
DDS keep UNP-Bolitic trade deal hush hush

The UNP and Bolitic Confederacy have just signed a trade deal but the UNP (and the DDS) are not saying much about it. Indeed they have almost suppressed the news, even trying to pretend that the DDS ship that conveyed the UNP trade team to Castarian had been elsewhere.

The reason is not so much the sensitivity of trade with a former enemy, that happens all the time (though maybe not usually so quickly after the last conflct). Analysts say the real reason is that the DDS do not want the precarious state of the Bolitic to become common knowledge. Bolitic watchers say the Confederacy is in the midst of an economic crisis and Emperor Melson's position has been greatly weakened. Not just that but the sad fact for the Bolitic is that they have been relegated to being a second-rate power and many Barons refuse to accept it.

The fear is that Melson could be toppled and a pro-war faction seize power and decide to launch an all-out attack on the DDS and Dinos. The Bolitic would lose but the DDS and Dinos would both be badly affected.