
Dino View : An interview with Legate Osikwaki, DTA Fleet Development Officer

Legate Dralson, ex-Dino Army and Security Council

Who is Legate Osikwaki you ask? Well he has recently been appointed the DTA Fleet Development Officer. It is his job to co-ordinate the development of the DTA's various fleets. He was kind enough to grant me the following interview:

Dralson : Legate Osikwaki, briefly could you explain what you new job entails?

Osikwaki : Sure. As you know the various members of the DTA have their own separate fleets. That is fine and not a situation we wish to change but it would be a good idea if we could coordinate the development of these different fleets so they compliment each other.

DR : Can you be more specific?

OS : Sure. Lets take for example a DTA member (i will keep it abstract) who wish to buy a couple of heavy lifter transports. It may better if another DTA member with an existing fleet of heavy transports simply give the other member access instead of them buying their own so they can concentrate on developing other roles.

DR : But they would still be allowed to go ahead with the purchase if they wanted?

OS : Oh yes, my job is to advise and help member nations make the best use of their resources. The DTA is of course a voluntary organisation. I am also drawing up an interoperability framework and a set of protocols for shared operations.

DR : Of course the 800 pound gorilladino, if i may use a Hewmon expression, is the Dino Army. How do you see other DTA fleets complimenting the Dino one?

OS : The Dino fleet is big though is lacking in some areas, for example medium sized warships like the Helwin and Pentekonter which other DTA members possess. This is an area where DTA integration and coordination can help produce a stronger overall DTA force.

DR : In what areas do you see the other DTA members helping the Dinos out?

OS : Our fleet is rather imbalanced for historical and political reasons as i am sure you know Dralson from our time together on the Security Council. There are some combat roles where we are very lacking, minesweeping for example even though we are of course very strong in core strength. Maybe the other DTA members can step in and fill those gaps while we continue to maintain the bulk of DTA strength. It will be something i plan to explore over the next few years.

DR : Legate Osikwaki thank you and good luck in your new job.