
New DDS breed more relaxed on Clone worm drives

When the Dinos agreed a deal to sell worm drives to the Clone Star Empire the immediate DDS response by senior figures was negative. However the new rising generation of DDS officers who have come to prominance under the rule of Knobhead show a much more relaxed approach to the Clones with some including Akbar and Caratore approving of the sale.

The reason is because the Clone Wars are receding into the past with fewer DDS personnel having experience of the conflict. Young highflyers like ISSF Chief Stella for example were in their teens when the Clone Wars ended and so they do not regard the Clones with the same suspicion and sometimes hostility of veterens of the war.

Caratore (who joined the DDS Academy 2 months after the Clone Wars ended) has said that a stronger Clone Star Empire is in the DDS' best interests. "As long as we all respect each other's territory and soverignty then i see no reason why a stronger Clone fleet is a bad thing." It is thought that some regard the Clones as being a vital potential ally in any future conflict with the Tarbotians.