
DDS will change its name in 2116!

DDS Commander Knobhead has confirmed that the DDS will change its name next year! Knobhead said that DDS, Dino Death Squad, was no longer a relevant title for a massive pan-solar system multi-spectrum military organisation. "The name may have suited us in the early days when we were not much more than Ronald's private army for operations outside Dino space but now it is a bit of an embarrassment."

The DDS nearly changed name to New Sparta in the early 2100s, some signage was even changed, though the name change was overturned at the last moment. Firefly also considered a name change during his reign a few years ago. It is thought that Knobhead is keen to make his mark on the DDS and a new name and branding would certainly do that. What the new name and when exactly the change will take place is currently not known.