So how well do you know your DDS Universe? Take this quiz to find out if you are a member of the Triad or Trojan Warlord's underpant ironer...
Q1) The Indie is...
a) A development of the Panther
b) A planet in the UNP
c) A new DDS super warrior who doesn't take any smeg
Q2) Who took over the SS for a period earlier in the year?
a) Gibson
b) Ronald
c) Solax
Q3) Where did SS Isometric perform a reconnaissance earlier in the year?
a) The ABBOs
b) Clone Star Empire
c) Bolitic Confederacy
Q4) Who was kidnapped earlier in the year during a bungled heist?
a) Ronald
b) Quarz
c) Craig Thomas
Q5) Who is the head of DDS Technology?
a) Dr Forbidden
b) Knobhead
c) Sea Urchin
Q6) What is SS-CINT?
a) Counter intelligence / espionage force
b) Military unit of the SS
c) Magazine for lonely SS stormtroopers
Q7) Who kidnapped the Proximan Defence Minister?
a) Bolitic
b) Tarbotians
c) PRB
Q8) What rank in the Bolitic Confederacy is Joshi now?
a) Squire
b) Baron
c) Knight
Q9) Who unexpectedly became an in-law of Windscorpion?
a) AP
b) Truman
c) Oojok
Q10) What is Yeng?
a) Part of the DTA
b) A Dino Senator
c) A ship in the DDS fleet
Q11) Who shocked the DDS by resigning and becoming a free agent?
a) AP
b) Windscorpion
c) SFX
Q12) How come Megara is back from the dead?
a) He faked his own death
b) He was bought here from an alternative reality by a being from the future
c) Its someone else in a mask
Q13) Who won the Consul election this year?
a) Ronald
b) AP
c) Oojok
Q14) Who took over Jimmy's special operations unit from the deceased ZBH?
a) Crickson
b) Solax
c) Ralph
Q15) What is Corkscrew?
a) Forthcoming DDS warship
b) New DDS character
c) A military exercise involving the DDS and Raegris
Q16) The scientist kidnapped by the Tarbotians was
a) Dr Forbidden
b) Trojan Warlord
c) Professor Collins
Q17) Under the new DDS type name scheme frigates are now known as
a) Medium Combat Ships
b) Light Space Escorts
c) Destroyers
Q18) Who destroyed a HCS ship near Molab?
a) Molab
b) 7 Sa Sao
c) An as-yet unidentified alien race
Q19) Who is the Minister of the DTA in the Dino Senate?
a) GBH
b) MBH
c) Ronald
Q20) Who is the DDS Commander?
a) Windscorpion
b) Trojan Warlord
c) AP
You can see the answers below but please do not peek! After you have checked you can then see how well you did by our rating...
17-20 Right answers - You are ready to join the elite, Windy needs a new valet...
13-17 Right answers - Pretty good, a career in DDS middle management beckons.
9-12 Right answers - Useless, get back to some revision.
4-8 Right answers - You obviously did not pay attention, you will be taken in hand by TTG for... re-education.
0-3 Right answers - O Hai Trojan Warlord, hadn't you get busy masturbating and hating yourself?
1a 2b 3a 4a 5c 6a 7c 8b 9b 10a 11b 12b 13a 14c 15a 16c 17a 18c 19a 20c