
DDS begin testing next generation TPM-2

The DDS have begun testing the third generation of its TPM-2 weapon. The first test builds of the TPM-2C will be test fired by a DDS ship next week at a test range near Solaris. The DDS said that the 2C would not enter service until next year but that the earlier than expected testing meant that it would be "early next year".

It is thought this first test build of the 2C does not have the new seeker or new larger warhead yet though the warhead has been enhanced which means that existing B family stocks may receive a warhead upgrade at some stage. The test build does include a new upgraded engine (said to increase speed and agility) as well as hardened defences against ECM.

The new seeker and warhead will likely be introduced by the late summer when the first gold builds are made ahead of final testing before service entry.