
Jimmy cleared of massacre accusation

At a media briefing at Dino Army GHQ Consul Zanus outlined a mass of evidence clearing Jimmy entirely of commanding troops who committed the massacre of a primitive tribe. The entire case, which had been originally published in Conspiracy Nation and then taken up by sections of the regular press, was a non-story Zanus said. There was no massacre, the tribe did not even exist Zanus revealed.

Conspiracy Nation owner Goodson also appeared at the media briefing to apologise. He said he and his magazine had been the victims of an elaborate hoax by an unknown party but suspected to be a foreign power. Goodson said he had been shown faked evidence of bodies as well as fake SS files. Goodson has been convicted for illegally breaking into an SS database but has been given a suspended sentence in return for "full cooperation" with the authorities. Zanus said the identity of the party was being sought but the trail had been well covered.

Jimmy said he was relieved the case was over. "Of course i knew it had not happened but there was so much 'evidence' presented i thought at one time i was going mad!" the Consul said at a separate briefing.
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