
First DDS help arrives at Delta 9

A couple of days after a volcanic eruption which badly affected a heavily populated area, an Indy 35B from the Rapid Reaction Squadron has arrived at Delta 9 bringing personnel from the UNP Geological Survey, vulcanologists and specialist medical personnel as well as some specialist supplies. The Indy 35B is a warship so could not carry a large amount of aid though a laden Oceania 63A is due to arrive from Liberation on Wednesday with aid and support personnel.

The volcanic eruption is said to be continuing though some scientists predict it will lessen by next week. Thousands of people from the town of New Erdington have been evacuated. About 40 people are unaccounted for though the Deltan authorities think the death toll could rise.

Two Provider 71As are being prepared and loaded at Liberation with the next wave of supplies though will not depart until an initial survey is made to see what is needed.