
Election day on Dino-Land

The polls have opened in this year's Consul election on Dino-Land, and this year the vote is even more important than usual because of the change in the Consul post at the head of the Dino government. From the start of 2113 two Consuls will become one, and that sole Consul will serve alone for 2 years.

El Diablo still lead on the last opinion polls before voting day but his lead was down to 50.7%. If he fails to get 50% then there will be a run-off against the second place candidate, which would likely be MBH who is now on 42.6%.
  • Current Consul Ronald has announced his crew for his exploration mission next year has been chosen. As expected Ronald will take GBH with him as deputy and the rest of the crew is a mix of veterans (though fairly under the radar names) and promising younger people. Ronald said he will announce the crew tomorrow so as to not interfere with election day.