
Ronald announces his crew for next year's expedition

Ronald has announced the crew he will take on his expedition into uncharted space next year aboard his ship Dinomark. Ronald has chosen his crew from 6th Legion veterans and some promising youngsters (who have now joined the 6th Legion elite) as well as a member of the SS-D special forces who will mostly serve as Ronald's bodyguard.

The crew chosen is :

Ronald - Commander (Senator)
GBH - First Officer (Senator)
Oeirkan - Second Officer / Communications (Centurion)
Galaxian - Weapons Officer / Bridge Officer (Centurion)
Bite - Helm (Centurion)
Jau - SS-D / Bodyguard (SS-D Decurion)
Adamson - Navigator / Medic (Decurion)
Krusty - Security / Bridge Officer (Legionary)
Lingson - Weapons Officer / Driver (Legionary)
Brunt - Underwater Operations Specialist / Bridge Officer (Legionary)
Jerry - Geologist / Xeno Expert (Legionary)
  • Voting has now ended in the Consul election on Dino-Land though still will continue on some of the other planets in the Dino Republic until later today. The result is expected during the weekend.