
Dr Forbidden provides DDS worm drive update

Dr Forbidden, the head of DDS Research, has produced an update on the status of DDS worm drives (known as Electron W1As). He said that production rate was now up to 1.8 a month and would rise to 2.1 by early next year and 3.0 by the end of 2113.  He said that the next priority was to worm all of the Solaris 37C class and this would be done at least 1 per month over the next year.

"We also want to have a back-up stock of Electrons, currently we are pretty much using the drives as we make them but by next year we should be able to start building a stockpile." he added.

The Type 43 would be the next major "worming" after the Solaris, and would take place as part of the Terran Sea ILU & Unification Project which was now due to start in 2114.