A few years ago, for reasons i won't go into now, the Clone Star Empire was split into west and east. Most of the empire is centred around Cloneworld (the CSE-W) but there is also the eastern empire centred around Austini 55 (CSE-E) under the control of Benito. It actually works well with how the empire has spread out over time.
The HCS is also split into HCS-West and HCS-East (West and East are of course fairly meaningless in reality in interstellar terms though are a handy psychological and pragmatic way to describe the two halves of the empire) and many alien observers wonder quite how this works. To be honest for some time it hasn't really worked at all but we are starting to get the hang of it!
The HCS is split along roughly 70-30% lines into HCS-W and HCS-E, this ratio calculated from the interstellar spread of the two territories and their strategic needs. (Actually the eastern "half" of the empire only consists of about 24% of the total empire but for prestige reasons Benito gets a slightly bigger slice of the pie.)
The Office of Empire Coordination based on Petric (a planet closest to the centre of the empire) allocates HCS units to HCS-W or -E and units can and have be switched between the two. Some units are permanently allocated to HCS-E (for example the 2nd Legion which is Benito's old command) though many others can be moved. This tends not to happen too often due to cost reasons except in the case of space ships.
The OEC also handles weapon development, taking in specifications and wish lists from both sides of the empire and attempting to come up with a unified specification (or at least one that can be easily modified). Until now most weapon systems have been common to both sides though there are a few differences starting to come in such as the KT-S which will be a CSE-E only ship and differences in radio protocols on HCS units in the West (though this is handled using a software switch). The OEC will continue to try and standardise equipment.
One question will be how this system will hold up in the case of a war. CSE-E has already requested a bigger share of the space fleet following the loss of a KT-S recently near Molab. Can the OEC and the "One Empire Two Systems" model cope with war time stress? A question that hopefully we will not have to answer for some time...