
AP promises "bigger fleet" by 2120

DDS Commander AP has said the DDS needs a larger and more powerful fleet because of the greater territory it now has to guard and the growing danger from new alien threats. AP said that by 2120 the DDS would have more Heavy and Medium Combat Ships, confirming that work was already ongoing on a Type 35C HCS (increased MCS will be due to the Corkscrew 51A).

The following table has been published showing current and projected fleet totals by the major types in the combat and patrol fleets by 2115 and 2120.

MCS434753 (estimated)
Patrol / MCM434343
* - as of 28/05/2112
** - excluding Remedian Perimpaz 39A

A couple of things jump out from the table, the DDS do not envisage increasing the bomber or carrier fleets beyond the current fleets (and those on order). The Patrol fleet is also set to remain the same for the foreseeable future.

More details on the Type 35C are likely to be published later in the year when a firm order is made. An insider said however it is likely to be combat orientated like the Panther and not multi-role like the Indy.


DDS considering third generation Type 35?

DDS watchers have detected a reference to a "Type 35C" in a DDS Engineering report. New types are often first detected in these reports, a recent example being the Type 16, though not all new types that appear in these reports ever make it beyond the planning stage.

However it is thought the DDS are considering a third generation of the Type 35 to follow on from the Panther and Indy. A leaked report a few days ago states that the DDS need a bigger fleet by 2120 including 10-15 more Heavy Combat Ships than are currently in service or on order (38). The DDS refused to comment on the matter.


Operation June Fade 2112

The second instance of June Fade will be run early next month. Like the first running of this operation it will focus on cross-fleet minesweeping operations, this time however the DDS will work with the Eritrans, with Molabite ships taking part in the operation. Molab is currently in the process in setting up its own minesweeping flotilla (using DDS kit) and thus will take the opportunity to train crews in the technology and techniques.

The ships involved will be :

M163 Sea Of Serenity (flag)
M113 Precambrian (Pave Yellow)
P205K Pindar
P209K Pericles
P213XK Paris
A161 Alkane

At least 2 Molabite ships will also take part.


DDS25 (18) : The race for 1000c

The Historian casts his eyes back over the rich history of the DDS Universe.

Even in the worm-drive era the fact that the DDS were the first to send a ship through the 1000c barrier (using hyperspace drive) in known-space is still a great source of pride and a feat that few have yet emulated. The Dinos have more or less settled on around 900c (and even the latest PTs fall short of that). The Tarbotians are rumoured to have a ship that can reach 1000c but its not known how many they have in service. Other factions like the Clones still fall well short.

The first ship to break the 1000c barrier was the singleton research ship SS Neptune. It was basically built around a new engine (also called Neptune) which came from a DDS Research project in the early 2090s which basically started from scratch with engine design. As Dr Forbidden has told me the Neptune project was a true "clean sheet of paper" project. "We tried to reinvent the spaceship engine, everything was examined from the reaction chamber downwards, everything was stretched, redesigned, enhanced in order to create an engine with vastly more power than had ever been created before."

The original Neptune engine thus powered the Neptune 92X ship, Neptune the ship was rather crude in many ways. It was described by one crewmember as "an engine with a few other things bolted onto it" but this amazing ship managed to break the 1000c barrier in the late 2090s and also helped pave the way for the next generations of DDS warship.

A development of the Neptune engine itself was later used in the Quasar 15A cruiser (though this could not reach 1000c until its ILU). The Meson (which powers the Isometric family) and Gluon which powers the (Panther) are direct descendants of the Neptune. The Panther probably represents the maximum that can be wrung from hyperspace design with a sprint dash speed of 1100c.

The DDS do not plan to try and reach any higher speeds, DDS Research think that 1200c is probably reachable but the massive expense is simply not worth it anymore now that wormdrive can propel a ship at the equivalent of near 5000c!


Starsystems to serve into 2120s

The DDS has just completed a structural survey of its fleet of Starsystem 91X training ships. Although the ships had an end of service date officially of 2120 the DDS has to begin preparing for their replacement now. Following a survey DDS Engineering say at current usage patterns the fleet should be able to make 2123-4 without much problem. The DDS have thus pushed back their withdrawal date to 2122-4.

It is thought the DDS will replace the Starsystems with Isometric 41A MCS though as some have pointed out, the youngest Starsystem (SS Proxima Centauri) is only 14 months older than the oldest Isometric SS Cambrian. DDS Engineering point out however that the Isometrics were built for a much longer service life than the Starsystems and should have no problem reaching the early to mid 2130s.


DDS to raise 3 more Hood brigades

New DDS Deputy Commander Redjec has said that the DDS will raise 3 more Hood brigades over the next few months (sufficient trained recruits exist for one already). One brigade will be a military brigade to join the New DDS Army, the other 2 will supply Hood units to DDS ships and facilities.

Redjec said that from the late Summer all DDS facilities above local office size will have a Hood unit (consisting of 4-12 men) and permanently allocated to it, for security and "professional standard monitoring". Larger facilities like DDS Engineering HQ on Solaris will have a full Hood company.

All DDS combat ships will also have a Hood unit allocated to them by the end of the month, all ships already have a Hood observer though these will be supplemented by a couple more. All DDS ships will have a unit by the end of the Summer.

Redjec said the addition of these Hoods was not a cause for concern but should reassure DDS personnel that the DDS was going to tighten up security and become much more rigorous in maintaining professional standards.
  • New Arit have bought a further 100 T-88++ tanks from the HCS Reserve for an undisclosed fee (though not thought to be much). About half of the tanks will join the Aritan army with the rest used for spares.
  • DDS Research have confirmed that Open Architecture 3.0, the next big iteration in the core underlying technology that underpins much of how DDS spaceships operate, will make its debut before the end of the year. It is likely one of the Solaris 37Cs to be built later in the year will include it (though this has not be confirmed). A year long in-service trial of OA 3.0 will then be made. Corkscrew 51A is likely to be the first type to see OA 3.0 deployed en masse. OA 3.0 includes ultra low power usage protocols, self-repairing and optimisation and a brand new security model.



Grade B
Redjec is given a shock (Spiral P4)


Redjec and Windy both investigate the PRB attack (Spiral P3)

UV178 : Agent Of Oppression

  • Barf City - Is it all over for Redjec? (Vector P8)
  • Is He Man Enough - Malanson is given a new mission (Fusion P1)
  • Orroight Bab! - Can Malanson and team escape the energy sentry? (Fusion P2)
  • Crinkly Veg - Malanson and company are on the hunt for the Tarbotians (Fusion P3)
  • Business Is Business - Malanson and company battle for their lives (Fusion P4)
  • Porn For Hogs - Megara seeks to discover who is the other temporal agent (Spiral P1)
  • Wheel Nutz - DDS GHQ is under attack! (Spiral P2)

Headquarters Defence Division formed

The New DDS Army has formed a new division dedicated to the defence of DDS GHQ. The division includes 3 brigades from the army (2 of which are Hood brigades) and will be under the direct control of the new DDS Security head LPG. The new division is expected to be operational by the late Summer (though the 25th Light Brigade, which will be part of the HDD as it has been termed, is already at GHQ). It will then take over guarding GHQ from the existing mix of army units who assist DDS Security personnel.

The HDD will mostly consist of lightly armed infantry though the 25th Light Brigade, a Hood unit, will be given an armoured company to be equipped with ex-HCS T-88++ in the short term.

The DDS have decided to lower the alert status to AMBER though are still wary of a further PRB attack.

DDS25 (17) : The New DDS Project

The Historian casts his eyes back over the rich history of the DDS Universe.

The New DDS Project was the name given to the renewal of the DDS by Rotarios who became DDS Commander in 2103 following 9 years of rule by The Shiner. There had been a general feeling that The Shiner had caused the DDS to stagnate although to be fair he did navigate the DDS through the Clone Wars successfully.

The Shiner's emphasis was on sustainability and financial prudence, Rotarios said the New DDS Project would completely change the DDS and put the emphasis on professionalism and expansion. This he managed to achieve though some questioned the influence of The Hoods and Rotarios' increasingly dictatorial and brutal leadership. Those who questioned often ended up badly beaten of course.

Windy finally ended Rotarios' reign in 2107 and although he did draw back the worst excesses of Rotarios' regime he kept the basic thrust of the New DDS Project intact. This meant that when Windy stood down in 2109 the hidden infrastructure that had backed Rotarios was still largely intact and able to gradually take over again in The Orchid's and later AP's regimes. Although the Hoods and much of the old philosophy have returned it should be noted however that this second wave of the New DDS Project is somewhat less extreme than before.

One question some ask is what is the final goal of the New DDS Project? Maybe one day we will find out.


AP changes DDS heirarchy

DDS Commander AP has made a number of changes to the DDS heirarchy which is said to be a response to the poor security at DDS GHQ during the PRB attack. Redjec has been promoted to Deputy Commander (replacing The Shiner, though he will remain Director of Finance) as well as retaining his City Commander role. The Onion however moves from being the head of DDS Security to become Redjec's assistant in the office of Deputy Commander.

The Onion is replaced by LPG as the head of DDS Security. LPG has said Hood and DDS Security patrols will become much more visible on all DDS campuses from now on.

Redjec was the defacto deputy to AP beforehand though this now makes everything official and means Redjec would be able to take over the DDS if AP was incapacitated. The changes may spark some concern in the DDS as The Shiner was seen as a counterbalance to the dominance of members of the old Rotarios regime at the top of the DDS.

DDS25 (16) : What is the Local Group?

The Historian casts his eyes back over the rich history of the DDS Universe.

From time to time the "Local Group" is mentioned in the media especially in the UNP (and i have mentioned them a few times in this series) but what exactly is the Local Group?

Basically the Local Group is a short-hand way of referring to the races, political entities, factions and civilisations in our area of space. It includes the DDS, Dinos and Clones but also minor races and areas like the Rim Worlds, Vegans, Eritrans and so on.

There has been no official definition of what the Local Group actually contains (and maybe more importantly doesn't)  but it usually stands for space around 100-150 light years from Proxima Centauri so that includes the powers mentioned above but not the Utrek and Tarbotians and 7 Sa Sao who more or less provide the borders of Local Group space.


HCS T-88 fleet drops below 1000

Two hundred T-88++ tanks were withdrawn by the HCS as part of their long-running type rationalisation and defence cuts, This in itself is not that news worthy as 1000s of tanks have been withdrawn over the last few years but the latest cuts mean the iconic T-88 fleet has now dropped below 1000.

Over 220,000 of these tanks were built, mostly during the Clone Wars. It was the first Clone tank which worked and was built in three versions, the T-88A, T-88+ and finally the definitive model the T-88++ which helped the HCS sweep the DDS aside and to forge an empire. Now there are around 970 in service and these will be gone by around 2113.

Around 40,000 remain on the HCS' books though, mostly rusting away in huge compounds across the empire though the best examples are kept in reasonable condition ready for sale (and 1000s have been sold). The HCS will probably aim to try and dispose as of many of these tanks on the market as possible over the next few years.

One customer upcoming could be... the DDS. It has been reported (though not confirmed by the HCS or DDS) that the DDS are after around 60-70 servicable T-88s for use in training scenarios).
  • The first 6 production A-12 NDAA light attack aircraft have been delivered to the DDSAF who will now aim to have the aircraft operational within the next few weeks.

DDS25 (15) : The Second Utrek War

The Historian casts his eyes back over the rich history of the DDS Universe.

The DDS and its allies defeated the Utrek in the early 2100s but the Utrek military power was hardly dented and it was clear they had unfinished business.

In 2107 they launched an invasion of the Remedian Belt, a pincer movement intended on crushing the DDS and its allies and thus be able to continue onwards to invade the DDS and Dinos. The Utrek also hired the Zones to join the attack and force the DDS to fight the war on two fronts.

It was a time of great turmoil for the DDS. Windscorpion finally fought back against the Rotarios regime and slew the dictator. Windy then led the DDS to victory, first crushing the Zone fleet and turning Zoneland into an irradiated wasteland (forcing the survivors of the Zone race to flee to their Clone cousins). The Utrek were then pushed back out of Remedian space and a de-militarized zone set up.

The war was a watershed for the DDS, it helped prove the deadliness of the new TPM weapon and the DDS designed two entirely new weapon systems (Missileer and Panther) around this new weapon. These and the Ferret UCV which was also largely born in this war will be the backbone of DDS military power well into the 2120s.

Despite a brief skirmish a few months after the end of the war when the Utrek broke the ceasefire terms there has been peace between the Utrek and Local Group ever since (though the Utrek have supplied weapons to the Bolitic). Most of this is due to their long-running and very bloody war against the Mantae however.


HCS order Horizon HZ unmanned transport

The HCS Space Navy have placed an order for 10 Horizon HZ unmanned transports, building of the first began at the start of the year and testing will begin by the end of the Summer. Many of the Horizon's systems have already been developed on other ships. The Horizon is a medium transport said to be similar in size and capacity to the Dinomark MX and will be used for day-to-day inter-system transports as well as "special duties" including the transport of hazardous materials.

Although a UCV the Horizon does include basic habitable areas meaning there is an option for it to be crewed. It is thought that the Horizon will have automated security systems including robot guards.
  • The DDS have dropped their alert status to ORANGE, another PRB attack is not thought likely but the unexpectedness of the last attack means that the DDS are being careful.


Further measures unveiled by DDS to enhance GHQ security

City Commander Redjec has said "Never again" will terrorists attack GHQ. GHQ is to become much more heavily fortified and protected in a stark contrast to the old "open campus" policy. Civilian access to GHQ will become much more restricted and armed patrols will be tripled. A dedicated "GHQ Defence Squadron" will also be formed by the DDSAF equipped with K-18D and A-85 COIN aircraft. Three Prowler units will be permanently stationed at GHQ, one always on standby.

Emergency funding has also been found for an immediate order for 48 Cherrybee CBH-90 helicopters. These are already used by Proximan law enforcement and will be used as part of the GHQ patrol and also for rapid response. Deliveries will begin in a few weeks.


DDS25 (14) : The Rectoids

The Historian casts his eyes back over the rich history of the DDS Universe.

If the 2110s can be bookended (more or less) by the Tarbotians (albeit only indirectly in the case of the ABBO-Bolitic War that ended the decade) then the middle of the decade was dominated by both the Utrek and the Rectoids.

The Rectoids are ethnically Sa Sao though the DDS encountered them before any of the other 7 Sao Sao factions (the Rectoids are not part of their grouping) and their territory is a long way away even with worm drive. They first came to the DDS attention when they destroyed New Britannia (see full article).

The Rectoids were finally stopped by Windy using biogenic weapons which Megara hacked to cause mass murder (see full article). The shock and revulsion caused by this caused the UNP to stop deploying biogenic weapons routinely by the way, and the latest generation of weapons are much harder to hack. The weapons remain in DDS silos though would only be deployed if the DDS / UNP was in serious danger of destruction.

The Rectoids managed to recover somewhat from the loss of their homeworld and much of their fleet (which committed mass suicide) and the DDS have not had any further serious trouble from them apart from the occasional attack by a rogue element. The Rectoids remain a potential enemy though the DDS do not envisage them being in a position to launch an attack for decades. The DDS have attempted a rapprochement though as yet relations are (understandably) tense.

Fleet News (15/05/12)

  • Two ships have joined the fleet this month. The first is the latest Solaris 37C H170 Tau Ceti which has joined the combat fleet. The next Solaris to be completed later in the year (likely to be H171) will be the first of the class fitted with a worm drive.
  • Panther 35A H110 Puma has been fitted with a worm drive.
  • The second is an ex-Bolitic Helwin which has joined the fleet as the second Alpha Centauri 93X training ship. X132T Luyten 726 will be used in combat training (the ships represent the enemy in combat training scenarios) as well as other secondary duties such as equipment trials. The DDS have not said where this second Helwin has come from though a number exist on the market. The DDS may buy a third at some stage.

DDS unveil enhanced security measures at GHQ

With GHQ still reeling from the shock attack by the Proximan Renewal Brigade City Commander Redjec has introduced a raft of new security measures. A one kilometer exclusion zone has been placed around the perimeter of GHQ (though this causes a problem one one flank as this enters a suburb of Hexian City). Only authorised personnel are to be permitted in this zone which will be patrolled by a mixture of New DDS Army, Hood and Proximan Police units. The DDSAF will also maintain a low-level CAP over GHQ using either K-18D or A-85 COIN aircraft (a high-level CAP using F-10S already exists though this is intended to counter space threats using TPM-As).

The death toll has now risen to 59 though the DDS do not think it will rise any further. It is reported that at least 9 PRB members were involved in the gun attack on GHQ, 8 were killed and 1 appears to have been captured though was taken by Windy to his interrogation ship.


DDS GHQ attacked by PRB

DDS GHQ has come under heavy attack by what appears to be the Proximan Renewal Brigade (PRB) who launched a number of terrorist attacks against the DDS and UNP last year. In a co-ordinated series of attacks including car bombs, mortar fire and gun men at least 58 people are reported to have been killed in GHQ, most of them DDS personnel. The death toll could rise the DDS said because of the serious injuries inflicted on dozens of others.

DDS Commander AP has raised the DDS alert level to RED and instigated a full security lock down on all DDS bases and facilities. A review of security and intelligence gathering has also been ordered as the PRB attack appears to have come out of the blue and the PRB were able to infiltrate GHQ and place weapons close to the perimeter without being detected.


Wheel Nutz
DDS GHQ is under attack! (Spiral P2)



Porn For Hogs
Megara seeks to discover who is the other temporal agent (Spiral P1)


Benito accuses HCS of weakening his forces

Benito Clone, leader of CSE-E, has accused the HCS of weakening the forces available to him in his part of the empire. He said that when forces sent to help in the invasions of Unatel Gamma and Kontai were returned the HCS took away more than they sent in the first place. In particular he said HCS-E now had 2 fewer Soulakis and 1 fewer Molentic Tuul than at the start of the year. The ships had been replaced by 3 Cosmos CKs in a rotation. "The Cosmos are good ships but not comparable to the ships they so-called replaced!" Benito said.

He also said the 14th Legion, a battle hardened unit, had been replaced by the recently rebuilt and totally green 23rd Legion thus leaving HCS-E only with the 2nd Legion and a few scattered veteran brigades (plus some Red Lizard) for front-line experienced troops. "The HCS have weakened our forces and left us vulnerable." Benito said.

HCS Commander Admiral Anderson later denied Benito's allegations. "The forces changed are part of normal rotations. Sometimes the new units are weaker, sometimes stronger. Its no conspiracy but the HCS isn't a bottomless pit of military force." Benito is understood to have sacked the entire general staff of HCS-E on Austini 55.


HCS sell stake in CCA

The HCS has sold its minority stake in Clone Commercial Aircraft, maker of the C-485 and other transport aircraft. The HCS said it made 212 million zarks from the sale which will be "put into the HCSAF budget". Some observers are seeing this as a sign the HCS are becoming desperate for money with other sell-offs of land and facilities planned. Some HCS bases have even begun hiring out rooms to the public.

CCA say however the sale will help them reposition as the main builder of Clone transport aircraft especially now the state owned CAC has decided to concentrate on military aviation (except for the iconic CAC 440/460). Sales of CCA's new 380 regional airliner are said to be "brisk" and the first of at least 12 for the HCSAF will begin in a few months with deliveries of the 426 also in progress, it being the new standard utility transport of the HCSAF.

An upgrade for its mainstay 485 (the military version of which is operated by the HCS and DDS) is also in progress.


HCS Fleet News (09/05/12)

  • The first 2 Shark SKBs have entered service. These have upgraded weapon systems, a new sensor suite with passive modes and internal reorganisation to allow for increased supply stowage (and thus longer range).
  • A Cosmos CA has been withdrawn. It needed refueling and the HCS decided it would be more economic to retire it instead of upgrading to CK.


DDS announce TPM-3

Hot on the heels of testing beginning on the TPM-2C the DDS have announced what is coming next: the TPM-3. No service entry date has been given for the weapon though it could enter service by 2115.

TPM-3 will be a complete redesign of the transphasic missile with a "cluster warhead" of 3 or more multiple-targeting and phasing warheads. The weapon will have signature management with near cloak levels of sensor invisibility with the option of full visual stealth too. This will be helped by a new ion-based engine with very little visible spectrum output.

First tests of prototype rounds could begin in 2113. Unlike the TPM-2 compared to the TPM-1 the Mark 3 will be nearly the same size and dimension and will be fully compatible with existing TPM-2 launchers.
  • Legate Malanson has returned from a mission where it is thought he discovered a new Tarbotian warship. He is to give a speech to the Dino Army Officer Academy next week. It is thought he may be being lined up to be Imperial Order's candidate in the Consul election.



Business Is Business
Malanson and company battle for their lives (Fusion P4)


Crinkly Veg
Malanson and company are on the hunt for the Tarbotians (Fusion P3)


DDS begin testing next generation TPM-2

The DDS have begun testing the third generation of its TPM-2 weapon. The first test builds of the TPM-2C will be test fired by a DDS ship next week at a test range near Solaris. The DDS said that the 2C would not enter service until next year but that the earlier than expected testing meant that it would be "early next year".

It is thought this first test build of the 2C does not have the new seeker or new larger warhead yet though the warhead has been enhanced which means that existing B family stocks may receive a warhead upgrade at some stage. The test build does include a new upgraded engine (said to increase speed and agility) as well as hardened defences against ECM.

The new seeker and warhead will likely be introduced by the late summer when the first gold builds are made ahead of final testing before service entry.


DDS25 (13) : Remember these too...

The Historian casts his eyes back over the rich history of the DDS Universe.

Some more who fell by the wayside...


Opti-who most people will say these days but the one-eyed robot was indeed DDS Commander for a time. A good field commander he helped stabilise the DDS after the disaster of the end of the 1st Clone War but he fell in battle after a short reign. His rule helped pave the way for The Shiner's record breaking reign as commander.


Horsehead was a psychotic maniac, to his friends. A very violent man who had a rare gift for generalship and indeed led his troops well in many battles though often it must be wondered if his men were more scared of him or the enemy. Horsehead perished in a space battle.

Delicate Flower

Delicate Flower was a curious individual, a revolting geek who was also a military genius but he preferred to spend all of his considerable mental energies trying to ensnare the man he loved Quarz. DF never quite managed to get his man though Quarz did indulge him with a bit of rimming.

El Diablo officially joins Liberal Party

Although he has been heavily aligned to Jimmy's Liberal Party he had remained an independent Senator up until now but El Diablo today say he was a member of Jimmy's faction and would be the candidate in the Consul election at the end of the year. El Diablo said that he had a proven track record of the highest level of command and would be the best choice for the first Consul to rule alone under the changes to the Dino Republican system.

MBH has already indicated he will stand too but Imperial Order as yet has not decided on its candidate. There is still some time to go with the election campaign not legally allowed to start until July.
  • An official order (which means purchasing of materials and equipment can begin) has been made for 6 Warspite 16A bombers following the lock-down of the specification and primary gate design work. Construction of the prototype will begin early next year. The DDS want 12 in total.


Launching the New DDS Project Character Database!

If you are a bit confused about who X is, why Y was and who Z is banging then fear not... the New DDS Project Character Database has been launched which will grow to becoming the definitive guide to who is who in the DDS Universe.

The database currently has 49 entries but this will grow and existing entries will continue to be improved. The database is intended as the centre of a growing DDS online portal including this site as well of course.


Other Fleet News (02/05/12)

  • The Dinos have completed a Dinomark PT for themselves and a Dinomark XT each for Sirikwan and New Arit.
  • The Bolitic are reported to have completed a Meltinan though a Redhull has been withdrawn.
  • Helinox/Sear N7 have received their first Isometric-E.


DDS25 (12) : The First Utrek War

The Historian casts his eyes back over the rich history of the DDS Universe.

Controlling a vast empire the Utrek (or to give them their proper name the Urlik Utrek Federation) had for some time being a looming menace over the Local Group. In 2101 the Utrek finally attacked and sent vast fleets to conquer the DDS, Dinos, Clones and other nations.

The DDS, HCS and Dinos were forced to team up to combat the Utrek invasion. Other nations like the Remedians (who lost any remaining pretense at being an independent power) fell by the way side. New weapons and sheer grit helped stem the tide forcing the Utrek to withdraw.

However the Utrek threat remained but in 2102 the DDS was under attack from the Rectoids too. Windy then mounted one of his most ingenious operations by manipulating the Utrek and Rectoids into a war against each other. This helped keep both enemies occupied for a few years (though the DDS had to fight both again - and defeat both again - in the years to come).