With GHQ still reeling from the shock attack by the Proximan Renewal Brigade City Commander Redjec has introduced a raft of new security measures. A one kilometer exclusion zone has been placed around the perimeter of GHQ (though this causes a problem one one flank as this enters a suburb of Hexian City). Only authorised personnel are to be permitted in this zone which will be patrolled by a mixture of New DDS Army, Hood and Proximan Police units. The DDSAF will also maintain a low-level CAP over GHQ using either K-18D or A-85 COIN aircraft (a high-level CAP using F-10S already exists though this is intended to counter space threats using TPM-As).
The death toll has now risen to 59 though the DDS do not think it will rise any further. It is reported that at least 9 PRB members were involved in the gun attack on GHQ, 8 were killed and 1 appears to have been captured though was taken by Windy to his interrogation ship.