
7SS and Tarbot come to blows?

The DDS is investigating unconfirmed reports that the 7 Sa Sao (faction unknown) and Tarbotians may have been involved in a skirmish near the free system Blant 5831 which lies between Tarbot and 7SS space. Since the Tarbotian annexation of ABBO territory the fear was that with Tarbot now on the DDS border trouble could be in store, what most analysts have missed is that Tarbot and 7SS now have a common border too.

It is thought the DDS have sent a ship to the region to investigate what exactly is going on. Long range sigint indicates the possibility of a medium-scale space battle though this cannot be confirmed at this stage.


Consuls Ronald and Zanus review Dino Army

Outgoing Consuls Ronald and Zanus have attended a parade of the Dino Army and SS at Dino-Town as part of the end-of-service celebrations before they step down in favour of Consul-Elect El Diablo. Elements of the 1st Armoured Brigade, 1st SS "Iron Fist" Brigade, 2nd SS "Black Dragon Martyrs" Brigade were led by an honour guard of the 6th Legion flanked by SS-D and CSS.

It was the biggest military parade on Dino-Land for some time as displays of military force have been toned down since the unsavoury events in 2108 when some SS stormtroopers taking part in a parade got over excited with unfortunate consequences for a party of schoolboys who had gotten lost.



Skeleton Key
S101 tells Ronald about the origin of the Starbotians (First Steps P3)


Raegris Quasars will gain strike capability

The Raegris' fleet of 5 Quasar cruisers (known as DC-1 in their service) serve primarily as combat ships with a secondary mine warfare capability. Next year they will receive an upgrade which will include strike capabilities. The upgrade will include the fitting of SAS-Q attack systems (thought to be previous generation models cascaded from Quasars in DDS service), pylons for MRM carriage and modifications to sensors. Strike will not be their main function unlike the DDS Quasars but will be added as a "strategic option", full interoperability with DDS assets will be the aim.

The ships will also receive other tactical updates including a Z6 cannon and an improved TPM missile launcher.



First Contact
S101 remembers how and Ronald first met (First Steps P2)


S101 remembers when the Starbotians made contact with the Dinos for the first time (First Steps P1)


Dinos reveal details of the Dinomark PT/3

The Mark 3 Dinomark PT will enter service from next year (expected to be late in the year). Up until now few details of the major new version have been revealed but today Consul Zanus in one of his final engagements before he stands down at the end of the year gave a media briefing on the PT/3.

The PT/3 will have a new reactor design that will produce 35% more power compared to the unit in the Mark 2. This will allow for a new generation of energy hungry weapons and shields and still allow for maximum engine output. The PT/3 will have a new tactical sub-system (though to be the main reason for any delays), this will allow for simultaneous engagement with a theoretical 512 separate targets. The new system uses shared weapon data links similar to the DDS.

Another delay caused to the PT/3 was the redesign of the interior to take advantage of experience from the ABBO-Bolitic War. The PT/3 interior will be modular with fast switching of specific role modules (which will be carried under the belly).

Zanus also announced that PT/2b production would end once the final ships under construction were built. Then the remaining Mark 1 PTs would be rebuilt to PT/2b standard before production of the Mark 3 begins late in 2113.


Is a DDS/HCS deal close?

The summit in Wolverhampton between DDS Commander Firefly and Emperor Oojok has concluded with what is reported to be "fruitful" and "encouraging" results. Firefly is now to meet the DDS Politburo tomorrow and Oojok will consult with his inner advisers and Benito next week. No details have yet been revealed but it is rumoured that the DDS and HCS could be close to a historic deal.

Firefly told reporters after the summit, "Over ten years ago the Clone Wars ended and since then we have had a period of uneasy peace punctuated by periods of détente and rising tensions. Maybe its time to become closer."

Firefly could visit Cloneworld in the new year, an event some thought unthinkable but if Nixon could go to China then why not?


DDS Universe Quiz 2012

Have you been keeping attention this year? See how you do with the following quiz and then see how you rate.

1) Who did Redjec marry?
a) Rathun
b) Crystal Ribbon
c) Windy

2) Who does the resurrected Megara work for?
a) An unnamed being from the future
b) Mutre Bee
c) Dr Slow

3) Who is Terin and why is he working for Oojok?
a) He is a HCS agent
b) He is Oojok's son
c) He is a mercenary

4) According to Ronald why do the SS speak in their funny pseudo-German way?
a) They copied Nazi prisoners
b) They watched Allo Allo and thought it was a documentary
c) It was a policy of an (insane) former SS Commander

5) What year did Megara and Dicknose go back to to foil a temporal plot?
a) 1971
b) 2086
c) 2033

6) On what planet did Ronald encounter primitive saurians who flew biplanes?
a) Randalf 74
b) Orkadelrick
c) Sygnet 80

7) Why did Windy lead a joint DDS/Dino mission into the Bolitic at the start of the year?
a) To stop a new ash cannon becoming operational
b) To stop the Bolitic stealing TPM technology
c) To rescue a captured DDS General

8) How did Windy kill AP?
a) Shot him in the head
b) Blew up his ship
c) Fired a rocket up his ass then sent him into a pile of gas bottles where he died in a massive explosion

9) What rank is Dodek?
a) Knight and deputy to Lord Joshi
b) Head of house
c) Squire

10) What planet did Ice Ranger go to to hunt a renegade DDS officer?
a) Cloneworld
b) Dakkar
c) Castarian

11) Who invaded Dino-Land in 2074?
a) The Bolitic
b) The Nazis
c) The DDS

12) Who did LPG use to launch a false flag attack on DDS GHQ?
a) Zones
b) The ABBOs
c) The PRB

13) How did Ronald gain his amazing psychic powers?
a) A teleporter accident
b) Mystical occult powers
c) Genetic engineering

14) What happened during a meeting of the Dino Elders this year?
a) Strike by public sector workers
b) A terrorist plot to detonate a radiological bomb
c) Air attack

15) What happened to Unatel Gamma and Kontai?
a) They joined the DDS
b) They joined the Eritrans
c) They were invaded by the Clones

16) What do you use to defeat a Tarbotian energy sentry?
a) Water
b) Plasma cannon
c) Nothing, just run!

17) Who was shot in DDS Research HQ?
a) Windy
b) Dr Forbidden
c) AP

18) How did Redjec suppress the information the crew of SS Velocity had discovered?
a) He had the ship destroyed
b) Mind melt
c) Killed the crew by faking a reactor leak

19) Who tried to sell Ronald to the Bolitic?
a) The Repicans
b) The DDS
c) The Clones

20) Whose sex tape was shown on DDS TV?
a) Windy and Quarz
b) Redjec and Rathun
c) Onion and a toilet roll

That is the end of the quiz! You will find the answers below... no peeking now. After you have checked your answers see how you did with out score ratings...

Score : 0-3 - Trojan Warlord, is that you? 4-9 - Obviously a beginner, try harder or else... 10-13 - Windy is disappointed in you boy, you will turn up at iP Services at once for a structured programme of hard physical pursuits. 14-18 - Well done, you are a possible future DDS hero! 19-20 - Ronald, Windy, MBH... and now yourself.

Answers : 1a 2a 3b 4a 5c 6c 7a 8c 9a 10b 11b 12c 13a 14b 15c 16a 17b 18c 19a 20b

Firefly and Oojok meet again

DDS Commander Firefly and Emperor Oojok have met again, this time at a secret location on Terra (rumoured to be Wolverhampton). The fact Oojok was willing to hold the follow-up summit on DDS territory was seen as a sign that Oojok is moving towards an alliance with the DDS instead of accepting Utrek coin. Details from Oojok's meeting with Benito last week (thought to have been on Paragon) have not been released though it is rumoured that Benito's misgivings have been largely placated.

One rumour coming out of the summit is that Firefly has offered the Clones TPM-1 technology and would grant a licence for the Clones to build their own factories producing the weapon. Although this would be a big shift in export policy it has been thought the Clones have managed to get a TPM-1 round via an unofficial source earlier this year anyway (perhaps a Dino built missile via the Aritans) and have been working on reverse engineering it. As the TPM-1 is now much more widely available it is thought a matter of time until the Clones get the missile anyway, some DDS senior staff think the time is right to sell the technology to the Clones.


UV185 : Return Of Evil

  • Tenth Attempt - A dark ancient evil is awoken (Rise Of The Acheron P2)
  • Emergency On Solaris - David and Re'Vent head to the heart of the DDS (Rise Of The Acheron P3)
  • All The Secrets - David and Re'Vent infiltrate DDS Research (Rise Of The Acheron P4)
  • Got To Go For It! - Can Quarz save the day? (Rise Of The Acheron P5)
  • Ultra Impressive - A top Bolitic officer defects (The Defector P1)
  • The Hunt Is On! - The Bolitic hunt their defected senior general (The Defector P2)
  • Powers Of Pain! - Maowcla's ship is chased into an asteroid field (The Defector P3)


Accident destroys Dinomark at Central AFB

DM86, a Dinomark XT commanded by Centurion Maowcla, has been destroyed in an apparent accident at Central AFB at Dino-Town. When DM86 was landing it was struck by a cargo handling crane. The ship was destroyed killing the 8 man crew, the crane operator and 2 others on the ground. Consul Zanus said the cause of the accident was still being investigated and sent his condolences to the families of the deceased.

The media are speculating that DM86 was carrying a Bolitic defector though the Dinos are refusing to comment on this.


Photo call for Operation Long Shot

Ronald will soon head off with a specially picked crew on a long-range exploration, which has now been given the codename Operation Long Shot. Yesterday a media day was held and the following poster of the crew issued.


Sparkling Whine
Can Grogen get to safety? (The Defector P4)

Fleet News (17/12/12)

  • A181 Zephyr is the lead ship of a new class of fast oilers based on the Solaris platform and has entered service. Fitted with worm drive and capable of 900c with hyperspace the Zephyrs can keep up with front line DDS fleet combat ship deployments.
  • S228 Kilimanjaro is the latest Olympus 23A support carrier to enter service.
  • Solaris 37C H163 Vega has been fitted with worm drive.



Powers Of Pain!
Maowcla's ship is chased into an asteroid field (The Defector P3)


Alpha begins testing

The prototype Nano Fighting Ship X701 Alpha has begun final testing ahead of its delivery to the DDS next week where it will then begin a series of proving and development tests in both manned and unmanned modes. The Nano Fighting Ship (NFS) is designed to test out future concepts of ship design. The Alpha is very small (smaller than a Coril shuttle) but has worm drive and full superluminal capabilities.

It will be armed by 2 TPM-2s and a laser defence system though will receive a mini version of the Zip cannon next year. Alpha is understood to have a development version of EA-X 2.0 energy absorbent coating that can recycle the energy from enemy beam weapon hits into its own beam weapon systems.


Dr Forbidden leaves hospital

Dr Forbidden, who was shot in the attempted theft of DDS data at DDS Research, has been released from hospital though will not return to work until the new year. Head of Technology Sea Urchin said that DDS Research was being shut down until then but ongoing work would not be that badly effected as a Christmas shut down was due for next week anyway. He said that during the shut down new data security measures were being installed to help prevent such an incident happening again.

Firefly meanwhile has dropped the alert status to GREEN. He has, however, instructed Torus to review security and protection measures of senior staff.


Winter Candle 2112 / Exercise schedule for 2113

The final exercise of the year began yesterday, like last year Winter Candle involves special forces. This year the Dino SS-D have joined the DDS Prowlers for a series of simulated incidents including hostage recovery, covert surveillance and anti-terrorism operations. One exercise that has been missed this year is Ground Shock which has taken place in November in previous years but the DDS say this will now occur next month and will start the 2113 programme.

As for Winter Candle the ships taking part are :

A301E Marconi (flag)
H122 Illustrious
H169 Sanger Alpha
M125 Forward
A155 Pentane

A full schedule for 2113 has been published and will be as follows :
  • January - Ground Shock 2113 (ground attack / amphibious)
  • February - February Flourish 2113 (EW / ECM / cyber warfare)
  • March - March Hare 2113 (combat)
  • April - Atomic Fist 2113 (nuclear attack)
  • May - May Mission 2113 (new internal defence exercise, full details TBA)
  • June - June Fade 2113 (minesweeping)
  • July - July Wave 2113 (amphibious)
  • August - August Flourish 2113 (combat)
  • September - September Sunrise 2113 (strategic attack / interdiction)
  • October - Civilian Partnership 2113 (humanitarian / disaster relief)
  • November - Northern Project 2113 (joint exercise with Raegris)
  • December - Winter Candle 2113 (special forces)



The Hunt Is On!
The Bolitic hunt their defected senior general (The Defector P2)


DDS to upgrade satellite networks

The DDS has placed a 5 year contract with 3 UNP space companies work 475 million zarks to upgrade and maintain 6 strategic satellite networks. The networks (3 around Proxima 7, 2 around Solaris and 1 around Proxima 5) provide a mixture of duties including weather reconnaissance, surveilance and back-up communications. Two more networks will be added to P5 as part of the contract as the planet becomes the new command heart of the DDS from next year.

Director of Technology Sea Urchin said that many of the duties the satellites perform are mundane but vital. Sea Urchin added that the DDS would be spending around 1.2 billion zarks on communications infrastructure upgrades over the next 4 years too.

Dino View : Ronald interview (exclusive!)

Legate Dralson, ex-Dino Army and Security Council

Consul Ronald is due to leave on a year long exploratory mission early in 2113 and yesterday held a media day with his crew. He was very kind to grant me the following interview.

DRALSON : Consul, why did you decide to undertake this mission?

RONALD : Exploring is in my blood, i've done a fair bit of it in my time but in recent years i've been a bit busy with running the Republic. Now i've decided its time i stood back and let others run the show and so i can devote an extended period of time to exploring.

DR : Earlier in the year you went on a mini-voyage, and encountered the Repicans and another Dino race on Sygnet 80. Do you hope to find other "lost tribes"?

RN : Yes we think there could be as many as a dozen Dino civilisations that are descended from the original spacefaring Dinos. We know of 5 now of course [Bolitic, Sirikwan, Yeng, Repic, Sygnet 80] but our historians think dozens of settler ships left Dino-Land millennia ago so there may be more ex-colonies waiting for us to discover them.

DR : And hopefully some of them won't hate us!


DR : Why did you not wait to see out your full 2 year term of office?

RN : To be honest i am bored. I've been the Dino leader for most of the last 60 years and now i want a new challenge and new experiences. Its also time for the Dino Republic to stand on its own two claws without me saving the day all the time. I've given so much for the Republic, i've even given my wife and daughter to it [Holisai and Crystal who died in a Zone attack in the ABBO-Bolitic War] and i just feel that its "me time" now.

DR : Well no one could begrudge you this Consul, you are easily the greatest Dino in history and will be a towering icon over the Republic for ever more.

RN : Indeed.

DR : But what about afterwards Consul, when you return to Dino-Land. Will you one day seek the highest office again?

RN : I don't think so. I shall remain a Senator and indeed am Head of the Senate for life. I will play a role but its time for Ronald to step into the shadows. The days of glory are over. The epoch of Ronald bestride the galaxy like a colossus may have ended. Now is the time for Ronald the explorer!



Ultra Impressive
A top Bolitic officer defects (The Defector P1)

Porquat 640 order DDS ships

Porquat 640 have ordered a 5th Pentekonter-E on top of the 4 they have ordered previously (2 have been delivered to date) plus 2 Provider-E transports which will be known as the Provider 925 in Porquat service. Porquat have also announced a 750 million zark upgrade and unification programme for its fleet of Quagan 658 and 665 frigates which will include DDS help.

The frigates will be unified to an improved 665 standard which will include DDS technology upgrades including passive sensors and improved datalinking.


DDS sweeten the deal with Clones

DDS Commander Firefly has encouraged the Clones to accept a military alliance with the DDS instead of taking Utrek coin. He said that if the Clones accepted the alliance terms then the DDS would buy Clone built warships, what exactly the DDS would buy is unknown but it is rumoured the DDS are interested in beefing up their Amphibious Warfare Squadron which uses the HCS Intruder landing ship as one of its major types.

Oojok is still considering the terms of the alliance which include the Clones giving up recent conquests Kontai and Unatel Gamma. This is something Oojok is keen to do (as he never wanted Benito to invade these far-off poor planets anyway) though Benito is said to be firmly against the plans. Oojok and Benito will hold a face-to-face summit next week. Oojok will hold another meeting with Firefly before the end of the year.


Other Fleet Review (04/12/12)

  • The Dinos have built 2 Dinomark XTs, one for New Arit and the other for the Voth. They have also built a Provider-EDA for themselves.
  • The Bolitic have completed a Meltinan.
  • Haylei have taken delivery of 2 Coril-E shuttles.
  • Molab have received a Pentekonter-E and 3 refurbished Kalahati Tuuls.

DDS attackers stopped and killed

The DDS has announced that the two intruders to DDS Research who left behind a trail of mayhem including badly wounding Dr Forbidden and stealing DDS data have been intercepted and destroyed by a DDS warship near the Rim Worlds. The DDS have not revealed the identity of the intruders though some news sources are reporting they were archaeologists though how they managed to get hold of sufficient technology to defeat the tightest security in the DDS and why they were after DDS technical secrets is unknown.

The DDS have reduced their alert status to AMBER though this maintains the full mobilisation of all DDS assets and the highest level of security at all DDS establishments. Security Director Torus has begun a full review of security at DDS Research.


DDS Research attacked!

Agents of an unknown power have infiltrated DDS Research and may have stolen exabytes of top secret data on weapon systems and other technologies. Several DDS Security personnel were killed by the agents who managed to get away, Dr Forbidden was also severely injured by the agents though is expected to recover.

DDS Commander Firefly has raised the alert status to RED, the highest level and ordered a Level 1 lock down of all DDS facilities. The entire fleet has also been mobilised and it is thought been ordered to find the agents and stop them getting away with the data.



Got To Go For It!
Can Quarz save the day? (Rise Of The Acheron P5)


All The Secrets
David and Re'Vent infiltrate DDS Research (Rise Of The Acheron P4)


Za'Enyu to buy HCS ships and weapons

Za'Enyu have followed up their initial order of HCS weapons made earlier in the year with a 1.6 billion zark order for weapons ranging from spaceships to tanks. Za'Enyu said that they will greatly strengthen their ability to maintain sovereignty with these weapons and said that they would further strengthen their space fleet in future years. As part of the deal 250 cadets from Za'Enyu would enrol at the HCS Space Navy Academy over the next 5 years and the HCS would help the Zaites (as they like to be known) set up their own academy by 2120. The weapons bought are :
  • 5 Shark SKE-ZA frigates
  • 2 Freighter TYA-ZA transports
  • 60 F-40 fighters, refurbished from ex-HCSAF stock (as are all the aircraft)
  • 95 A-85 COIN and 60 AH-26 helicopters
  • 450 T-88++ tanks and 650 Tapir IFVs from ex-HCS stock
  • An unspecified number of new SMG-26W machine guns and AR-100 assault rifles
  • Ammunition for the land and air vehicles plus spare parts and help with integration


Eritrans throw spanner in the works

Oojok met with Firefly for a second time during their summit in deep space (this time on Firefly's flagship SS Cicero). Oojok said the DDS' offer of an alliance in return for not accepting Utrek coin was "the basis of the start of a discussion". However the Free Eritran States, who are of course Tier 1 DDS allies, have said that no alliance with the Clone Star Empire can take place until the Clones withdraw from Kontai and Unatel Gamma 540.

The planets are of little worth to the CSE and indeed it is well known that Oojok was enraged when Benito invaded them to add to his CSE-E however giving them up would be difficult for Oojok. He would be unable to force Benito to do so and instead would have to find some way to persuade him.

It is thought both Firefly and Oojok are now returning to their respective empires but will hold further talks soon.
  • The Provider 71A transport A107 Condor suffered serious damage on a cargo run between Solaris and Liberation when its main meteorite deflector failed and it was hit by a large piece of rock. Two crew were killed and 6 injured. The ship lost main power and is now being towed back to Solaris by another ship. Sea Urchin has ordered checks on all deflector systems on other SUP ships just in case.


Firefly offers Oojok "military alliance"

The Clone Wars ended over 10 years ago but since then there has been a sometimes uneasy peace between the DDS and Clone Star Empire. DDS Commander Firefly has offered a much deeper peace with the Clones in his summit with Emperor Oojok in return for the Clones turning down the offer of money from the Utrek in return for basing rights.

"Ten years of cold war followed the ending of the Third Clone War in 2100." Firefly said at a media briefing after the summit on board Oojok's flagship, "Now its time for the DDS and HCS to move forward as partners. The Clones say they need friends, well i think the DDS would be a lot better friend than the Utrek Federation."

Firefly has offered to cease patrols along the DDS-CSE borders (in return for the HCS doing the same), a mutual defence pact, joint training and increased armed sales are also part of the offer. What the DDS arn't offering is hard cash like the Utrek though ceasing patrols might save the HCS billions of zarks a year on its own.

Oojok is now consulting with his senior advisers and Benito via a video link. Oojok will meet with Firefly again either tomorrow or later today on Firefly's flagship SS Cicero where he will give his response.


Firefly to meet Oojok

DDS Commander Firefly is to meet Emperor Oojok of the Clone Star Empire later today (news of the meeting being kept secret for security reasons). Its not known where the meeting will take place but it is thought to be in deep space between DDS and CSE space aboard a spaceship. Firefly and Oojok will discuss the Utrek investment in the CSE and Utrek plans for listening stations and refuelling ports.

Firefly has ordered the DDS alert status reduced to GREEN as a sign of good faith though continued his opposition to Utrek forces being in Clone space.



Emergency On Solaris
David and Re'Vent head to the heart of the DDS (Rise Of The Acheron P3)

HCS to scrap vast amount of withdrawn stock

The HCS have vast amounts of withdrawn equipment and vehicles rusting away in scores of locations across the Clone Star Empire. The HCS try to sell as much as they can but there are still tens of thousands of tanks and IFVs rotting away. Now as part of cost saving measures the HCS have decided to close no fewer than 35 storage centres and will scrap at least 15,000 tanks and 20,000 other armoured vehicles.

This seems a lot but it is reported that the HCS will still have around 30,000 withdrawn T-88s alone in storage even after the scrapping is completed by 2116. It is hoped to save 170 million zarks a year by closing these centres and raise around 500 million zarks through sale of scrap metal and alloys for recycling.

Sales are continuing however, the Dinos have signed a contract to receive a large quantity of T-55Z spares as well as around a hundred stripped hulls (various types of tank) for use in target practice. The value of the order is thought to be 5.5 million zarks.


Dinos to receive first Dinomark PT/2E next month

The Dinos, who have not built that many ships for themselves recently, will receive their first upgraded Dinomark PT/2E next month. The Mark 2 Evolution (to give it its full title) is a bit of  "stop-gap" as the Mark 3 PT has now been pushed back to 2114 at least. Some reports say the Mark 3 might now be delayed until 2115.

The 2E has a modest hyperspace speed boost (880c) though worm drive speed has been slightly reduced to 4900ec (the reason why has not been disclosed but is thought to be due to modifications to the field geometry to allow for lower power consumption). The main change is the internal layout of the ship which will allow for a higher TPM load. Passive sensors, secondary beam weapons, the mainframe and power drain weapon have also been upgraded.



Tenth Attempt
A dark ancient evil is awoken (Rise Of The Acheron P2)

Terran Sea fitted with worm drive ahead of ILU

The Terran Sea ILU and Unificiation Project is due to begin in January 2113 with the three Type 43 variants unified into the Type 43G. Updates will include Z7, EA-X and IWC 3.0 as well as worm drive. While the Isometric 41A is already calibrated for worm drive the Terran Sea (which has a slightly different fuselage) has not been until now.

M162 North Sea has been fitted with a W1A worm drive ahead of the ILU to help fine tuning the calibration. The Arafura Sea 43C Medium Combat Ship has also been fitted with some other ILU equipment  (mostly sensor and system updates) to help their final development. North Sea will become the first ship which has the ILU proper in January and hence the lead ship of the new type which will be known as the North Sea 43G.


HCSAF next to face cuts

Following on from the HCS Navy's cuts announced earlier in the week the HCS Air Force has also just announced 427 million zarks worth of cuts which will come mainly through the disbanding of a number of squadrons and the resulting withdrawals of aircraft. Orders for new aircraft will also be reduced.
  • Two Air Defence squadrons are to be disbanded though the planes involved (F-40s) are already due for withdrawal, the F-45C order has been cut to 850.
  • Eight Attack squadrons are to be disbanded with 200 A-84s withdrawn, many of these are near the end of their fatigue lives in any case.
  • Three Tactical Reconnaissance squadrons are to be disbanded, 75 TR-72s will be withdrawn, as with the A-84s these will be old planes.
  • The RQ-2 drone has been put back 2 years to 2116.
  • Three Transport squadrons have been withdrawn, 35 of the oldest C-440s will be withdrawn with other surplus planes cascaded to other units. The C-460 order has been reduced by 20.
  • Plans to upgrade three airbases have been canceled and two other projects scaled back.
However its not all bad news for the HCSAF as funding has been secured for a new role. The Clones have begun development of a LEO interception missile to be carried by the forthcoming F-45C to attack spaceships in low orbit. The missile will be similar in role to the DDS TPM-A though will have a nuclear or HE warhead not a transplasic one for now (as the Clones do not have this technology!)


Remedians discuss Perimpaz run-down

The Remedians' fleet of 6 Perimpaz 39A Fleet Combat Ships are due for withdrawal from 2114 by the first 5 Corkscrew 51A Medium Combat Ships to be built (though this might be modified slightly with Corkscrews 02 to 06 going to Remedia while the first ship 01 joins the DDS). In any event the Perimpaz ships, the last remnant of what was once a large fleet of Kalahati Tuul 2s in Remedian service will be gone by 2116.

The ships are not considered to have much fatigue life left beyond 2116 so might not be put up for sale. Unlike the Kalahati Tuul the KT2 was a joint-venture between the Remedians and Clones and was not sold to any other nation however there will be some spare parts that could be sold. The Remedians will perform a final upgrade to their fleet next year though this will be fairly modest and consists mainly of bug fixes and minor updates.

One detail of the Corkscrew programme that hasn't come to light until now is training. One of the Starsystem training frigates will be outfitted as a dedicated Corkscrew trainer next year with the same combat interfaces and a simulated training suite. The Remedians will join the training programme along with the DDS.
  • Further to yesterday's HCS Navy cuts the HCSNAS (Naval air service) will also procure less F-45Ks than originally intended. The order has been cut to 100 though the HCSNAS said that it is hoped to procure extra planes later on.


HCS Navy announces cuts

Yesterday was a bittersweet day for the HCS Navy, they accepted into service R04 Benito Clone, the sole member of the Benito Clone class helicopter carrier (very similar to the Cloneworld  class aircraft carriers) as the name implies it was originally intended for Austini 55 but will be part of the Cloneworld fleet and will be flagship of a new amphibious support operation flotilla. However a number of cuts to other new warship programmes were also announced as part of a 450 million zark series of defence cuts.

The Ailier II frigate class has been canceled, however as 2 of the intended 10 ships are already in an advanced state of construction the HCS has decided to complete them. The final 2 Olana destroyers have also been canceled though the 6 already in existence are considered adequate for the reduced scale of operations the Cloneworld navy will perform. The proposed 3rd Cloneworld class carrier has been canceled too. The 2 proposed Flexible Support Ships have survived though have been put back to 2115. Finally the HCSNAS will withdraw 20 of its fleet of F-40N fighters though most of these are reaching the end of their fatigue lives anyway.

HCS head Admiral Anderson said that the HCS Navy was still powerful and was able to meet its operational requirements. Submarine orders were unaffected, the future role of the HCSN to provide a submerged launchpad for CSM is considered untouchable by the HCS.


Quasar decloaks in Paragon orbit

The DDS have made a demonstration of their power by sending a Quasar 15A bomber deep into Clone space under cloak. The bomber decloaked momentarily in high orbit over Paragon which is the future site of a Utrek listening post. The bomber then made a quick dash back over the border. The HCS have protested the "aggression" and have begun a review of space defences.

DDS Commander Firefly said the move was to show that the DDS possessed the ability to strike "anywhere to defend ourselves".


Fleet News (15/11/120)

  • H129 Impregnable is the latest Indy 35B FCS to join the fleet.
  • Solaris 37C FCS H162 Polaris has received a worm drive.
  • Windy's new ship will be called the SS Scorpion, it will be a Falcon 47W.

DDS to build new forward base for strategic bombers

The DDS have announced they will build a new forward base for strategic bombers and other assets on an asteroid orbiting Barnard's Star. Ships such as the Quasar 15A would only be a few hours away from Paragon, the proposed site of the first Utrek intelligence base. Indeed Paragon is just within the current range of the MRM strike missile so bombers would not necessarily have to leave Barnard's Star to launch a strike (though in practice the DDS prefer to get within 1 light year). The DDS did not mention the Utrek base but it is very likely that this new base is a response to that.

Liberation is another future location for DDS strike assets (though this has already been announced) and this planet is at a similar distance to Paragon (around about 5-6 light years away).


UV184 : The Break-Up

  • Under The Hash - Can the Dinos survive? (The Repicans P2)
  • Triple-Threat - Can DM14 survive the return of the Repicans? (The Repicans P3)
  • Robot - Windy tells Quarz it is over (Come Die With Me P1)
  • In The Market - Quarz is hunted by Dump (Come Die With Me P2)
  • Grab That Helmet - The hunt for Quarz moves to Proxima 5 (Come Die With Me P3)
  • Structure - Can Quarz survive the pirate attack? (Come Die With Me P4)
  • Darkness Returns - Two adventurers seek to discover an ancient evil (Rise Of The Acheron P1)


Darkness Returns
Two adventurers seek to discover an ancient evil (Rise Of The Acheron P1)

Firefly criticises Clone-Utrek agreement

DDS Commander Firefly has criticised the Clone Star Empire for entering an agreement with the Utrek Federation granting basing rights in return for money. "The Utrek are a grave strategic threat to the Local Group and allowing them military facilities in strategic locations is lunacy!" he told the DDS Politburo called to an urgent meeting on Proxima 5 (this part of the meeting was publicly broacast). Firefly said the DDS were ready to respond to this new threat though did not elaborate.

Benito meanwhile has also been critical saying that he should have been consulted before it was agreed for one of the planets in CSE-E to be used for a base, though he welcomed the fact that 30% of the 100 billion zarks the Utrek will pay over 3 years will come to his part of the empire.
  • Ronald has assembled the crew for his exploratory voyage next year for the first time. They will undertake a training mission next week though will use GBH's personal ship DM21 as Dinomark is still undergoing maintenance. 


Dino View : What next for Malanson?

Legate Dralson, ex-Dino Army and Security Council

Legate Malanson was the undoubted loser in the Dino Consul election. Squeezed by the two main candidates he ended up with just 3.1% of the vote! However Malanson remains in Imperial Order's future electoral plans and indeed (i can exclusively reveal, as he just told me!) he has been appointed the deputy leader of the party after Cruggson. Malanson kindly took time out from his schedule to grant me the following interview...

Dralson : Malanson, how tough was it to come such a poor third?

Malanson : It wasn't easy! But i was expecting it, the electorate usually does concentrate between two candidates in the final stages of the election and i was up against 2 very good candidates.

DR : Early on in the election analysts said that you were not expected to win but that Ronald wanted you to raise your profile and gain experience ahead of more serious campaigns in the future.

MA : Thats not true, i was selected as Imperial Order's candidate and we planned to win. However El Diablo's campaign was excellent and the people seem to want to give him a second chance. MBH is always a powerful opponent.

DR : So are you going to try again next time?

MA : We haven't decided yet. Cruggson actually is eligible to stand next time so it might be him, me, or someone else.

DR : Who could that someone else be? Since the semi-retirement of Ronald and GBH and El Diablo's defection to the Liberals the Imperial Order cupboard looks a bit bare.

MA : There are plenty of potential candidates, the Dino political scene does not stand still in a vacuum, established named retire or go on a hiatus and new names come up. I am an example of the latter of course. The new names might need time to establish themselves well thats what i plan to continue doing over the next few years.

DR : How will you do that? You arn't a member of the senate or even a junior minister. I know myself that there are plenty of Legates out there who no one has heard of!

MA : [laughing] My dear old comrade Dralson i've heard of you at least! No it is true that i do not have a government role, at the moment anyway. I have signaled my willingness to be considered for office so things could change when El Diablo takes over. That will be up to him of course and political horse trading. Apart from that i am now the deputy leader of the party plus i am still active in the Dino Army.

DR : Finally, say in a few years you do become Consul, what can we expect from the Malanson regime?

MA : Fairness and inclusivity along with a focus on strong defence. There are many things to worry about in the astral-political arena with the DDS, Clones, Bolitic [this interview was held before the Clone-Utrek announcement - DR] and so on. With my military experience and the help of my colleagues i am sure i can be an asset to the state. Until then i am loyal to my new Consul, the Senate and the Republic!

HCS View : Don't panic yet

Keith Remadra, former chief advisor to the UNP Security Council on Clone affairs 

News of the Clone Star Empire's strategic link-up with the Utrek Federation (a fancy way of saying the Utrek have bought 3 very strategic locations for listening posts in return for a ton of cash) is a bit of a surprise indeed. Not a total surprise as it was fairly common knowledge that the Clones were looking for a partner as they did in the early 2100s during the previous economic crisis when they were bailed out by the Dinos.

This one may be more serious, the Dinos were after (and achieved) a complete reboot of their army using HCS equipment whereas the Utrek appear to be wanting strategic locations for "intelligence" stations. Paragon, the first of the 3 locations to be revealed, is perfectly placed for powerful sensor suites and signal analysis of both DDS Centre and DDS South...

But the DDS should not panic yet, the Utrek may now find gathering intelligence easier but its not the end of the world. The Utrek are still involved in their war with the Mantae and although that is currently fairly low-level we should not forget that 6% of Utrek territory is currently held by the Mantae so that war has still a long way to go. It will be no surprise to the DDS that the Utrek are still interested in them strategically, but the DDS beat the Utrek twice in two wars in the last decade and the DDS is much stronger than it was since the last war. The Utrek, even if the Mantae war ended now, would take over a decade to recover.

The astral-political situation has got more complicated but in many ways in the short term its less of a concern for the DDS as the Clones will be stabilised with the cash injection. In the medium to long term well thats a different story...

Utrek to pump 100 billion zarks into Clone Star Empire in return for basing rights!

Oojok met with the Utrek leader Aragenda today on his flagship in deep space in between Clone and Utrek space. As a result of the meeting the former good relations between the Clones and the Utrek in the 2090s appear to have been restored with the Utrek saying they will invest 100 billion zarks into the Clone economy (to be supplied in 3 yearly installments).

However the Utrek will get a lot in return, they will get 45% stakes in a number of large Clone engineering companies including the massive Clone Aircraft Corporation (CAC) but more importantly from an astral-political perspective they have gained 100 year basing right leases on 3 planets in the Clone Star Empire!

Paragon is the only planet to be named so far, this will be the home to an orbital Utrek refueling and maintenance station as well as a facility on the ground for "military liaison and intelligence gathering", two other planets will be chosen later (one will be in the CSE-E though this is probably news to Benito!) The HCS said that the Utrek would be restricted to the number of troops and ships that could be present at these facilities. The strategic implications are enormous however for the DDS who have already protested the moves. DDS Commander Firefly has called an urgent meeting of the DDS Politburo and raised the alert status to AMBER.


Oojok to meet with Utrek leader

It has been announced that Oojok will meet with the leader of the Utrek Federation tomorrow. The meeting has been kept under tight security and its announcement has caused astral-political shockwaves across the galaxy. The location of the meeting is unknown but is rumoured to be in deep space on Oojok's flagship. The ship made an unscheduled stop at Miliaris a few days ago to get some supplies (Miliaris is close to the Utrek border - and in Benito's CSE-E though Benito is not thought to have been invited).

The agenda for the talks is unknown but rumours have been flying across the galactic internet. The Clone Star Empire is in desperate need of cash and the Utrek are thought to be quite rich. What the Utrek might get in exchange for helping the Clones (if indeed they do) has been the subject of much speculation.
  • Quarz has returned to active DDS service and has been appointed head of Team Redjec (which has now been renamed Team Quarz). It is understood Team Quarz will be placed under direct control of iP Services (though will rename in the DDS). Windy said TQ would handle some "very special and very dangerous" missions for him.


Oojok orders fundamental review of HCS

Oojok has ordered a fundamental (but also rapid) review of the entire HCS. The review of all branches of the Clone armed forces will look at current and projected astral-political needs and whether the HCS is best suited to meet these. There is a feeling that the HCS still relies too much on monolithic force in the form of large standing armies and air forces and the review has been ordered to see if this is true and whether a smaller more nimble HCS is needed instead.

Behind the review is of course a desire to save money. The HCS is a vast organisation which requires billions of zarks in budget just for running costs of existing stock never mind any new equipment or forces. Oojok says the review must report back before the end of Q2 2113.



Can Quarz survive the pirate attack? (Come Die With Me P4)

Character Database reaches 400

It was a co-incidence but the same day the Official DDS Website reached 4000 posts the Official DDS Character Database has reached 400. This is an increasingly vital part of the DDS Universe and has already helped tighten things up character and story wise. There are still a lot of profiles let to go so here is to the next 100...


4000 not out!

This is the 4000th post to the Official DDS Website which since 2005 has been the ultimate resource for DDS news and information. We began the site back in 2005 to supplement the comic series but over time the site itself has become a vital part of the canon.

Recently we have expanded the web presence including the Character Database and Timeline to make this your one-stop-shop for DDS news and info. Here is to the next 4000 posts! Thanks to all our loyal fans!


Dino View : What to expect from El Diablo

Legate Dralson, ex-Dino Army and Security Council

So El Diablo finally has his second chance at the top of Dino politics. Of course the first time around he was appointed Emperor by a badly injured Ronald. El Diablo's short reign was an utter disaster of course and since then he has remained under a bit of a shadow.

Now El Diablo has a second chance, elected as the sole Consul for the next 2 years and supported by a Liberal Party which is currently the strongest in Dino politics. His party leader will head the Senate in 2113 in Ronald's absence. There really is no excuse for El Diablo's reign as Consul to not be productive and a success. But what exactly are his policies?

The Consul election was, as usual, a war of rhetoric between Diablo and his opponents (principally MBH). Few actual policies were discussed but we can glean from the Liberal Party's manifesto that defence cuts are likely. Jimmy has long held the view that the Dinos spend too much on defence and not enough on social programmes. Therefore we can expect less Dinomarks and more money for social care, a slogan Jimmy has used in the past.

The relationship with the DTA may chance subtly too. Jimmy is known to want the other DTA to pull more of their own weight both militarily and politically in the alliance. We can maybe expect the next 2 years therefore to be one of quiet consolidation as the Dino military cools off its expansion over the last few years, with the slack taken up by the other DTA members. I actually think these will, in the long term, be good policies for the Dinos. The DTA is the future of Dino security, but it needs time and space to grow and not just be the Dino Republic fan club.

Lets hope El Diablo's second chance is a success.

Wayne King-Meiouf : The DDS juggernaut of the 2120s

Professor Wayne King-Meiouf of the University of Proxima

So the future of the DDS Patrol Command is now clear, and will involve a lot more ships. The DDS of the mid-2120s looks like it will have a much bigger fleet than it does now. How can this be afforded though? The answer is the changing technology that means ships now last a lot longer...

The first and second generation DDS warships tended to have a planned life up to 10 years (though the Pulsar and now the Starsystem have lasted longer, albeit with extensive rebuilding). That meant of course that plans for the replacements had to be put in place more or less as the current generation were entering service.

The third generation of DDS warship (Quasar, Isometric and Velocity) were designed to last much longer. Thirty years is now the minimum service life and types like the Panther are planned to last for 40+. Indeed the current generation of warships may last much longer as the main reason for ship fatigue (the intense pressure of hyperspace travel) will become less in the age of worm drives.

So that means when the DDS build 20 heavy combat ships, war losses and updates aside, the capital investment has been already spent so the DDS' resources can be spent on other things... like 59 Corkscrews.

Phase 1 excavations completed at new GHQ

Excavations of the underground levels of the new GHQ building on Helnikan Island have been completed according to reports in the Proxima 5 media. Further excavations will take place to build a subterranean railway station when GHQ is linked up to the subway being built by 2114 but work can now begin on installing infrastructure for the various levels in what has become known as the command bunker.

Work is also progressing well on the above ground buildings of the new GHQ. Firefly said he plans to move to the new GHQ by Spring 2113, he is currently using the nearby DDS Communications HQ as his office with other command functions remaining at DDS City on Proxima 7 for the time being.


HCS Fleet News (06/11/12)

  • While all new construction has been suspended until 2113 the HCS Space Navy has finally completed the last 2 Kalahati Tuul S conversions from older Kalahati Tuuls.
  • A Freighter TYA transport has been withdrawn.

El Diablo wins Consul election!

The result was delayed slightly due to some technical issues with datalinks from Xi but everything has now been confirmed, El Diablo has won the 2112 Consul election with 51.1% of the vote! MBH trailed with 43.6%, he said the Dinos would regret their "epic mistake" in voting in someone who would "lose a battle of wits with a piece of cheese" however he said would not challenge the result.

El Diablo said he would lead the Dino Republic through the next phase of its democratic evolution. He said Jimmy would be his deputy which, as Jimmy is also going to be Head of the Senate while Ronald is away next year, means the Liberal Party will have a tight hold on power for the foreseeable future.
  • iP Services have placed an order for a brand new Dinomark XT/120w underwater capable spaceship. The ship will replace Windy's lost transport and will be maintained as part of the DDS' Falcon 47A/W fleet though will be operated by iP Services personnel. The ship will be delivered next year.


Civilian Partnership ends with a real emergency

The first of what is planned to be an annual humanitarian and disaster recovery exercise with UNP agencies has ended with a final simulated recovery of crew at a nuclear power station outside Hexian City which was (in the exercise scenario) struck by an earthquake. During the exercise DDS personnel and equipment supported a team from the UNP Nuclear Safety Agency.

Following the exercise however the DDS were called upon for a real emergency after a building caught fire at the nearby DDS City. The fire was quickly bought under control, no one is understood to have been seriously injured in the blaze thought to have been caused by a kitchen fire.



Grab That Helmet
The hunt for Quarz moves to Proxima 5 (Come Die With Me P3)


Provider XMA cleared for service

The Dinos have confirmed an order at least 5 more conversions of old Dinomark XTs to unmanned drone transports to be known as the Provider XMA following successful tests of a prototype (which had the test designation Dinomark XX) which has now officially entered service.

The Provider XMA is a rebuilt old XT fitted for unmanned operation and includes a worm drive and an advanced new automated defence and repair system. Its thought the prototype will now be used to provide a resupply stop for Ronald's ship on its expedition next year.


Ronald announces his crew for next year's expedition

Ronald has announced the crew he will take on his expedition into uncharted space next year aboard his ship Dinomark. Ronald has chosen his crew from 6th Legion veterans and some promising youngsters (who have now joined the 6th Legion elite) as well as a member of the SS-D special forces who will mostly serve as Ronald's bodyguard.

The crew chosen is :

Ronald - Commander (Senator)
GBH - First Officer (Senator)
Oeirkan - Second Officer / Communications (Centurion)
Galaxian - Weapons Officer / Bridge Officer (Centurion)
Bite - Helm (Centurion)
Jau - SS-D / Bodyguard (SS-D Decurion)
Adamson - Navigator / Medic (Decurion)
Krusty - Security / Bridge Officer (Legionary)
Lingson - Weapons Officer / Driver (Legionary)
Brunt - Underwater Operations Specialist / Bridge Officer (Legionary)
Jerry - Geologist / Xeno Expert (Legionary)
  • Voting has now ended in the Consul election on Dino-Land though still will continue on some of the other planets in the Dino Republic until later today. The result is expected during the weekend.


Election day on Dino-Land

The polls have opened in this year's Consul election on Dino-Land, and this year the vote is even more important than usual because of the change in the Consul post at the head of the Dino government. From the start of 2113 two Consuls will become one, and that sole Consul will serve alone for 2 years.

El Diablo still lead on the last opinion polls before voting day but his lead was down to 50.7%. If he fails to get 50% then there will be a run-off against the second place candidate, which would likely be MBH who is now on 42.6%.
  • Current Consul Ronald has announced his crew for his exploration mission next year has been chosen. As expected Ronald will take GBH with him as deputy and the rest of the crew is a mix of veterans (though fairly under the radar names) and promising younger people. Ronald said he will announce the crew tomorrow so as to not interfere with election day.

Other Fleet Review (01/11/12)

  • The Dinos have built 3 Dinomark XTs, one each for Sirikwan, Yeng and the Voth.
  • Putri 500 have received an Isometric E15P1.
  • Haylei have received their first 2 Coril-Es.


Dr Forbidden provides DDS worm drive update

Dr Forbidden, the head of DDS Research, has produced an update on the status of DDS worm drives (known as Electron W1As). He said that production rate was now up to 1.8 a month and would rise to 2.1 by early next year and 3.0 by the end of 2113.  He said that the next priority was to worm all of the Solaris 37C class and this would be done at least 1 per month over the next year.

"We also want to have a back-up stock of Electrons, currently we are pretty much using the drives as we make them but by next year we should be able to start building a stockpile." he added.

The Type 43 would be the next major "worming" after the Solaris, and would take place as part of the Terran Sea ILU & Unification Project which was now due to start in 2114.



In The Market
Quarz is hunted by Dump (Come Die With Me P2)

Benito raises taxes

Benito has raised taxes across the CSE-E in order to raise extra funds for the military. Its thought Benito is trying to raise an extra 400 million zarks in order to form 2 extra armoured brigades and 3 air attack squadrons. These units would be part of the HCS-E but would not be removeable back to the West.

The tax rises however are proving unpopular with the already hard pressed population on Austini 55 and Woloron 12, riots have been reported in 3 cities already.


Sea Urchin clarifies Corkscrew production

Deputy Commander Sea Urchin has clarified some issues involving the Corkscrew 51A Medium Combat Ship. 59 will be built from 2114 over a planned 11 year period from 2114. The first 5 will be built for the Remedians to replace their legacy Kalahati Tuul 2s and then the rest for the DDS.

"We will have 2 production jigs for Corkscrew." Sea Urchin, who is Director of Technology, told reporters. "Jig A will be at Solaris and will begin production in 2114 with Jig B in Raegris space beginning in 2115. Each jig can produce around 3 ships a year so we have planning on at least 6 a year which may give us scope for some export orders."

Sea Urchin said the specification was now locked down and designs would be finalised early next year. "Building the prototype will commence in Half 2 2113, it will be the first ship of the DDS fleet (and will likely be SS Corkscrew but that will not be confirmed yet). The first ship will likely enter service early in 2114 though will be mostly involved with training and proving trials in 2114. The next 5 ships will be for the Remedians. Then from mid-2115 it should be full scale ahead for the DDS."
  • Ronald has stepped down as leader of Imperial Order and Cruggson has been named the new leader. Cruggson said that he was going to "reinvigorate" the party which looks set to be spending some years away from the Consulship.
  • Ahead of Thursday's vote in the Consul election the candidates have begun a final series of rallies and campaigning. El Diablo maintains a healthy lead though it has now dropped to 51.6% though this would still give him an outright victory. MBH has now risen to 40.8%. Malanson's vote has collapsed to 3.1% as voters move to the 2 main candidates.


Politburo agrees Patrol Command review (with some changes)

The DDS Politburo has debated and agreed the review into Patrol Command which called for a much greater fleet of dedicated patrol assets as well as static monitoring. However there were some changes made to the review especially the number of ships and when these should be built.

The review called for a fleet of 112 ships by 2121 (it is currently 59) which the Politburo thought would be impossible to achieve, especially as 14 of the current ships (the Type 43s) is due to join the main fleet. Instead the new target of 102 ships has been set for 2125. This is still going to be a tough schedule calling for 57 new ships by 2125 (or just over 5 ships a year from 2114 when these changes could affect the Ship Building Plan - though a couple of Freedom 41Bs are still to be built of course).

Nearly all of these ships will be Corkscrew 51As however the Politburo has also asked DDS Engineering to evaluate an upgraded Pentekonter-E which could also be built as part of a hi-lo mix. For the moment the Corkscrew order has been increased to 59 (54 for Patrol Command plus 5 already on order for the Remedians). One final change is that Corkscrew production will not be bought forward from 2114 however production for the DDS will begin from 2115 not 2116 as previously planned.


Windy tells Quarz it is over (Come Die With Me P1)


Artensis consolidate HCS orders

Artensis 60 are the HCS Export Agency's best customer nowadays and over the last few years have orders billions of zarks worth of planes, land weapons and space craft. With deliveries now underway Artensis have placed a further order for 110 T-76 basic trainers and will by 2114 be handling all of their air training (currently the HCS perform basic training of Artensis pilots though advanced training and weapons training will soon be moved to Artensis).

Artensis have also made modifications to their other existing orders to reflect updates in HCS technology, the HCS Exports Agency have published a revised list of these orders :
  • 10 Shark frigates (now known as the Shark SKH-EA), 7 Type A freighters and 5 Omiten oilers (up 2).
  • 400 T-55ZDMA60 tanks (up 25), 910 TRV-5HDA60 IFVs, 120 ATC-107GA60 self-propelled guns (up 15) and now 25 RBU-980 rocket artillery systems. 20 TAA-5A60 AA systems have been added to the order.
  • 60 F-45A fighters, 100 A-84FEA attack aircraft, 200 A-85NT (up 25) COIN aircraft, 20 E/TR-72 reconnaissance/EW aircraft, 25 C-440 transports and now 10 C-485 transports too. 110 T-76 trainers and 60 T-1Ms advanced trainer/light attack aircraft.
  • A quantity of guided munitions including SA-6A SAMs and AGWs.
The extra value of the amended orders has been reported as 180 million zarks. The total value of the orders with Artensis 60 have never been officially announced but have been estimated as being over 7 billion zarks. Artensis will be joining the HCS in exercises (in all spheres) from next year as part of the terms of the orders. Around 3000 HCS personnel are already on Artensis helping to train and set up their armed forces which are being totally remade.



Can DM14 survive the return of the Repicans? (The Repicans P3)

DDS to extend Starsystems to 2130

The 7 Starsystem 91X training frigates are now the oldest major ships in the fleet (though the youngest of them is only 11 years old demonstrating the remarkable youth of most of the DDS fleet) and had been destined for withdrawal in the early 2120s being replaced by 5 or 6 Isometric 41As. However with the changes to Patrol Command's plans being mooted it is now felt that the DDS should retain all of the Isometrics in their current role.

The DDS will now look to extend the life of the Starsystems in the early 2120s until the end of that decade at least. However it is likely the fleet will shrink to 6 examples with the ship in the worst condition being withdrawn for spares. As the ships are likely to be around for a long time yet the DDS will also schedule them to be fitted with worm drives later in the decade. Its a remarkable turnaround for ships which were almost scrapped a few years ago but were retained due to a public outcry. The Starsystems, because of their links to the early days of the DDS, are hugely popular with DDS staff and alumni.
  • The DDS have begun looking at holographic and n-field electroplate sensor spoofing as an alternative to cloaking for combat situations. Such technologies applied to the hull could hinder enemy attacks but still leave the DDS ship fully able to engage its targets. A research project has recently been begun by DDS Research and initial finding are expected to be reported to the DDS Politburo next Summer.


Firefly discusses Patrol Command review

Yesterday a report on the future of Patrol Command was published and called for a substantially larger fleet of ships. DDS Commander Firefly said the Politburo would discuss the report fully from tomorrow but said it was likely that much of the report would be proceeded with. The only sticking point was the projected number of ships and the number of Corkscrew 51As that would have to be built.

"The 112 ships by 2121 figure is a belt and braces best case figure." Firefly said, "As with anything there has to be a pragmatic approach taken so we may have revise that down somewhat, though not by much. Even so building that many Corkscrews will be tough. Even if we have both projected production lines active we would only be able to build 5-6 a year from 2115 so that would give us over 30 by 2112, way short of the 64 needed."

Firefly said a third production line was out of the question, "We have to deal with the resources available so 2 lines, one at Solaris and one at the Raegris will be what we will have. The Raegris line will of course include export orders." Firefly said that Corkscrew production could be bought forward a year early. "The design is 99% there so we could start building the prototype early next year with an entry into service in early 2114. We will need to decide quickly on that but hopefully by the end of the week we will know more clearly where we are going."
  • The HCS Exports Agency have announced another sale the day after their sale of submarines to Sirikwan. New Arit have ordered 50 new TRV-5HD Tapir IFVs and 100 ex-HCS older Tapirs along with spares in a 45 million zark deal. 


Call to restructure and beef up Patrol Command

The review into the DDS Patrol Command has been delivered and it calls for more ships and more use of static monitoring. Currently there are 59 ships designated to Patrol Command though many of these are also available for other duties too. A further 35 ships are on order (mostly the Corkscrew 51A) though these will not all arrive until the end of the decade.

The report states that the number of ships available to Patrol Command is insufficient especially when other duties take away some of the Medium Combat Ships such as the Isometric 41As. It says that the 14 Terran Sea and SOT MCS should be transferred to the main fleet and replaced by dedicated ships that can remain with Patrol Command at all times. It is possible that Corkscrew production will be either sped up or bought forward.

The target fleet for Patrol Command should be 112 ships by 2122 the report says in order to meet current and near-term projected demands. It is recommended that the extra ships (to replace the Terran Sea and the extra ships on top) be all Corkscrews for fleet economies, Isometric production should be terminated on schedule. The report suggests the following Patrol Command fleet structures :
Ship class 2112 2116 2121
Isometric 41A 17 17 17
Freedom 41B 13 16 16
Terran Sea / SOT 43 14 14 0
Rome 46A 15 15 15
Corkscrew 51A 0 5 64
Total 59 67 112
One thing to note is that very rapid production of the Corkscrew would be needed to reach the target figure for 2121!

The report also said that static monitoring should be greatly increased especially along sensitive borders with new generation communications technology and worm drive equipped ships to facilitate a rapid response to alarms. The report is now being considered by Firefly and other senior DDS commanders.
  • The HCS Exports Agency have announced their first export sale for some time, they will build 6 submarines similar to the Seawolf design of the HCSN for the Sirikwanese in a 190 million zark deal, though the company that will make them is half-owned by the Sirikwanese government so the total value of the order is about 95 million zarks. Sirikwan is also interested in the HCSN's surface warship designs so further sales may follow.


HCS View : Thinking the unthinkable? Splitting up the Clone Star Empire!

Keith Remadra, former chief advisor to the UNP Security Council on Clone affairs 

The economic problems of the Clone Star Empire persist, although there are signs the slump has bottomed out. The main talking point among Clone economists is that the CSE now seems to be a economic cycle of moderate boom and crushing bust every ten years or so.

The hard questions are beginning to be asked, even at the highest level of the CSE i have been informed : is the Clone Star Empire a viable entity in its current form? The answer keeps coming back : no!

The problem for the CSE is that a few planets effectively bankroll the rest. In the West Cloneworld, Sandworld, Lomar and Randalf 74 are net contributors to the empire's coffers. A few planets like Daggaddon more or less break even but the bulk like Paragon and Taragargi are money sinks. They bring little to the empire except the odd mineral deposit and land but instead suck in a large amount of money for protection and to maintain the territorial integrity of the empire's massive borders.

The problem is even more marked in the East with only Austini 55 having any net contribution, Woloron 12 breaks even and the rest require heavy subsidy. The problem for CSE-E is that Austini's surplus is insufficient to support the rest hence the billions in zarks that have to come from the West.

Now the question is being asked, how can the empire shed these money sink planets to reduce losses and make the borders more coherent but at the same time maintain face? Its a tough problem to be sure (though some contacts of mine say that Oojok is waiting for Benito to secede from the CSE as that will then be the opportunity to ditch some other planets too...)

So what could this reduced CSE look like? The central core of the empire more or less with Paragon and Taragargi retained for strategic reasons. The Calantratia hub of the empire and Benito's part would go. Such a reduced empire would be much easier to defend, would retain all the net contributors and lose most of the loss makers in the West and of course the East. Analysts estimate that the HCS could be safely reduced in size dramatically with poor quality units ditched keeping the elite core of the armed forces.

Could it happen? Don't rule out anything in this universe.

HCS to suffer further budget cuts

The HCS is to suffer further budget cuts as the Clone Star Empire's economy continues to struggle. The Head of the HCS Admiral Anderson said the cuts would be a lot smaller than the last round though analysts think all the "fat" was trimmed last time so even small cuts will hurt the HCS.

The HCS Navy and HCS Air Force are likely to bear the brunt of the cuts with plans for the Cloneworld surface fleet scaled back and F-40 withdrawals speeding up. Firm plans for the cuts will be released later in the week.



Under The Hash
Can the Dinos survive? (The Repicans P2)


Starbotians to upgrade Iona & Ixis

The Starbotians have announced a major upgrade of its flagship I-1A Iona plus a notable upgrade of I-11 Ixis too. Both ships will receive W1A wormdrives which have been bought off the Dinos (4 drives in total have been bought, 2 are being kept spare). Iona will also receive an engine upgrade to boost its hyperspace speed to 700c. Iona will also receive weapons upgrades including a greater TPM war load and TPM-VLS support.

Ixis' upgrade is more modest but will include laser cannon and tactical upgrades too. Both ships have now begun their upgrades, the Panther 35A I-21 Tiger has been assigned flagship until Iona returns early next year.


Fleet News (16/10/12)

  • M133 Firedrake is the latest Freedom 41B MCS to join the fleet.
  • H161 Solaris has become the first of the Solaris 37C FCS to receive a worm drive.


Original DDS cover

To conclude the 25th anniversary of the DDS the original Dino Death Squad comic has been located and its cover scanned. Of course the story was very different all those years ago...


UV183 : How Do You Solve A Problem Like Benito

  • Pounding Anii - Can Megara save the future? (Irregular P3)
  • Dark Deeds - Oojok holds a thought shower to decide how to deal with his rival. (Benito O'clock P1)
  • Anger Of A Little Man - Terin's plans to destabilise Benito begin (Benito O'Clock P2)
  • Sticking Up 4 Himself - The attack on Benito is investigated (Benito O'Clock P3)
  • Opposition - Ice Ranger goes in search of a renegade officer (Dakkar P1)
  • Vile Reptile! - Ice Ranger goes into action (Dakkar P2)
  • Detonation - The Repicans are under surveillance as Ronald gets married (The Repicans P1)