
Ronald details DTA vision in speech

Ronald gave a speech to an audience of several hundred Legates and Tribunes last night at Central AFB as part of his brief election campaign ahead of tomorrow's vote. The speech concentrated mostly on the DTA and how Ronald expects it to develop over the next few years.
  • Ronald expects several new members over the next few years but the central core would remain Dino-Land, Sirikwan and New Arit for foreseeable future.
  • The armed forces of the DTA would be developed in "concert" with some members becoming specialists in some areas (such as Sirikwan with mine warfare) for the benefit of the DTA as a whole.
  • A common computer network and communications backbone would be set-up by the end of next year. Interestingly Ronald said Yeng would be the location for the mainframe and other core services.
  • A DTA equivalent of CSM/LRM interstellar missile would be developed by 2118 (ahead of the DDS' plans for LRM) with silos located on Dino-Land, Yeng, Sirikwan, New Arit and Voth. This may surprise the DDS who did not think the Dinos had such a programme though Sirikwan do have mature ballistic missile technology which could be used.