
DDS issue specification for New Light Patrol Craft

The DDS is in a hurry for its Type 56A New Light Patrol Craft to replace the transferred USP patrol craft, it has to design and build 70 of them by 2120! Most of the legacy USP craft are due to become life expired by the end of the decade with some needing replacement by 2118. The DDS are aiming to have the Type 56A enter testing by 2117 with a entry into service by the end of the year. Commercial manufacturers will be needed to build the bulk of the fleet.

The Type 56A specification includes the following:
  • Speed of 450-500c, fitted for worm drive (hopefully to be fitted from new)
  • Mini version of Z7 cannon, TPM-VLS battery (at least 12 cells)
  • Crew of 18-20
  • Provision for 2 SROPS class or similar light craft