekonter Protector 216-V1.


Ronald denies he wants to be Emperor again

"I've been Emperor twice, i don't want to go for the hat trick." Ronald told reporters after a meeting of the Dino Senate. After Ronald said the Dino political system needed to change there was speculation that he wanted to bring the Empire back and rule again but he has denied both of these.

One problem for Ronald is that a system that gives one man total power could end up with MBH being that "man". MBH interestingly does not want to be Emperor again either saying that the present system (which gives himself and Ronald defacto power) is fine.


Story #2193

Miles In The Air
Ronald makes plans to destroy the ABBOs from within.

Story #2192

To Rescue A Hero
Ronald recounts back when he was a prisoner of the ABBOs.

Story #2191

Don't Start Him Off!
Ronald begins another of his epic stories.

Ronald considers the return of empire

Ronald is said to have become discontent with the democracy of the Dino Republic which he instigated a number of years ago. Since then various tinkering has been attempted, changing from 2 consuls to 1 who serve a 2 year period of office.

The problem with the republic is that the consul has very little real power as so much is tied up still with Ronald and MBH. The current consul Jimmy officially is senior to the other 2 but in reality has little say in what actually happens. This is causing, some feel, stagnation and paralysis in the Dino political system.

Ronald is now considering options for change, they could even include a return to empire and the crowning of a new emperor.


Clone Army faces up to budget squeeze

As the largest component of the Clone Defence Forces the Clone Army generally feels any budget strain more than the other services and hence will feel the effect of the 15 billion zark plus programme to buy Dino worm drives and fully upgrade the Soulaki fleet.

The Clone Army say they will not cut any troops or equipment (on top of existing planned "downsizing") but that new weapon procurement will be slowed down. J89FSU and J55ZDM2 production has been slowed to minimum rate and will likely remain this way until 2119. Tapir production has also slowed though was not at a high rate anyway due to delays in the development in the next generation J5HD model. Artillery will take a hit though. The Clones have nearly 60000 J107 self-propelled guns on their books though only a fifth are in service, it it likely nearly 20000 will be removed from inventory and sold for scrap (the condition of many of these is rather poor as they have been stored in the open air since the Clone Wars).


Clones stage large CSM test

It is likely to be just a coincidence coming days after the LRM test but the Clones have held a test of its Clone Space Missile, the largest to date including 5 missiles. Three missiles were launched from silos on Ailier City, one from the trials submarine CNSS Warhammer and one from a mobile launcher near Micom. All missiles entered space mode and then hit an asteroid 2.1 light years from Cloneworld a few hours later.

The Clones say none of the missiles were armed and all hit their target within "acceptable parameters". It has been claimed the target was programmed into all missiles seconds before launch which is impressive if true. Its known that the CSM has received a software upgrade this Summer and that must therefore include a previously rumoured "hot-targetting" facility.

The SeaCSM missile launched was a prototype, it is now hoped the missile will be declared operational by next year though the Walrus class submarines which will normally carry SeaGale SLBMs and SeaCSM are not due to enter service from 2118.


Fleet News 04/10/15

  • S127 Waterwitch is the latest Warrior 16A to enter service.
  • H143 Kelvin is the latest Kinetic 35C.
  • M113 Precambrian and K106 Tiberius have been fitted with worm drive.

UV218 : We're On Patrol

  • Contender - Crickson's team close in on the Brotherhood of the Forgotton.
  • Ultra Voodoo Assault - Can the Acheron cult kill Ronald?
  • Navy Boyz - Windy joins a ship from the newly absorbed former UNSP.
  • I'm Bored Of All This - The mission gets real.
  • Difficult Run - The crew of Indigo 4 discover the enemy base.
  • Strap On - The DDS are prepared to take extreme measures.
  • Getting Late - Can Windy and the crew of Indigo 4 survive... and save the UNP/Bolitic trade deal?


DDS keep UNP-Bolitic trade deal hush hush

The UNP and Bolitic Confederacy have just signed a trade deal but the UNP (and the DDS) are not saying much about it. Indeed they have almost suppressed the news, even trying to pretend that the DDS ship that conveyed the UNP trade team to Castarian had been elsewhere.

The reason is not so much the sensitivity of trade with a former enemy, that happens all the time (though maybe not usually so quickly after the last conflct). Analysts say the real reason is that the DDS do not want the precarious state of the Bolitic to become common knowledge. Bolitic watchers say the Confederacy is in the midst of an economic crisis and Emperor Melson's position has been greatly weakened. Not just that but the sad fact for the Bolitic is that they have been relegated to being a second-rate power and many Barons refuse to accept it.

The fear is that Melson could be toppled and a pro-war faction seize power and decide to launch an all-out attack on the DDS and Dinos. The Bolitic would lose but the DDS and Dinos would both be badly affected.


Story #2187

Getting Late
Can Windy and the crew of Indigo 4 survive... and save the UNP/Bolitic trade deal?

Story #2186

Strap On
The DDS are prepared to take extreme measures.

Story #2185

Difficult Run
The crew of Indigo 4 discover the enemy base.


Major LRM test held

A major test of the DDS' astral missile system the LRM-20 has been held. A missile was launched using the Bright Spark launching system from a launchpad on Proxima 7 which then successfully deployed the attack stage. No hyperspace drive has yet been fitted to the space stage though it did perform a 3 hour sub-light test flight before being recovered by a DDS ship.

The space stage hyperspace ability was tested earlier in the year, the DDS won't say how fast it can go but it is thought at least 450c due to the engine fitted. The DDS are aiming for a full test with a hyperspace enabled space stage early next year and a full mission test (one that ends with a bang!) before the end of 2116. The DDS has now settled on a deployment date of 2117.


Worm drive deal criticised by Marcus

The Emperor of the "eastern" part of the Clone Star Empire, Marcus, has criticised the decision to spend 10 billion zarks on Dino worm drives. "We are talking about a third of a billion zarks per drive, why is no one questioning this price?" he said at a media briefing on Austini 55. "The DDS recently revealed that building a worm drive costs around 70 million zarks, so why are we paying nearly 5 times as much?"

A Clone Space Navy spokesclone on Cloneworld later said that the price included engineering and integration support as well as 10 years of technical help though did acknowledge that the price had been set by the Dinos.

A former HCS general, Ramedok who is noted for his comments on military procurement, said that the Clones had been forced to massively overpay. "We desperately need ships with worm drive, the Dinos knew that and also knew we would pay it. And you know what, it will be worth it. Thirty worm drive equipped Soulakis will be a formidable force."

Many weapon programmes have been cut back and delayed however Ramedok said this was not that important in the long run. "A few less jet fighters or navy carriers is a shame but the Soulakis are strategically much more important. CSM will also not be affected by this and as Soulaki SLM will be able to carry CSM-S it will be a huge boost to our offensive might."


Clone worm drive deal signed

The Clones have bought 30 W1A wormdrives from the Dinos for 10 billion zarks, the deal being finalised today on Dino-Land. As part of the deal the Dinos will help with the worm telemetry for the Soulaki battlecruiser and the worm drives will form the part of (what is now) a 15 billion zark and unification of the Soulaki SL, SLB and SLBK into the new Soulaki SLM standard.

The upgrade will also see a full refurbishment and zero-houring of the hull as well as weapon and sensor upgrades. The 30 strong Soulaki SLM will form the core of the Clone fleet from 2120 until the 2140s.

The upgrade programme will begin in 2117 a Clone source said, next year an engineering training worm drive test bed will be delivered by the Dinos who will also help with training and integration.

The upgrade programme is one of the most expensive in the history of the Clone armed forces and has forced delays, cut backs and cancellations on at least a dozen other weapon programmes.


Story #2184

I'm Bored Of All This
The mission gets real.

Story #2183

Navy Boyz
Windy joins a ship from the newly absorbed former UNSP.


DDS sell ships to Durant 7

Durant 7 have become the latest DDS customers after placing an order for transports and shuttles. Durant are looking to recapitalise their support fleet which is said to be a mixture of types (all ancient). Combat ships may follow later in the decade.

Durant have ordered 2 Depender 753D7 combat support ships, 3 Extender 126D7 transport/oilers and 5 Coril ST-75D7 shuttles. Deliveries are expected to begin in 2117.


Other Fleet News (17/09/15)

The Dinos have accepted 2 more Dinomark XTs into service.

New Arit has received its 2 final Shark SKH-EA frigates.

Sirikwan has accepted its second Arutan combat support ship into service. The 2 Relan class ships which did fulfill this role before have both been retired.

The Clones have built a new Cosmos CS cruiser.

Porquat 640 has built its 17th and final Quagan 665 frigate. The 5 older Quagan 658s will now be rebuilt and merged into the 665 class.

Haylei has received a Pentekonter Protector 351HA.

Sear N7 have received an Extender 127 oiler.


New DDS breed more relaxed on Clone worm drives

When the Dinos agreed a deal to sell worm drives to the Clone Star Empire the immediate DDS response by senior figures was negative. However the new rising generation of DDS officers who have come to prominance under the rule of Knobhead show a much more relaxed approach to the Clones with some including Akbar and Caratore approving of the sale.

The reason is because the Clone Wars are receding into the past with fewer DDS personnel having experience of the conflict. Young highflyers like ISSF Chief Stella for example were in their teens when the Clone Wars ended and so they do not regard the Clones with the same suspicion and sometimes hostility of veterens of the war.

Caratore (who joined the DDS Academy 2 months after the Clone Wars ended) has said that a stronger Clone Star Empire is in the DDS' best interests. "As long as we all respect each other's territory and soverignty then i see no reason why a stronger Clone fleet is a bad thing." It is thought that some regard the Clones as being a vital potential ally in any future conflict with the Tarbotians.


Worm drive purchase will affect other weapon programmes

The expensive purchase of worm drive by the Clones from the Dinos will affect a number of weapon programmes the Clone Defence Forces have acknowledged. However they say that a worm drive equipped Soulaki fleet will be a massive benefit to the Clone Star Empire and will be worth "pain" elsewhere.

The Molentic Tuul new build MTM2 programme will likely be delayed for a couple of years and Cosmos CS/CS production will be halted or delayed. The air force will also see its new build procurement budget cut though they say that this will just mean production of new types like the K45C is slowed down and not stopped. The navy will also see its next carriers delayed probably until the 2120s.


UV217 : Quarz : The End

  • Annoying Wooden Twat - Redjec and Windy come face to face.
  • Falling Of Tears - Windy wonders if Redjec was right.
  • Need A High Score - The Dino SS launches a crackdown on Acheron cultists.
  • Voodoo Attack! - The Brotherhood of the Forgotton get the material they need.
  • Just Too Many Words - Ronald is targeted by the cult.
  • Can't Be Trusted - The Brotherhood of the Forgotton begin to control Ronald.
  • Third In Line - Crickson and company are given a new secret mission.


Story #2182

Ultra Voodoo Assault
Can the Acheron cult kill Ronald?

Story #2181

A Contender
Crickson's team close in on the Brotherhood of the Forgotton.

Clones to buy worm drives

The Clones are currently negotiating with the Dinos in a massive deal to buy W1A worm drives. A 10 billion zark deal (paid over 3 years) will see 30 worm drives delivered as well as help on integration, engineering and geometry development. It is thought the Clones will upgrade their Soulaki battlecruiser fleet.

The purchase will be controversial with Dino Army and DDS elements opposed to the spread of the technology to the Clones. Some Clone Defence Force elements are also against the deal as it will take money from other programs, possibly including the new build Molentic Tuul MTM2 which may be pushed back to 2120.


Clones to upgrade key communication nodes

The Clone Star Empire communication network has been in a poor shape for over 10 years with a series of emergency crash programs, commercial tie-ins and bodges helping keep the network running. However while the network can still cope in peacetime a recent exercise near Woloron 12 saw the CDF network collapse in that area.

The Clone economy has improved and now finally the money appears to be available for some proper upgrades. Six core communication links will be installed and will run alongside the existing links. Core parts of the CSE will see a 300% increase in bandwidth as well as improved speeds. The links will be up and running by 2118. However to demonstrate how data is always increasing even with the upgrades more bandwidth will probably be needed by 2123-5!


DDS preparing "generation 1.5" worm drive

The DDS are currently testing their first major development of worm drive technology which they originally obtained from the Dinos in return for transphasic technologies. Dozens of Electron W1A worm drives are in service and the power boosted W1AA for larger ships is also now being rolled out.

The Election W1B will see a speed increase (said to be on average 300-400ec depending on ship geometry) as well as more efficient power use and improved maintenance. The first W1Bs could be rolled out to ships in mid-2116.


DDS develop Provider kit to enable mass personnel transfer

The DDS have developed a quick to fit modification kit for the Provider 71A transport for large scale personnel transfer. The kit involves installing seating, sanitary and recreational facilities and can turn the Provider into a passenger transport capable of moving up to a 1000 people. The kit can be installed in less than 24 hours.

This has been bought in for troop transport which is an area the DDS are still lacking in. The DDS have extensive amphibious warfare facilities now but have lacked the ability to move troops and personnel on a large scale fast. Up to 10 kits will be bought with at least 1 Provider permanently fitted.


Dinos to increase size of Civilian Reserve

As well as a fleet of over 200 Dinomark XTs in Dino Army, SS and government support services the Dinos also have a fleet of ex-military older XTs in the Civilian Reserve. These are sold at a discount on the proviso that they are kept available for military service and in a state where they can be restored to a full military state very quickly.

At the moment there are 173 XTs in the Civilian Reserve but the Dino Senate has agreed funding to raise this to 250 as older XTs are replaced by the new generation Dinomark LM from next year. The Dinos will also continue to build a small number of water capable XTs over the next few years as a water capable LM is not planned until the 2120s.


Fleet News 01/09/15

  • L158 South America is the first of 2 extra Oceania 63A landing ships being bought under a joint-ownership contract with the UNP, they will be part of ther DDS Amphibious Squadron but their first priority will be UNP humanitarian missions.
  • A121 Jumbo is the latest (and perhaps final) Provider 71A transport to be built for the DDS.
  • M110 Cryptozoic and M111 Proterzoic Isometric 41As have both received worm drive.


Story #2177

Third In Line
Crickson and company are given a new secret mission.

Story #2176

Can't Be Trusted
The Brotherhood of the Forgotton begin to control Ronald.

Dinomark explodes at Central AFB

A Dinomark XT is understood to have exploded just after take off on a mission from Central AFB (the main Dino Army base) near Dino-Town. It is not known what mission the Dinomark was on or who was aboard though the SS have bought a right security cordon around the area which indicates there were VIPs aboard.

The cause of the explosion is unknown, Dinomark XTs are very proven and safe technology so the explosion being caused by a failure or accident is highly unlikely. The fusion reactor was not breached so no radiation was released however a decontamination zone has been set up for other toxins.


Civilian Partnership 2115

The latest edition of the DDS' humanitarian and disaster relief exercise is due to begin in early September. This year (and maybe topically) the exercise will involve civilian evacuation and relief during a war. The exercise will be based around the Remedian planet of Mila with Remedian ships acting as an "enemy" (though there will be no combat exercises but the Remedians will "harass").

The exercise will involve evacuation, resettlement in a temporary camp and relief delivery. Around 3000 volunteers from Remedian and Terran relief agencies will act as the displaced civilians. Remedian agencies will also take part (along with the UNP) to train in interoperability. The ships involved will be:

L151 Oceania (flagship)
L157 Central America
S223 Vesuvius
M108 Holocene
M130 Formiddable
K151 Fighting Falcon
K159 Goshawk
K161 Raptor
A113 Crate
A117 Hercules
A166 Ethanol

Remedian fleet:

H203 Remedia Prime II (flagship)
H204 Mila II
M204R Citix of Remedia


CAF want funding for more COIN regiments

The Clone Air Force is pressing for more funding to afford 6 more COIN regiments. They are arguing that current COIN resources are spread too thinly with the size of the empire as it is and the number of insurgencies (at least 8) currently ongoing.

If the CAF get their way then around 200 more aircraft will be needed. Some K85s can be reactivated from the reserve though the rest will need to be new build K85s though the hybrid powered K58 light strike aircraft currently in development may also have a role.


Story #2175

Just Too Many Words
Ronald is targeted by the cult.


Story #2174

Voodoo Attack!
The Brotherhood of the Forgotton get the material they need.


Story #2173

Need A High Score
The Dino SS launches a crackdown on Acheron cultists.

Alpha Centauri 93A to receive final major overhaul

The 2 Alpha Centauri 93A training ships (ex-Bolitic Helwin cruisers) are due to stay in service until 2120 but were already old when they entered DDS service (they may be the oldest warships in DDS service though the exact origins are still not sure). The DDS will give the 2 ships a major Tier 2 overhaul later this year which will likely be the final one before withdrawal.

The overhaul will include a full refit and replacement of worn parts. Navigational and communications systems will also be upgraded. The docking bay will also be reworked and enlarged so the ships can accept Coril shuttles more easily (at the moment it is a bit of a squeeze).


Rome 2115 Update A

The Rome 46A fleet is to receive a major update over the next few months. Rome 2115 Update A will be a Tier 2 upgrade so will include major system enhancements (ILUs and MULEs are Tier 1s and are virtual rebuilds). The major change will be the long expected replacement of the failed Ion Recycle Scoop on the top of the ship (which is supposed to have increased range by drawing in astral gases but has not proven to work anywhere near as well as hoped) with a Z7 turret.

Other changes include modifications to the docking bay to improve small ship handling, fitting for worm drive (the actual drives will follow at a later stage but all the power and navigational systems will be fitted), an 8 cell TPM-VLS (increasing total missile load to 24) and various updates and upgrades to tactical, navigational and power systems.

The flagship SS Cicero and the reserve flag SS Caesar will also receive communications and security upgrades.


Olympus Balista impresses in trials

The first Olympus Balista 23M missile/UCV carrier, S251 Anubis, has impressed in its first deployment joining the DDS fleet at Aldebra. The Balista is proving to be a very flexible ship, its large docking bay proving highly useful in a search of one of Aldebra's moons for left over Argon equipment.

Anubis also took part in a small exercise using live rounds and it pounded a target "fleet" with no less than 30 TPM-2s fired in just a few seconds. Anubis has now returned to Solaris for some modifications to fix a few teething problems.


DDS order 2 more Falcon 47Ws

The DDS have ordered 2 more Falcon 47W (underwater capable Dinomark XTs) from the Dinos. The Dinos are phasing the XT out of production with domestic production being replaced by the new Dinomark LM next year, XT production will continue for export orders but it is thought the Dinos want to cease production entirely by 2118 hence the DDS' decision to place an order now before available slots are taken up.

The 2 47Ws will perform patrol duties and ISSF mission support. Delivery dates have yet to be decided.


DDS to adopt new uniform

The DDS will introduce a new uniform over the next few months. It will include a new standard camouflage pattern, improved personal protection, built in biometric monitoring systems and emergency tracking systems. The new standard DDS headwear will also include built in communications.

DDS Commander Knobhead also wants the Darli laser rifle to become the standard DDS personal firearm within the next 24 months. SMA will ramp up production at 2 new facilities on Sanger Alpha and Proxima 5.


New Vosun forms space fleet

The newest DTA member New Vosun has formed a space fleet which will form part of the unified DTA military command. With resources very tight the New Vosun Fleet is not expected to have any ships for a while but Vosunites have begun training alongside other DTA members (except the Voth with whom there is still friction).

The Dinos may donate some ex-Dino Army Dinomark XTs to the new fleet though this may wait until later in the year when some crews may be available.


Other Fleet News (15/08/15)

  • The Dinos have accepted into service the first Dinomark AM attack cruiser.
  • Sirikwan have accepted the first MRCSS combat support ship (based on the Friendship platform). It has been called the Arutan.
  • Yeng has received its first 15 Ferret UCVs.
  • The Clones have built 2 Cosmos CS.
  • Haylei has received 2 Olympus-E carriers.
  • Molab (FES Pool) has received its 6th and final Pentekonter 105M minesweeper.

New light patrol craft to be called the Mariner 56A

The new light patrol craft currently being designed to replace the legacy USP fleet will be known as the Mariner 56A class. The ships will be built by the DDS (or by the Raegris), Consolidated Spacecraft and SENECA.

The Mariner 56A will have a mission module capability so a single fleet can cover the varied roles of 3 ships in the legacy fleet. The DDS say at least 3 current customers have shown interest in an export version though none will be available until the end of the decade.


Malgar 419 become new DDS customer

Malgar 419, one of the planets on the fringe of the Rim Worlds, has placed an order for DDS warships. In a 5 billion zarks deal 3 Pentekonter Protector 257M and 6 Coril ST-75M shuttles will be bought along with a Depender 752M combat support ship.

Malgar will also host a DDS intelligence gathering base and allow refuelling and repairs of DDS ships.


New Browning version announced

The Clone Air Force has announced a new version of its COIN backbone aircraft the K85 Browning. The K85NTM will be the last version of the third generation NT series before the introduction of the all-electric QA in the next decade. Around 190 NTMs will be built over the next few years replacing older aircraft.

The NTM includes an improved datalinking facility and battlespace integration with unmanned aerial assets. The laser designator has been improved and the weapon operator's console redesigned. The NTM also has an improved more efficient and sonically quieter propeller which has been designed for the QA but its been decided to use it on the NTM (and maybe retrofitted to other NTs). Production will switch to NTM once the current batch of NIKs has been completed later in the year.


SS fully mobilised on Dino-Land to combat Acheron

The SS has been fully mobilised on Dino-Land on the direct orders of Ronald and a lock-down has been ordered in a number of districts in the planet's major cities. It is rumoured that an Acheron cult (adherants of the ancient ways who wish to restore the Acheron culture) tried to seize a nuclear power station but were put down by SS-D special forces.

Ronald has ordered an arrest of all Acheron cultists, a dozen temples have been raided by the SS and there have been dozens of arrests. The cult was banned for a long time though the ban was lifted a few years ago, it is thought the ban will be restored following a number of incidents in recent months.


Torus pays tribute (of a kind) to Quarz

Director of Operations Torus has paid tribute to Quarz, who was murdered by Redjec yesterday at DDS City. "Quarz was a... unique individual." she said at DDS GHQ, "Maybe Quarz's career was not as conventional as some but his achievements cannot be denied." Though Torus did not list any.

The ISSF are hunting for Redjec but Director Stella admitted that they have no leads. Redjec possesses advanced teleport technology and other alien technlogy. It is said he was able to disable both directed energy and kinetic weapons at DDS City using a field of an unknown type.


Quarz murdered by Redjec

Captain Quarz was kidnapped by person unknown some months ago, a search turning up no leads until lately. According to ISSF chief Stella the sensational discovery that Redjec was alive and had kidnapped Quarz was uncovered only a few weeks ago after DNA was found at a crime scene.

Redjec had been presumed killed in the explosion that destroyed SS Stoke City but it is thought he faked his death. He is considered highly dangerous by the DDS and possesses highly advanced technology.

Redjec bought Quarz to DDS City on Proxima 7 and demanded to face Windy, who assumed like everyone else Redjec would try and kill him. In fact Redjec shot Quarz dead in front of Windy then teleported away. Quarz will be buried with all military honours in a few days. The search for Redjec continues.

UV216 : Target : Redjec

  • A New Broom - Windy moves to stop the Starbotians selling TPM secrets.
  • Rodak : Creature Of Evil - Krusty's ship comes under attack.
  • Krusty Attacks! - Krusty goes into the attack against the beast.
  • Rodak III - Why has Krusty become so reckless?
  • The Hunt Renewed - The hunt begins for Redjec.
  • Under The Slash - The Onion comes face to face with Redjec.
  • Shiny Suits - Redjec continues his story.


Story #2172

Falling Of Tears
Windy wonders if Redjec was right.

Story #2171

Annoying Wooden Twat
Redjec and Windy come face to face.

DDS Astro Combat Brigade formed

A new arm of the DDS has been formed with a dedicated "space marines" arm added to DDS Space Forces. The Astro Combat Brigade will incorporate and replace the existing Space Prowler units. All DDS ships will carry detachments of ACB marines though some will need modifications for accommodation. A larger force will also remain on standby.

The ACB will be about 5000 strong by 2118 though is only 900 strong at inception.

ZMax test fired for first time

The massive ZMax cannon, core to the Windscorpion 18A monitor ship, has been test fired for the first time at a purpose built rig on an asteroid just outside the Solaris system. The cannon successfully ignited though full beam was aborted on the first attempt due to anomalies in the targeting array.

The second shot was fully successful and utterly destroyed a small target. The beam was only 5% of the full potential, at 100% the weapon could destroy a small asteroid. A series of test firings will take place over the next 6 months.


Story #2167

Shiny Suits
Redjec continues his story.

DDS issue specification for New Light Patrol Craft

The DDS is in a hurry for its Type 56A New Light Patrol Craft to replace the transferred USP patrol craft, it has to design and build 70 of them by 2120! Most of the legacy USP craft are due to become life expired by the end of the decade with some needing replacement by 2118. The DDS are aiming to have the Type 56A enter testing by 2117 with a entry into service by the end of the year. Commercial manufacturers will be needed to build the bulk of the fleet.

The Type 56A specification includes the following:
  • Speed of 450-500c, fitted for worm drive (hopefully to be fitted from new)
  • Mini version of Z7 cannon, TPM-VLS battery (at least 12 cells)
  • Crew of 18-20
  • Provision for 2 SROPS class or similar light craft


Knobhead secures increase in DDS funding

DDS Commander Knobhead has had his first success in securing an increased funding from the UNP. Part of this is tied up with the transfer of local patrol duties from the USP but there is a real-terms 2.1% increase in funding as well.

The DDS have also sold some more unneeded land from its portfolio raising around 970 million zarks. Selling surplus land has been a boon to the DDS in recent years though the supply of land is reaching the end and cannot be counted on in future to supplement funding from the UNP.

The DDS will continue to invest heavily in its fleet but Terrestrial Forces is also set to receive a substantial increase in its budget.


Fleet News 01/08/15

  • L182 Tireless is the second Triumph 66B strike carrier to be delivered by the Clones.
  • M207 Centurion is the latest Corkscrew 51A to join the fleet.
  • 73 light patrol craft from the UNP Space Patrol have transferred to the DDS (albiet only in name for the time being), these form the Deterrence 53A, Guardian 54A and Sentinal 55A.

DDS to take over more patrol duties from UNP

The DDS have agreed with the UNP to take over local patrol and communication duties from the UNP Space Patrol. The USP was the forerunner of the DDS which once patrolled all UNP space though in the last couple of decades its role has been steadily reduced. The USP will revert to being a mostly administrative organisation.

In a 3 billion zark deal with the UNP the DDS will build a new fleet of around 70 light patrol ships to take over from the largely life expired fleet of USP ships. An adapted commercial type is likely to be chosen and the DDS are currently looking into options.

The existing fleet of 73 USP patrol craft will be transferred to the DDS along with some 11,000 personnel. This transfer process will begin as soon as possible and will be completed by early next year.


Starbot make u-turn on Corkscrew?

The Starbotians are said to be re-considering their decision to cancel their order for Corkscrew Medium Combat Ships after the destruction of their TPM-2 depot which some, including the Starbotian leader K-2, blamed on DDS sabotage.

Military Chief K-1 is said to be urging K-2 to change his mind saying that alternatives like the Clone Shark will be "inferior" and, with the billion zarks already spent on Corkscrew (which will not be returned) taken into account, would not be that much cheaper.


Story #2166

Under The Slash
The Onion comes face to face with Redjec.


Proxima Centauri 42A specifications announced

The Proxima Centauri 42A, which will be an extensively rebuilt and upgraded Starsystem 91X, will use a lot of systems and technology from the Isometric/Freedom platform. This will aid with fleet commonality and reduce maintenance costs as well as produce a highly flexible and powerful Medium Combat Ship.

Speed will remain around 500c due to the legacy structure (though this will be strengthened), a new engine has yet to be decided. Worm drive will be fitted giving a speed of 4900ec. Weapons wise the Proxima Centauri will have a Z7 cannon, TPM-2 launchers though no MRM support due to the different layout (this may come in a later upgrade).

Systems wise the Proxima Centauri will have the same computer systems and data architecture as the Isometric and much the same sensor suite though without iSAS ground attack systems. Work has already begun on the first rebuild of the stored M197T Mira with some systems to be tested on other ships.


Atomic Fist 2115

The delayed (due to the war of course) 2115 edition of Atomic Fist has finally begun. This is the annual DDS strategic weapon exercise, this year it also includes special forces elements after Info Affair 2115 had to be cancelled earlier in the year.

The exercise will run for the next week and will include special forces deployment, reconnaissance, retrieval, defence suppression and simulated attacks. This year there will be no live nuclear fire as the DDS have already tested this for real against the Argon!

The ships involved are :

S101 Quasar (flag)
S102 Photon
S107 Charm Quark
S223 Vesuvius
H142 King
H175 Altair
M135 Fox
K106 Tiberius
K115 Horace
M139T Luyten 726
A155 Pentane
A302E Morse


Full T-62Y production begins

Following a year long in-service trial of around 40 early production examples of the new DDS/SMA tank the T-62Y by units of DDS Terrestrial Forces full production will begin in a few months. The DDS has placed an initial order for 500 of the tanks with Sanger Municipal Arms its in-house land weapon developer and supplier. Eventually the DDS will buy around 2000 of the tanks which will replace the mixture of T-89s and T-55Zs currently in service over the next 5-6 years.

The production model is known as the T-62Y1 and has a number of detail changes thanks to experience with the prototypes which served on Proxima 7 and Liberation. Molab is said to be also interested in the tank though will also take ex-DDS tanks replaced by the new one.


Starbotian elders warn K-2

B-B and K-1 have both warned Starbotian leader K-2 that he is being too erratic with his approach to the DDS. B-B said in a televised interview that there was no proof that the DDS destroyed the TPM-2 depot. It was logical to assume that they may have done it but without proof Starbot was potentially endangering its position without reason.

"The TPM-2s are gone now, we could not use them anyway. Our reaction has been illogical. We have cancelled out order for much needed Corkscrew warships even though we have paid over a billion zarks already and that money will not be refunded. We also have to think about maintenance and updates of our existing DDS ships. We cannot do this if we make the DDS an enemy."

Military chief K-1 also said that Starbot was picking the wrong fights. "The VC rebels are still extant and free. We need to deal with them and not damage our astral standing. We also need replacement warships as fast as possible."

On the latter it has been reported the Starbotians have sent a request to the Clones for details and delivery schedules for its Shark frigate.


DTA decline Starbot membership request for now

The DTA have declined Starbot's application to join its organisation citing the massive astralgraphic distance between itself and the rest of the DTA and the short period since Starbot left the DDS. The DTA has however granted a new "Associate Membership" to Starbot and promises greater co-operation and technology and intelligence sharing.

One result of this, which benefits the DDS, is that the DTA do not want Starbot to share transphasic technologies with other powers. In return the DTA will station a detachment of Dinomarks on Starbot to assist with patrols and defence until Starbot's own fleet can be strengthened. K-2 has agreed to the deal and accepted the associate membership though says that full membership must come "soon".


DDS mark end of Isometric production

With the delivery of the 108th and 109th Isometric family ships to Vontapi production of the type has formally ended after 14 years. The final 2 ships were actually completed earlier this year though delivery was delayed due to the Argon War as the ships would have had to transit to their new home through a war zone untested.

A Vontapi team instead performed acceptance testing of the 2 ships in Raegris space before taking them home after the end of hostilities between the DDS and the Argon.

The DDS marked their departure by escorting the new ships for a time with an Isometric 41A, a Freedom 42B and a Mediterranean Sea 43G at various points across DDS space. The Isometric in some form will remain in service for another 35-40 years at least with the DDS. The rebuilt Starsystems will also incorporate a lot of Isometric technology so some say the story is not quite over yet.


Other Fleet News (15/07/15)

  • The Dinos have built 2 Dinomark XTs.
  • The Clones have introduced the first Horizon HZ unmanned transport into service. The long delayed refurbishment of 25 Freighter TYA transports by the DDS has also begun with the first 3 beginning refurb work at a custom built facility at Liberation. A new commercial grade engine will also be fitted replacing the worn Clone powerplant.
  • Sirikwan have received 2 Pentekonter Protector 350s.
  • Vontapi have received 2 Isometric 160-V1s, the final Isometric ships to be built by the DDS/Raegris.


Clones order more Rectoid ships

The Clones have ordered 8 more Mekit "Mushroom" ships from the Rectoids. These will be a developed version of the current Mekit MK4A ships of which are in service (with 2 more in testing it is reported).

The second batch of Mekits, to be known of Mekit MK4Y will have enhanced weapon packages (no more details were forthcoming) as well as better integration between Rectoid and Clone sensor and communication technologies. Deliveries will be from next year. It is thought the MK4Ys will be new ships unlike the MK4As which were refurbished ex-Rectoid Fleet ships.

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The hunt begins for Redjec.

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Rodak III
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