The Aggressor
Rathun's PRB strikes! (PRB P3)
Ronald details DTA vision in speech
Ronald gave a speech to an audience of several hundred Legates and Tribunes last night at Central AFB as part of his brief election campaign ahead of tomorrow's vote. The speech concentrated mostly on the DTA and how Ronald expects it to develop over the next few years.
- Ronald expects several new members over the next few years but the central core would remain Dino-Land, Sirikwan and New Arit for foreseeable future.
- The armed forces of the DTA would be developed in "concert" with some members becoming specialists in some areas (such as Sirikwan with mine warfare) for the benefit of the DTA as a whole.
- A common computer network and communications backbone would be set-up by the end of next year. Interestingly Ronald said Yeng would be the location for the mainframe and other core services.
- A DTA equivalent of CSM/LRM interstellar missile would be developed by 2118 (ahead of the DDS' plans for LRM) with silos located on Dino-Land, Yeng, Sirikwan, New Arit and Voth. This may surprise the DDS who did not think the Dinos had such a programme though Sirikwan do have mature ballistic missile technology which could be used.
DDS do army shuffle
The New DDS Army has completed a "cascade" of brigades between its 3 divisions to allow some brigades time to regenerate after active service and for newer units to take their place in full readiness. The 2nd and 3rd Fire Support Battalions have also been declared operational though the 4th (which never got much beyond existing on paper) has been disbanded.
New DDS Army Commander Zeppelin said the cascade of units would be carried out every year to keep units in the full readiness 1st Division fresh. Two light brigades will be "upgraded" to heavy brigade next year once armour and vehicles has been procured for them, the DDS are said to be looking at the surplus tanks the HCS will soon put on the market.
New DDS Army Commander Zeppelin said the cascade of units would be carried out every year to keep units in the full readiness 1st Division fresh. Two light brigades will be "upgraded" to heavy brigade next year once armour and vehicles has been procured for them, the DDS are said to be looking at the surplus tanks the HCS will soon put on the market.
New Arit to expand fleet
Stung by criticism by Dino-Land and Sirikwan New Arit have pledged to increase their defence budget from next year and will expand their fleet so they can play a bigger role in the DTA. Exact figures have not been given but a source said the budget would increase by 3% from next year, there would also be an extra 500 million zark one-off boost in 2113.
The Aritans turned to the Clones for their extra ships, they have bought the 4 Kalahati Tuuls the HCS recently withdrew and these will be added to the 7 KTs bought from the DDS. The bigger deal however is the order for 8 Shark-E frigates which will be delivered from 2114. The Aritans will also buy 3 Dino built Provider-EDAs.
However to help afford these ships the Aritans say they wish to sell their single Pentekonter-E and have asked Sirikwan and the DDS if they would be interested in buying it. The Aritans said the sale was partly to raise funds and also partly because it did not make sense to have a single example of a ship with the resulting extra maintenance problems.
The Dinos have said they will accelerate the deliveries of Dinomark XTs to the Aritans with 2 second hand examples to enter service by the end of this year.
The Aritans turned to the Clones for their extra ships, they have bought the 4 Kalahati Tuuls the HCS recently withdrew and these will be added to the 7 KTs bought from the DDS. The bigger deal however is the order for 8 Shark-E frigates which will be delivered from 2114. The Aritans will also buy 3 Dino built Provider-EDAs.
However to help afford these ships the Aritans say they wish to sell their single Pentekonter-E and have asked Sirikwan and the DDS if they would be interested in buying it. The Aritans said the sale was partly to raise funds and also partly because it did not make sense to have a single example of a ship with the resulting extra maintenance problems.
The Dinos have said they will accelerate the deliveries of Dinomark XTs to the Aritans with 2 second hand examples to enter service by the end of this year.
HCS to withdraw 1,500 tanks
The HCS have announced the disbanding of all of its remaining reserve armoured regiments which will be completed by the end of next year. Nine regiments in total will be disbanded along with 4 infantry regiments in a separate cut. The reserve regiments are the last remnants of what was once scores of regiments which backed up the Category A armoured force at the height of the Clone Wars. In latter years these regiments have been slowly wound down and in most cases are at a fairly low level of readiness with decaying equipment.
The cuts will enable the withdrawal of 1,500 tanks, 1,200 being T-88s (nearly half the remaining force of this type) and the rest older T-55Zs. Six bases will also be closed and the land sold off. A total of 210 million zarks a year will be saved, the HCS will try and sell the withdrawn tanks.
A HCS spokesclone said despite the cuts the HCS would still have nearly 25,000 tanks in service. The aim is to reduce the total force to around 20,000 by the end of the decade with a 50:50 mix of T-89s and T-55Zs.
The cuts will enable the withdrawal of 1,500 tanks, 1,200 being T-88s (nearly half the remaining force of this type) and the rest older T-55Zs. Six bases will also be closed and the land sold off. A total of 210 million zarks a year will be saved, the HCS will try and sell the withdrawn tanks.
A HCS spokesclone said despite the cuts the HCS would still have nearly 25,000 tanks in service. The aim is to reduce the total force to around 20,000 by the end of the decade with a 50:50 mix of T-89s and T-55Zs.
Explosion aboard Windy's ship
An explosion has been reported about Windy's personal ship SS Stoke City which is usually in orbit over Proxima 7. The purpose of this ship is unknown but it has been rumoured that prisoners are questioned here (there are other darker rumours too but we cannot publish them here for fear of sparking mass panic...)
Two people are reported to have been killed in the explosion. The reason for the explosion has yet been established.
Two people are reported to have been killed in the explosion. The reason for the explosion has yet been established.
- A HCSAF A-85 COIN aircraft has been reported as being shot down by insurgents on Lornaca Melnig, though other reports indicate it may have crashed due to technical problems. The two crew were lost.
Wayne King-Meiouf : The mysterious world of Dino politics

While on Dino-Land for a business trip i have been able to experience at first hand the mysterious world of Dino politics. Democracy is a fairly recent innovation for the Dinos who were led by a line of Emperors for centuries until the establishment of the Dino Republic by Ronald a few years ago.
Then for the first time the leaders of the state (2 Consuls) were elected. However democracy is still limited, the decisions are really taken by the Senate (the Consuls mostly being Senators with a few extra perks like power of veto) and the Senate are unelected.
There is an Assembly at a lower level in each Dino province though the link between these and the Senate is fairly limited. The Dinos seem to like leaving the mundane every day job of running the planet and the job of running the Republic to separate spheres. Each Senator has a minister role and officially runs a ministry feeding into the Assemblies but in reality the ministers only interest themselves in high-level decisions such as which alien civilisation to fight next while the Assemblies and the ministry workers get on with everything else. The only real consideration the Assemblies have with new legislation and governing is to apply a simple rule to everything they do : if it would make Ronald angry then don't do it.
Thus Assemblies have vast powers and can get away with so much as long as they obey that simple rule. This i think satisfies the Dino population who do not then mind not being able to vote for their Senators, in any event the Senate is more like a group of rock stars to your average Dino than politicians (and being Dino of course its ear splittingly awful Dino death metal - honestly do they not listen to anything else?!)
For most aspects of their lives the Dinos have a democratically accountable Assembly, for everything else they leave in the hands of demi-gods (or in Ronald's case an actual god). And it they don't like it then some gentlemen from the SS will be around for a chat... dissent is not tolerated here much actually.
Its a mysterious system that seems to mix democracy, fascism, authoritarianism, theocracy and celeb watching in equal measure. Somehow it works.
Defacto : Ready to fight

Last time i blogged i told you about how our ship SS Charm Quark was part of the September Sunrise exercise. That deployment ended in a training attack mission using live weapons (though only 1 ship used live nukes, SS Quasar) the other 2 Quasars including our own used simulated weapons on a target built on an asteroid.
Following the deployment the fleet returned to Proxima Centauri in early October and we had 7 days of R&R while CQ received some maintenance and supplies were replenished. Since then we have been part of the 1st Attack Squadron (which comprises 3 Quasars armed and ready for a live mission at short notice).
Because of the incidents in Raegris space involving the Bolitic we have been on a 2 hour readiness! That means simply the ship has to be ready to leave dock and start a combat mission within 2 hours. Now this is not easy to achieve for an extended period of time, because the ship has to be kept ready to depart not much in the way of engineering work can be carried out and all crew leave is at a minimum (and indeed limited to space dock).
It is likely if this readiness state continues for more than a week then other Quasars will be rotated into the squadron and we will be stood down. The worst thing about this level of readiness actually is the tension, we are all kept on tenterhooks waiting for the order to leave, the ship fully loaded and armed for nuclear attack. The tension is hard to take. Once the mission begins its fine but until then the waiting can be agonising!
DDS threaten Bolitic with reprisals
The DDS have threatened the Bolitic Confederacy with reprisals after the unsuccessful attack by Bolitic renegrades on DDS Commander AP. Although intelligence is fairly sure the attack in which an ex-Dino Army Dinomark XT was outfitted with stolen TPMs was not sanctioned by Emperor Melson there is the worry that this could encourage further incidents.
The 1st Attack Squadron has been put on a 2 hour readiness and loaded with nuclear weapons and patrols along the Bolitic border will be stepped up.
The 1st Attack Squadron has been put on a 2 hour readiness and loaded with nuclear weapons and patrols along the Bolitic border will be stepped up.
- Ronald is finally doing some campaigning in the Consul election even though it is a foregone conclusion. GBH is running his election campaign which includes a speech in Yavilanda tonight followed by a final speech in Dino-Town on Friday. The vote will be on November 1st.
- Awask-Uk, a little known planet near to Tarbotian space, has said it is "interested in exploring options for cooperation with the DTA". The DTA have not replied yet.
Bolitic attempt to kill AP, UNP President
Bolitic renegades have attempted to kill DDS Commander AP and the UNP President whilst returning from the Raegris Central District. Travelling on SS Musketeer with the October Onslaught fleet deployment AP was slightly injured in the attack which caused severe damage to the Missileer carrier.
The Bolitic somehow managed to get their hands on 3 TPM-1 missiles and an ex-military Dinomark XT which they mocked up to appear to be part of the Dino Army. They approached the DDS fleet asking for assistance with some technical problems. When the DDS grew suspicious the Bolitic fired. Luckily only 1 missile hit the Missileer otherwise it could have been destroyed and AP and the President killed.
AP transferred to H163 Vega and the Dinomark XT was destroyed by the DDS, a Bolitic Meltinan ship was also destroyed after it decloaked perhaps to continue the attack. It is not thought this attack was sanctioned by Emperor Melson but rather was the work of renegrade Bolitic hoping to start a war between the DDS and DTA. The DDS and DTA are now investigating how the Bolitic got their hands on the TPMs and Dinomark.
SS Musketeer is being towed back to Raegris Central District for repairs, AP and the President are thought to be returning to Proxima Centauri in SS Vega.
The Bolitic somehow managed to get their hands on 3 TPM-1 missiles and an ex-military Dinomark XT which they mocked up to appear to be part of the Dino Army. They approached the DDS fleet asking for assistance with some technical problems. When the DDS grew suspicious the Bolitic fired. Luckily only 1 missile hit the Missileer otherwise it could have been destroyed and AP and the President killed.
AP transferred to H163 Vega and the Dinomark XT was destroyed by the DDS, a Bolitic Meltinan ship was also destroyed after it decloaked perhaps to continue the attack. It is not thought this attack was sanctioned by Emperor Melson but rather was the work of renegrade Bolitic hoping to start a war between the DDS and DTA. The DDS and DTA are now investigating how the Bolitic got their hands on the TPMs and Dinomark.
SS Musketeer is being towed back to Raegris Central District for repairs, AP and the President are thought to be returning to Proxima Centauri in SS Vega.
UV171 : The Violent World Of The Dinosexual
- Macho Chef - A new captain heads to the border... SERVICE!
- Video Clip - The hunt is on for Erinson's backers.
- Finesse - Ralph and team track down the conspirators.
- Natural Thing - Renegade Bolitic get their claws on some TPMs (Dark Wave P1)
- Cooking Doesn't Get Tougher Than This - Justini reveals his masterplan (Dark Wave P2)
- So Much Composure - Justini gets his Aritan (Dark Wave P3)
- Family Fortunes - Justini's plan is revealed... or is it? (Dark Wave P4)
Dinos call on Aritans to "up their game"
The Dinos are understood to have called on the Aritans to increase their military spending and properly fund their fleet. An internal memo at Dino Army HQ is said to have called the Aritans "unable to break out of their habit of freeloading" and they need to "up their game if they want influence in the DTA". The Dinos have denied such a memo exists and if it did it would not reflect official policy.
However the Dinos and Sirikwanese are thought to losing patience with the Aritans who have not increased military spending this year and have made increasing requests for "free" equipment including a request for some ex-Dino Army XTs last week. The Aritans recently said they are restructuring their economy following the war and will play their full part as a major DTA member in the years to come.
However the Dinos and Sirikwanese are thought to losing patience with the Aritans who have not increased military spending this year and have made increasing requests for "free" equipment including a request for some ex-Dino Army XTs last week. The Aritans recently said they are restructuring their economy following the war and will play their full part as a major DTA member in the years to come.
Wayne King-Meiouf : Interview with the Bolitic

Last week i had the chance on my business trip to Dino-Land to meet with a former member of the Chosen Men, Borca's elite unit in the Bolitic Confederacy. Walaki was captured during one of the early battles but following the war was granted exile by the Dinos in return for intelligence.
King-Meiouf : Sir Walaki, thank you for granting me this interview, its rare we get the chance to hear from the Bolitic with their own words in the DDS.
Walaki : Just Walaki, i am no longer a member of the House of Borca or any house, i am a Corlori now thus not strictly a Bolitic.
KM : Can you explain what you mean by Corlori?
WA : Corlori are Bolitic who are not a member of a house but also not peasants or non-combatants. Corlori can be privateers, mercenaries or exiles like myself. Men of dubious honour, not true Bolitic anymore. Thats why i lower myself to talk to you, a true Bolitic would have eaten you by now.
KM : Er... looking back at the war, where did you think it went wrong for the Bolitic?
WA : I think we underestimated the resolve and strength of the Dinos. We were also let down by the ABBOs who we thought would help us against the Dinos and defeat them before they moved onto the DDS.
KM : Do you think Borca's strategic vision was flawed?
WA : [Laughing] Bolitic do not do strategic vision hew-mon, we seek the glory of combat and the spoils of victory. If we go to war we go to conquer not skirmish.
KM : To that end do you think the Bolitic will ever attack the Dinos, or DTA, again?
WA : At the moment it is hard to say, obviously we are too weak but we never forget an enemy. One day the Bolitic Confederacy will conquer the Dinos even if it takes a thousand years!
KM : Do you think attacking the Raegris was a mistake?
WA : Yes, but it was part of the plan with the ABBOs. We were to conquer the Raegris to weaken the DDS while the ABBOs helped us conquer the Dinos, then we were to finish off the DDS. But the ABBO reliks [untranslatable, but not something you would ever want to say to your Mother - Ed] betrayed us. The Raegris was a diversion we could have done without.
KM : So would you say the war was a total disaster?
WA : While many Dino mothers mourn their lost sons no war is a disaster.
KM : Moving on, do you think Melson can hold the empire together?
WA : Melson is a worm but overall he is a decent Emperor. I suspect the Bolitic will fight each other for the next few years but we will be back hew-mon and stronger than ever, then Dinos and hew-mons will learn to fear our name once more. [Leaves room]
KM : And on that note... er... thank you.
OA 3.0 to include ultra low power support
Open Architecture 3.0, the big update to core DDS ship architecture, will include initial gate support for Ultra Low Power (ULP) as well as other improvements. ULP was officially unveiled by Dr Forbidden at DDS Research today and is a major step along the DDS' path to wireless power supply.
The DDS have had wireless control on its ships for over a decade now but power still requires wires. Most DDS ships have a standardised grid in all interior areas so equipment can be plugged in and out where needed however it still puts some restraints on internal layouts. Wireless power supply would solve these problems but before that happens the DDS need to vastly reduce the power needed to operate its systems as high energy wireless power would be very hard to keep stealthy.
ULP will reduce power usage of a typical system by up to 70% and the aim is on a ships' internal systems by around 45% on average. This will put power needs into the territory where wireless power is an option (though probably still not quite achieveable) and also make much more energy available for defensive and propulsion systems. Some system may be possible to use wireless power if their energy needs drop by enough.
OA 3.0 could make its debut next year.
The DDS have had wireless control on its ships for over a decade now but power still requires wires. Most DDS ships have a standardised grid in all interior areas so equipment can be plugged in and out where needed however it still puts some restraints on internal layouts. Wireless power supply would solve these problems but before that happens the DDS need to vastly reduce the power needed to operate its systems as high energy wireless power would be very hard to keep stealthy.
ULP will reduce power usage of a typical system by up to 70% and the aim is on a ships' internal systems by around 45% on average. This will put power needs into the territory where wireless power is an option (though probably still not quite achieveable) and also make much more energy available for defensive and propulsion systems. Some system may be possible to use wireless power if their energy needs drop by enough.
OA 3.0 could make its debut next year.
- The final 4 Kalahati Tuul Bs have left service with the HCS Space Navy, they are the last survivors of a number of ships re-instated to service after the Xenon War to plug a gap in the fleet. Two ships will be rebuilt to Kalahati Tuul S standard and the other 2 sold. The Aritans have expressed an interest.
HCS Space Navy to revise fleet numbers?
The HCS Space Navy are said to be reviewing its current and projected fleet numbers in the light of changes in HCS doctrine and improvements in unmanned asset technology. Under current plans the HCSSN are aiming for a fleet of:
First Line
Battlecruisers 30 (Soulaki)
Front Line Cruisers 56 (Advanced Cosmos + Molentic Tuul)
Bombers 30 (Kelsan)
Second Line
Second Line Cruisers 74 (Legacy Cosmos)
Frigates 112 (Shark + Kalahati Tuul S)
However the HCSSN may look to reduce its Second Line force and increase the First Line as unmanned assets like Nybble NL derivatives take over basic patrolling. The easiest way would be to upgrade some Legacy Cosmos to a standard similar to the CS or CG. The HCSSN are said to want 70 Front Line Cruisers on top of the existing Cosmos CG order though simply continuing production may be too expensive, however rebuilding Cosmos CKs would be cheaper. Another option may be to mothball some KTS, the HCSSN are committed to all outstanding Shark orders.
First Line
Battlecruisers 30 (Soulaki)
Front Line Cruisers 56 (Advanced Cosmos + Molentic Tuul)
Bombers 30 (Kelsan)
Second Line
Second Line Cruisers 74 (Legacy Cosmos)
Frigates 112 (Shark + Kalahati Tuul S)
However the HCSSN may look to reduce its Second Line force and increase the First Line as unmanned assets like Nybble NL derivatives take over basic patrolling. The easiest way would be to upgrade some Legacy Cosmos to a standard similar to the CS or CG. The HCSSN are said to want 70 Front Line Cruisers on top of the existing Cosmos CG order though simply continuing production may be too expensive, however rebuilding Cosmos CKs would be cheaper. Another option may be to mothball some KTS, the HCSSN are committed to all outstanding Shark orders.
HCS View : A change of plan

So after a lot of effort the move to reorganise the armed forces of the empire along role based arms has been given up. I'm not bitter (well maybe slightly) but i am more relieved as the more we discussed how the HCS was to be broken up and reorganised the more problems and potential pitfalls emerged.
Maybe this reorganisation as well as the cascading of second and third-line units to local control was too much, the latter plan is still going ahead and a trial on a couple of planets including Taragargi has begun. I had a chat to a Colonel Vominder who is the commanding officer of the 171th Infantry (Light) Regiment on Taragargi the other day. He has just transferred from the HCS to the Taragargi Army along with all of his men.
In reality much of the change is cosmetic, the unit was already funded by the Taragargi federal government, all the organisation and equipment will remain the same except for a new patch on the uniforms. The hope is that local control will help build a more locally biased esprit d'corps. It will also enable a layer of bureucracy to be removed at central level.
We will be closely watching these pilots anyway, if successful the HCS might well see the biggest change in its history, just not the change we were thinking of.
Molab place "top-up" export order
The DDS' biggest customer for warships Molab has signed a 950 million zark deal to top-up their existing outstanding order for ships including an Isometric-ME and 5 Pentekonter-ME minesweepers. Under the new order a 10th Pentekonter-E will be bought to join the existing fleet which forms the backbone of their patrol force. All 10 Pentekonters will also receive an update of weapons and sensors (though mostly just to the latest versions of existing kit) as well as other updates.
Molab has also ordered a 6th Extender-E and 4 more Coril-E shuttles. Their 3 Isometric-E frigates will also receive an upgrade to QPM capability though only a small number of training rounds of the sub-TPM weapon will be bought at the moment. Windy, who is on Molab representing the DDS, signed the contract on behalf of the DDS.
Molab has also ordered a 6th Extender-E and 4 more Coril-E shuttles. Their 3 Isometric-E frigates will also receive an upgrade to QPM capability though only a small number of training rounds of the sub-TPM weapon will be bought at the moment. Windy, who is on Molab representing the DDS, signed the contract on behalf of the DDS.
- The HCS have canned the idea to break up the army, air force and navy into new role based arms because of the cost and turmoil it would bring. Plans to decentralise local forces to separate planet control will proceed however.
Operation October Onslaught
The DDS have announced the latest in their monthly "mini" exercises, October Onslaught will be a space combat exercise involving DDS, Remedian and Raegris ships in Raegris space. The exercise will coincide with the visit of AP and the UNP President to the Raegris at the end of the month who will observe the final events.
The following DDS ships will take part in the exercise, along with Raegris ships and a ship from the Remedian CPP :
S203 Musketeer (flag, and AP's ship)
H103 Cheetah
H163 Vega
M115 Permian
M122 Furious
A146 Trident
The next exercise will be the much delayed 2111 edition of Ground Shock, the DDS' main ground attack and amphibious exercise. This will take place next month.
The following DDS ships will take part in the exercise, along with Raegris ships and a ship from the Remedian CPP :
S203 Musketeer (flag, and AP's ship)
H103 Cheetah
H163 Vega
M115 Permian
M122 Furious
A146 Trident
The next exercise will be the much delayed 2111 edition of Ground Shock, the DDS' main ground attack and amphibious exercise. This will take place next month.
AP wants LRM programme sped up, static defence measures
DDS Commander AP has said he has asked DDS Engineering and DDS Research to see if they can get the interstellar missile LRM operational before the planned 2120 date. It is thought AP is concerned about the Tarbotians and wants a deterrent in place as soon as possible. A DDS Engineering source said he did not think there was much scope for time saving in the programme but that it would be reviewed.
AP also wants the DDS to begin deploying static defences along the Tarbotian border by 2115 according to a leaked report. AP wants money found for a network of unmanned sensor drones and locations for "response bases" found. Under previous plans the DDS have talked about using unmanned sensor platforms with a network of bases able to deploy ships or unmanned assets to the location of a sensor incursion rapidly.
AP also wants the DDS to begin deploying static defences along the Tarbotian border by 2115 according to a leaked report. AP wants money found for a network of unmanned sensor drones and locations for "response bases" found. Under previous plans the DDS have talked about using unmanned sensor platforms with a network of bases able to deploy ships or unmanned assets to the location of a sensor incursion rapidly.
Fleet News (14/10/11)
- S223 Vesuvius is the third Olympus 23A carrier to join the fleet, it has a number of refinements compared to the first 2 ships as a result of feedback from early operation though no details have been revealed as yet.
- H125 Indomitable is the latest Indy 35B HCS to join the fleet and the latest worm drive equipped ship too, it has been made flagship of the RRF.
- The final 14 Ferret 101A UCVs have been upgraded to 101B, the earlier type has now been EOLed.
DDS worm drive serial production up and running
The DDS have finally got serial production of the W1A worm drive up and running. Although the DDS have produced a few W1As already each has been more or less a bespoke build which is more expensive and takes a lot longer. The DDS worm drive factory has now been fully cleared for operation and the first drive rolled off earlier this week. Production rate is expected to be 1-2 until next year when it will increase to 2-3.
Dr Forbidden said this was an important milestone for the DDS along the way to mastering the new technology. The first DDS upgrade to the W1A is projected for 2114 though no details have yet been given.
Dr Forbidden said this was an important milestone for the DDS along the way to mastering the new technology. The first DDS upgrade to the W1A is projected for 2114 though no details have yet been given.
DDS issue TPM-2 and MRM updates
The DDS have issues updates of its 2 main weapons. The TPM-2 has been upgraded to TPM-2BA standard which includes a number of bug fixes and an improved data multiplexor (which is also used on the new MRM, which is described below). The 2BA also has software updates to its ECM suite. Production switched to 2BA yesterday.
The MRM update is more extensive, this is now up to MRM-1B standard. The main changes are to its underlying architecture as the DDS move it and the TPM to their Transphasic Unified Platform (which was announced for the first time today). This will be a common core to both weapons and the later LRM which will speed development and cut costs. The platform is based on the TPM-2BA, the MRM will not move to a fully unified platform until MRM-2 at a later stage but this is a step along the way.
MRM-1B also includes an improved data multiplexor, a larger database, improved data security and a number of other minor updates. Production will switch next month.
The MRM update is more extensive, this is now up to MRM-1B standard. The main changes are to its underlying architecture as the DDS move it and the TPM to their Transphasic Unified Platform (which was announced for the first time today). This will be a common core to both weapons and the later LRM which will speed development and cut costs. The platform is based on the TPM-2BA, the MRM will not move to a fully unified platform until MRM-2 at a later stage but this is a step along the way.
MRM-1B also includes an improved data multiplexor, a larger database, improved data security and a number of other minor updates. Production will switch next month.
Dino View : Melson's expensive and dangerous game

Placating critics and restless warlords is an expensive business, that is what the new Emperor of the Bolitic Confederacy, Melson, is finding. He has had to open the imperial treasury and his own coffers in order to pay for a new war fleet and more advanced warships. Billions have been donated to the imperial houses to pay for new Snarls and Meltinans and Melson himself has pledged to a new imperial fleet of ships including a new class of super battlecruiser.
This can work, the first 6 months of a new Emperor's reign are always the most dangerous and paying off rivals with new ships can work in the short term. However to keep the other powerful Barons and their satellites on side Melson will need to provide more than a few ships he will need to provide them with glory and loot, thus he needs to give them a war.
The problem for the Bolitic is that much of the low hanging fruit has now been conquered. If the Bolitic wish to expand again they will have to go against the DDS, DTA, Utrek or Tarbotians! None of those options will prove that palatable to Melson as victory would be unlikely, a crushing defeat more likely. The Bolitic found to their cost in the Bolitic-ABBO War that they are not strong enough to defeat a major power like the Dinos.
Some have suggested the Raegris could be a target. Its indeed true the Bolitic could conquer the Raegris (though it would be expensive) but while the Bolitic fleet was away there would be nothing stopping the DDS crossing the border and reducing Castarian to atomic ash.
The Bolitic need a powerful ally in order to go into a major war again - the problem is who. The Utrek were allies in the past but are not interested any more, their own war with the Mantae has seen a turn for the worse and all their attention is now focussed on that. The Tarbotians usually do not seek allies and they are not likely to be interested in further expansion for a few years while they consolidate their ABBO gains.
Ironically Melson's best bet for longevity would be a civil war! An internal struggle would keep ambitious Barons who want his head on a plate occupied and keep them disunited enough to not surge towards the imperial palace. This is a dangerous game though as it could easily sow the seeds of his own downfall if the 2 sides are not well balanced...
Bolitic improve Snarl and Meltinan
The Bolitic have begun building improved versions of its mainstay Snarl and Meltinan types which are understood to incorporate lessons from the war with the DDS and Dinos. Both the BS4040F Snarl-F and BS2062L Meltinan-L have improved damage containment systems and wireless replacements for some key databuses, this is the first time the Bolitic have been known to use wireless control technology which is now the foundation of Dino and DDS ship architecture.
Another interesting thing to note is the info-weapon capability has been reduced somewhat. The Bolitic appear to be moving away from cyber warfare, maybe as a result of great advances in these areas by their enemies lately which means their info-weapons are not as effective. Though some analysts say the Bolitic have begun to concentrate these resources more centrally. Melson is thought to have ordered upgrades to the Bolitic communications network, perhaps to facilitate these attacks instead of ships having to launch them themselves (and putting the highly valued "info-warriors" at risk).
The Snarl-F has a better integrated Utrek Hyperspace Booster and can reach 750c. It is also slightly bigger to encourage a new proton cannon said to be as powerful as the Z5. The Meltinan-L can reach 600c and can fit a range of weapons via a new gondola (as with G4 DDS designs). The first new Snarls and Meltinans could enter service as early as next month.
Another interesting thing to note is the info-weapon capability has been reduced somewhat. The Bolitic appear to be moving away from cyber warfare, maybe as a result of great advances in these areas by their enemies lately which means their info-weapons are not as effective. Though some analysts say the Bolitic have begun to concentrate these resources more centrally. Melson is thought to have ordered upgrades to the Bolitic communications network, perhaps to facilitate these attacks instead of ships having to launch them themselves (and putting the highly valued "info-warriors" at risk).
The Snarl-F has a better integrated Utrek Hyperspace Booster and can reach 750c. It is also slightly bigger to encourage a new proton cannon said to be as powerful as the Z5. The Meltinan-L can reach 600c and can fit a range of weapons via a new gondola (as with G4 DDS designs). The first new Snarls and Meltinans could enter service as early as next month.
HCS destroy planetoid in strike demonstration
The HCS have destroyed a planetoid in their territory in a dramatic demonstration of their strike capabilities. The planetoid, in deep space near Cloneworld, is or was about the size of a large city but was shattered by repeated nuclear strikes. The Clones later admitted though this wasn't their intention as they were aiming to show how CSM and the Kelsan KS force could strike an enemy's bases, though without doubt was a welcome side-effect.
Three specially reprogrammed CSMs were launched from silos on Cloneworld earlier in the week with a designated "enemy HQ" the target on the planetoid, some observers have said the target covered almost exactly the same area as DDS GHQ, the HCS said this was a coincidence.
In a coordinated strike the 3 CSMs hit the target followed up within a few seconds by shorter range missiles fired by 4 Kelsan KS bombers. One CSM is thought to have missed the target though it did hit the planetoid. All missiles were nuclear armed. The planetoid was broken up into several pieces.
Three specially reprogrammed CSMs were launched from silos on Cloneworld earlier in the week with a designated "enemy HQ" the target on the planetoid, some observers have said the target covered almost exactly the same area as DDS GHQ, the HCS said this was a coincidence.
In a coordinated strike the 3 CSMs hit the target followed up within a few seconds by shorter range missiles fired by 4 Kelsan KS bombers. One CSM is thought to have missed the target though it did hit the planetoid. All missiles were nuclear armed. The planetoid was broken up into several pieces.
HCS lock down specification on F-45C/K
The HCSAF have locked down the specification of their next generation jet fighter the F-45C/K which is now the most important new weapon programme in the HCS. Much of the specification was already known including a mission adaptive wing, active ECM and an augmented reality canopy but the final additions are interesting and will aim to make the F-45C/K unbeatable into the next decade in air combat.
One addition is Active G-force Negation using a similar technology as used on spacecraft. This will allow the F-45C/K to sustain much higher G-forces without killing it's pilot. It is reported the fuselage could be stressed for 21g and thus Active G-force Negation will allow this to be reached in manned mode as well as unmanned (the F-45C/K will also be a fully capable UAS).
The other addition will be UAS Mothership Control. The F-45C/K will be able to act as an aerial control for up to 5 unmanned air vehicles of a variety of types. The F-45C/K's control system will handle all flight control automatically allowing the pilot to concentrate on allocating tasks to the unmanned assets such as providing low-level surveillance before an attack.
One addition is Active G-force Negation using a similar technology as used on spacecraft. This will allow the F-45C/K to sustain much higher G-forces without killing it's pilot. It is reported the fuselage could be stressed for 21g and thus Active G-force Negation will allow this to be reached in manned mode as well as unmanned (the F-45C/K will also be a fully capable UAS).
The other addition will be UAS Mothership Control. The F-45C/K will be able to act as an aerial control for up to 5 unmanned air vehicles of a variety of types. The F-45C/K's control system will handle all flight control automatically allowing the pilot to concentrate on allocating tasks to the unmanned assets such as providing low-level surveillance before an attack.
Bolitic working on "Super Snarl"
Emperor Melson is understood to have ordered the construction of a new class of super-destroyers to supplement the Snarl in Bolitic service. The as yet unnamed ships will be the BS4209 and have been dubbed the "Super Snarl".
Details are sketchy but the ships will be larger than the Snarl, which interestingly goes against the trend in much of the rest of the known galaxy for smaller ships (though the Tarbotians are also sticking to large ships). A speed of 800c is predicted thanks to Utrek engine technology plus a large number of beam and projectile weapons. The first BS4209 could enter service next year.
Details are sketchy but the ships will be larger than the Snarl, which interestingly goes against the trend in much of the rest of the known galaxy for smaller ships (though the Tarbotians are also sticking to large ships). A speed of 800c is predicted thanks to Utrek engine technology plus a large number of beam and projectile weapons. The first BS4209 could enter service next year.
UNP President and AP to visit Raegris
The UNP President Arkness and DDS Commander AP will be visiting the Raegris later in the month. Although the Raegris are among the DDS' closest allies these days (producing most of the DDS' export ships for example) the separation of space between themselves and the rest of the DDS often gives the Raegris the image of being a bit isolated.
AP is keen to integrate the Raegris tighter into the DDS system, he also wishes to discuss the astral-political situation viz a viz the Vosun Star Empire. The vassals of the Bolitic have recently seen an attempted coup and some DDS insiders wonder if the DDS should try and support dissidents and try with the hope the new regime wishes for better DDS relations, maybe even joining the DDS in future.
AP is keen to integrate the Raegris tighter into the DDS system, he also wishes to discuss the astral-political situation viz a viz the Vosun Star Empire. The vassals of the Bolitic have recently seen an attempted coup and some DDS insiders wonder if the DDS should try and support dissidents and try with the hope the new regime wishes for better DDS relations, maybe even joining the DDS in future.
- The Rome 46A Light Combat Ship has been calibrated for worm drive. Only the flagship P101F Cicero is scheduled to receive a worm-drive however. This work will be carried out while AP visits the Raegris (see above). While his ship is being modified he will transfer his flag to an Indy 35B.
Dino View : Aritan fleet plans

New Arit is the third most powerful planet in the DTA, and of course defected from the DDS sphere of influence after the Bolitic-ABBO War in which their fleet was almost wiped out. Earlier this week i spoke to General Varkady who is the Aritan military liaison to the Dino Army about Aritan plans for their space fleet.
Dralson : General Varkady, after the war your fleet was nearly totally wiped out, how hard has it been to bring the Is Lanki back to life?
Varkady : Very difficult, the Aritans are not a rich people and we have always had to rely on the generosity of our partners. Luckily we do have a few ships left and that gives us a base to build upon.
DR : I know by 2115 your projected fleet ORBAT is for your Pentekonter-E as flagship supported by 7 Kalahati Tuuls and 14 Dinomark XTs. That gives you a decent fleet but you would not be able to support parallel operations and have little reserve. Do you agree with this assessment?
VA : Yes Dralson, its a harsh fact of life that the Aritan fleet will remain rather puny for the foreseeable future. We entered the war as a medium ranking power and now are left as a third rate one! By 2115 i think we will have returned to the middle rank though our fleet will be inferior to how it was pre-war. We should not forget though that the Aritan fleet does not exist in a vacuum but will be part of the DTA operationally.
DR : Does that mean you plan to rely on the Dinos and Sirikwanese?
VA : No but we do pull our weight in other ways, we have the second best army in the DTA for example. Even if our economy does recover we will not be a rich planet any time soon. However we do bring value to the DTA, our soldiers are good and our strategic location is very useful.
DR : So what are your fleet plans beyond 2114?
VA : We will be pursuing a mostly Dinomark fleet plan from now on. I expect us to exceed 14 Dinomark XTs and we would like to have some PTs. We also wish to take part in the PT replacement programme when the Dinos get around to starting it.
DR : So lets say by 2121, ten years time, what will the Is Lanki be like?
VA : Our Pentekonter and KTs will remain the core of our fleet until 2130, but by 2121 i think we will have over 20 XTs and a number of PTs. We will be fully integrated with our DTA allies and helping drive the future development of the DTA politically and militarily!
HCS Fleet News (05/10/11)
- A Cosmos CG and a Kelsan KS have joined the fleet this month.
- The final 4 Kalahati Tuul Bs in HCS service are now in their final scheduled programmes and will be withdrawn within the next couple of months though 2 will be upgraded to KTS.
- Two transporters have been withdrawn, a Freighter TYA and a Nerval TYB.
Jimmy cleared of massacre accusation
At a media briefing at Dino Army GHQ Consul Zanus outlined a mass of evidence clearing Jimmy entirely of commanding troops who committed the massacre of a primitive tribe. The entire case, which had been originally published in Conspiracy Nation and then taken up by sections of the regular press, was a non-story Zanus said. There was no massacre, the tribe did not even exist Zanus revealed.
Conspiracy Nation owner Goodson also appeared at the media briefing to apologise. He said he and his magazine had been the victims of an elaborate hoax by an unknown party but suspected to be a foreign power. Goodson said he had been shown faked evidence of bodies as well as fake SS files. Goodson has been convicted for illegally breaking into an SS database but has been given a suspended sentence in return for "full cooperation" with the authorities. Zanus said the identity of the party was being sought but the trail had been well covered.
Jimmy said he was relieved the case was over. "Of course i knew it had not happened but there was so much 'evidence' presented i thought at one time i was going mad!" the Consul said at a separate briefing.
Conspiracy Nation owner Goodson also appeared at the media briefing to apologise. He said he and his magazine had been the victims of an elaborate hoax by an unknown party but suspected to be a foreign power. Goodson said he had been shown faked evidence of bodies as well as fake SS files. Goodson has been convicted for illegally breaking into an SS database but has been given a suspended sentence in return for "full cooperation" with the authorities. Zanus said the identity of the party was being sought but the trail had been well covered.
Jimmy said he was relieved the case was over. "Of course i knew it had not happened but there was so much 'evidence' presented i thought at one time i was going mad!" the Consul said at a separate briefing.
- DDS Engineering, with help from DDS Research, have begun a project to "redefine the bridge and command consoles" on DDS ships for the 2120s. The project will look at best layouts and interfaces in the light of current and projected advances in computer technology and holographic/remote crewing via FIDO-VR.
Other Fleet Review (03/10/11)
- The Dinos completed 3 Dinomark PTs and 3 Dinomark XTs last month. This is more than expected but it is thought due to existing projects ending. From next month the slower rate of production should start to take effect.
- The Bolitic are reported to have built 2 new Meltinans and restored a battle damaged Helwin to service.
- Molab have received a Provider-E and Castaris have received 2 Coril-Es, the first ships they have received from the DDS.
DDS boost NBCR force
The DDS are to boost its Nuclear Biological Radiological Reconnaissance (NBCR) force with upgrades to the fleet of RQ-12N drones and procuring 24 NRCV-10DR reconnaissance vehicles from the Clones. The NBCR is used to detect and contain NBC "incidents" and works with the UNP's environmental protection agencies.
The RQ-12N drones are to receive improved radiation detectors, a mini airborne sample laboratory and improved datalinking. The vehicles are a custom version of the White Tapir, a wheeled version of the evergreen HCS armoured vehicle and have a suite of detection equipment and analysis equipment. A key component of the new system will be integration with the RQ-12N drones. Deliveries are due to begin next month.
The RQ-12N drones are to receive improved radiation detectors, a mini airborne sample laboratory and improved datalinking. The vehicles are a custom version of the White Tapir, a wheeled version of the evergreen HCS armoured vehicle and have a suite of detection equipment and analysis equipment. A key component of the new system will be integration with the RQ-12N drones. Deliveries are due to begin next month.
- The DDS have decided to cease publishing weekly fleet deployments. No reason has been given but it is thought due to security concerns.
- The DDS have decided upon the Type 37 platform for the basis of the Fast Fleet Tanker, the Type 37 is the Velocity/Solaris Heavy Combat Ship of course. Although using this platform will be more expensive the platform is well proven, provides the needed capacity, has the desired performance (800-900c is being considered for FFT) and also there will be maintenance savings. No order for FFT has yet been made though but this might change early next year.
- Dr Forbidden of DDS Research has suggested a new metric for the relative speeds of ships with worm drive. He has suggested using Equivalent Speed of Light (ec) though 1ec will be the same as 1c.
HCS to get new command vehicles
The HCS is to recapitalise its fleet of command vehicles with a new variant of the Tapir. The TRV-5HDC is the first instance of the HD, the development of which was funded by the Dinos, to enter HCS service. 450 will be built over the next 3 years.
Although fully combat capable the HDC is firstly as a command vehicle and will be equipped with an extensive communications suite, a data operator station and a databus multiplex able to take in large quantities of data and filter real-time for the commander. The first HDCs will enter service next month.
Although fully combat capable the HDC is firstly as a command vehicle and will be equipped with an extensive communications suite, a data operator station and a databus multiplex able to take in large quantities of data and filter real-time for the commander. The first HDCs will enter service next month.
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