
DDS25 (17) : The New DDS Project

The Historian casts his eyes back over the rich history of the DDS Universe.

The New DDS Project was the name given to the renewal of the DDS by Rotarios who became DDS Commander in 2103 following 9 years of rule by The Shiner. There had been a general feeling that The Shiner had caused the DDS to stagnate although to be fair he did navigate the DDS through the Clone Wars successfully.

The Shiner's emphasis was on sustainability and financial prudence, Rotarios said the New DDS Project would completely change the DDS and put the emphasis on professionalism and expansion. This he managed to achieve though some questioned the influence of The Hoods and Rotarios' increasingly dictatorial and brutal leadership. Those who questioned often ended up badly beaten of course.

Windy finally ended Rotarios' reign in 2107 and although he did draw back the worst excesses of Rotarios' regime he kept the basic thrust of the New DDS Project intact. This meant that when Windy stood down in 2109 the hidden infrastructure that had backed Rotarios was still largely intact and able to gradually take over again in The Orchid's and later AP's regimes. Although the Hoods and much of the old philosophy have returned it should be noted however that this second wave of the New DDS Project is somewhat less extreme than before.

One question some ask is what is the final goal of the New DDS Project? Maybe one day we will find out.