
DDS25 (15) : The Second Utrek War

The Historian casts his eyes back over the rich history of the DDS Universe.

The DDS and its allies defeated the Utrek in the early 2100s but the Utrek military power was hardly dented and it was clear they had unfinished business.

In 2107 they launched an invasion of the Remedian Belt, a pincer movement intended on crushing the DDS and its allies and thus be able to continue onwards to invade the DDS and Dinos. The Utrek also hired the Zones to join the attack and force the DDS to fight the war on two fronts.

It was a time of great turmoil for the DDS. Windscorpion finally fought back against the Rotarios regime and slew the dictator. Windy then led the DDS to victory, first crushing the Zone fleet and turning Zoneland into an irradiated wasteland (forcing the survivors of the Zone race to flee to their Clone cousins). The Utrek were then pushed back out of Remedian space and a de-militarized zone set up.

The war was a watershed for the DDS, it helped prove the deadliness of the new TPM weapon and the DDS designed two entirely new weapon systems (Missileer and Panther) around this new weapon. These and the Ferret UCV which was also largely born in this war will be the backbone of DDS military power well into the 2120s.

Despite a brief skirmish a few months after the end of the war when the Utrek broke the ceasefire terms there has been peace between the Utrek and Local Group ever since (though the Utrek have supplied weapons to the Bolitic). Most of this is due to their long-running and very bloody war against the Mantae however.