
Oojok wants CSE to continue to expand

In an end of year address Emperor Oojok of the Clone Star Empire-West has said that the empire to continue to expand. "Stagnation is our great enemy." he said, "It breeds contentment, laziness and sloth which in turn leads to decadence and decay." Its unknown yet though where the CSE-W can expand into, however the CSE-E under Benito has more scope for expansion though it would likely involve war with the Free Eritran States.

Benito was on Cloneworld for talks with Oojok and attended the speech though did not address the audience, comprising the top clones in the empire. It is thought that Oojok would not have made his remarks without informing Benito beforehand thus it may be that Benito himself is also eyeing more territory. Relations between the 2 sides of the empire are currently very good which means that Oojok would be easily willing to aid assistance to any military adventures by Benito.