
Balgason sworn in

Balgason has been sworn in as the new SS Commander and has taken an oath before joining the Senate of the Dino Republic. Consul Jimmy presided over the ceremony, his last official act before he stands down in favour of Ronald on January 1. Balgason promised he would renew the SS, push for greater funding and bring a harder more professional edge. It is thought also that he will outlaw the speaking in a faux-German accent which many SS have adopted over the years (though has been in decline).

Balgason also said all SS would renew their vow of loyalty to Ronald (whom he referred to as "the living God")  and also MBH, though he did not refer to the Chosen One by name instead made frequent references to "the Two Headed Pheonix" which is what many SS call Ronald and MBH who they regard as the true rulers of the Dinos (with all over senior Dinos being irrelevant).
  • F-45A production has officially ended after a 25 plane order for the Cloneworld HCSNAS (Naval air arm) was canceled. To keep the production line occupied until retooling for the F-45C begins in 2113 (with production in 2114) the first production builds of the A (Builds 6 and 7) will be upgraded to the later standard (Build 9). Around 182 aircraft will be upgraded. Improvements will include IR sensors, fuel systems and some internal arrangements to ease maintenance.