
HCS destroy planetoid in strike demonstration

The HCS have destroyed a planetoid in their territory in a dramatic demonstration of their strike capabilities. The planetoid, in deep space near Cloneworld, is or was about the size of a large city but was shattered by repeated nuclear strikes. The Clones later admitted though this wasn't their intention as they were aiming to show how CSM and the Kelsan KS force could strike an enemy's bases, though without doubt was a welcome side-effect.

Three specially reprogrammed CSMs were launched from silos on Cloneworld earlier in the week with a designated "enemy HQ" the target on the planetoid, some observers have said the target covered almost exactly the same area as DDS GHQ, the HCS said this was a coincidence.

In a coordinated strike the 3 CSMs hit the target followed up within a few seconds by shorter range missiles fired by 4 Kelsan KS bombers. One CSM is thought to have missed the target though it did hit the planetoid. All missiles were nuclear armed. The planetoid was broken up into several pieces.