
Dino View : What to expect from El Diablo

Legate Dralson, ex-Dino Army and Security Council

So El Diablo finally has his second chance at the top of Dino politics. Of course the first time around he was appointed Emperor by a badly injured Ronald. El Diablo's short reign was an utter disaster of course and since then he has remained under a bit of a shadow.

Now El Diablo has a second chance, elected as the sole Consul for the next 2 years and supported by a Liberal Party which is currently the strongest in Dino politics. His party leader will head the Senate in 2113 in Ronald's absence. There really is no excuse for El Diablo's reign as Consul to not be productive and a success. But what exactly are his policies?

The Consul election was, as usual, a war of rhetoric between Diablo and his opponents (principally MBH). Few actual policies were discussed but we can glean from the Liberal Party's manifesto that defence cuts are likely. Jimmy has long held the view that the Dinos spend too much on defence and not enough on social programmes. Therefore we can expect less Dinomarks and more money for social care, a slogan Jimmy has used in the past.

The relationship with the DTA may chance subtly too. Jimmy is known to want the other DTA to pull more of their own weight both militarily and politically in the alliance. We can maybe expect the next 2 years therefore to be one of quiet consolidation as the Dino military cools off its expansion over the last few years, with the slack taken up by the other DTA members. I actually think these will, in the long term, be good policies for the Dinos. The DTA is the future of Dino security, but it needs time and space to grow and not just be the Dino Republic fan club.

Lets hope El Diablo's second chance is a success.