
Dino View : Melson's expensive and dangerous game

Legate Dralson, ex-Dino Army and Security Council

Placating critics and restless warlords is an expensive business, that is what the new Emperor of the Bolitic Confederacy, Melson, is finding. He has had to open the imperial treasury and his own coffers in order to pay for a new war fleet and more advanced warships. Billions have been donated to the imperial houses to pay for new Snarls and Meltinans and Melson himself has pledged to a new imperial fleet of ships including a new class of super battlecruiser.

This can work, the first 6 months of a new Emperor's reign are always the most dangerous and paying off rivals with new ships can work in the short term. However to keep the other powerful Barons and their satellites on side Melson will need to provide more than a few ships he will need to provide them with glory and loot, thus he needs to give them a war.

The problem for the Bolitic is that much of the low hanging fruit has now been conquered. If the Bolitic wish to expand again they will have to go against the DDS, DTA, Utrek or Tarbotians! None of those options will prove that palatable to Melson as victory would be unlikely, a crushing defeat more likely. The Bolitic found to their cost in the Bolitic-ABBO War that they are not strong enough to defeat a major power like the Dinos.

Some have suggested the Raegris could be a target. Its indeed true the Bolitic could conquer the Raegris (though it would be expensive) but while the Bolitic fleet was away there would be nothing stopping the DDS crossing the border and reducing Castarian to atomic ash.

The Bolitic need a powerful ally in order to go into a major war again - the problem is who. The Utrek were allies in the past but are not interested any more, their own war with the Mantae has seen a turn for the worse and all their attention is now focussed on that. The Tarbotians usually do not seek allies and they are not likely to be interested in further expansion for a few years while they consolidate their ABBO gains.

Ironically Melson's best bet for longevity would be a civil war! An internal struggle would keep ambitious Barons who want his head on a plate occupied and keep them disunited enough to not surge towards the imperial palace. This is a dangerous game though as it could easily sow the seeds of his own downfall if the 2 sides are not well balanced...