
Wayne King-Meiouf : Interview with the Bolitic

Professor Wayne King-Meiouf of the University of Proxima

Last week i had the chance on my business trip to Dino-Land to meet with a former member of the Chosen Men, Borca's elite unit in the Bolitic Confederacy. Walaki was captured during one of the early battles but following the war was granted exile by the Dinos in return for intelligence.

King-Meiouf : Sir Walaki, thank you for granting me this interview, its rare we get the chance to hear from the Bolitic with their own words in the DDS.

Walaki : Just Walaki, i am no longer a member of the House of Borca or any house, i am a Corlori now thus not strictly a Bolitic.

KM : Can you explain what you mean by Corlori?

WA : Corlori are Bolitic who are not a member of a house but also not peasants or non-combatants. Corlori can be privateers, mercenaries or exiles like myself. Men of dubious honour, not true Bolitic anymore. Thats why i lower myself to talk to you, a true Bolitic would have eaten you by now.

KM : Er... looking back at the war, where did you think it went wrong for the Bolitic?

WA : I think we underestimated the resolve and strength of the Dinos. We were also let down by the ABBOs who we thought would help us against the Dinos and defeat them before they moved onto the DDS.

KM : Do you think Borca's strategic vision was flawed?

WA : [Laughing] Bolitic do not do strategic vision hew-mon, we seek the glory of combat and the spoils of victory. If we go to war we go to conquer not skirmish.

KM : To that end do you think the Bolitic will ever attack the Dinos, or DTA, again?

WA : At the moment it is hard to say, obviously we are too weak but we never forget an enemy. One day the Bolitic Confederacy will conquer the Dinos even if it takes a thousand years!

KM : Do you think attacking the Raegris was a mistake?

WA : Yes, but it was part of the plan with the ABBOs. We were to conquer the Raegris to weaken the DDS while the ABBOs helped us conquer the Dinos, then we were to finish off the DDS. But the ABBO reliks [untranslatable, but not something you would ever want to say to your Mother - Ed] betrayed us. The Raegris was a diversion we could have done without.

KM : So would you say the war was a total disaster?

WA : While many Dino mothers mourn their lost sons no war is a disaster.

KM : Moving on, do you think Melson can hold the empire together?

WA : Melson is a worm but overall he is a decent Emperor. I suspect the Bolitic will fight each other for the next few years but we will be back hew-mon and stronger than ever, then Dinos and hew-mons will learn to fear our name once more. [Leaves room]

KM : And on that note... er... thank you.