
AP changes DDS heirarchy

DDS Commander AP has made a number of changes to the DDS heirarchy which is said to be a response to the poor security at DDS GHQ during the PRB attack. Redjec has been promoted to Deputy Commander (replacing The Shiner, though he will remain Director of Finance) as well as retaining his City Commander role. The Onion however moves from being the head of DDS Security to become Redjec's assistant in the office of Deputy Commander.

The Onion is replaced by LPG as the head of DDS Security. LPG has said Hood and DDS Security patrols will become much more visible on all DDS campuses from now on.

Redjec was the defacto deputy to AP beforehand though this now makes everything official and means Redjec would be able to take over the DDS if AP was incapacitated. The changes may spark some concern in the DDS as The Shiner was seen as a counterbalance to the dominance of members of the old Rotarios regime at the top of the DDS.