The most notable item that shoots out of the Dino-HCS Defence Pact as revealed earlier is the proliferation of Dino worm drive technology to the Clones. Is this the DDS' worst nightmare realised? A proliferation of this key technology to their biggest rivals?
On the fact of it this does seem like very bad news, although it will take years for the Clones to get worm drive equipped ships in any serious numbers (and indeed its likely to be 2113 before they get anything operational) the combination of the large HCS fleet plus worm drives (and lets face it TPMs before very long) will be a grave strategic risk for the DDS.
Or is it? I wonder if the DDS are that bothered after all. They probably knew the Clones would get worm drive before very long, any technological advance is generally fairly short-lived. The DDS likely factored this into their short to medium term strategic projections. Instead of worrying about it the DDS just need to get on with series production of the W1A, come up with targets to get the combat fleet equipped within the decade and also work on their own second and third generation drives that can go faster.
If anything the worm drive might reduce the HCS threat, they will be able to get away with a smaller fleet to maintain their empire after all.