The sudden sabre-rattling by the Clones, calls for expansion and fleet redeployments has caught the galaxy off-guard. It genuinely seems to have come out of nowhere. Its as if Oojok lost his usual speech and so ad libbed something about "living space" and events then took a life of their own. His speech caught the HCS out especially, as their amphibious forces are probably at their lowest readiness for years because of some upgrades being carried out to the Intruder fleet and new equipment being bought for key amphibious units (such as the T-55ZDM2).
So are the Clones heading for war? Should Molab really be fearing an invasion? Even with the chaos of reorganisation the existing HCS amphibious force dwarfs anything most other powers can put together at the moment (except for the hyper powers like the Tarbotians of course) so the HCS could invade Molab though they would be without much in the way of a reserve if things went wrong and many of their first line units are currently unavailable.
Of course the HCS could just aim to attack in space, however that is not how the HCS like to do things. They don't like to attack an enemy and just leave his fleet in ruins, they like to invade and conquer and annex. The HCS could wage a space war against the Molab, they would win but the price would be likely to be high thanks to Molab's DDS imports. The Clones would then look at their ravaged fleet and an uninvaded foe and ask where is the beef?
So no i don't think the Molabites should be hiding their royal family in bunkers yet, the Clones are months away from being ready for any war. If they did curtail their amphibious reorganisation though and send the 1st Armoured Brigade (the elite of the HCS and the key amphibious unit) to Austini 55 though then it probably would be time to worry.