
HCS Space Navy Marines formed

The HCS Space Navy Marines have been formed by transferring the 4 Red Lizard Space Warfare battalions from the army to the Space Navy. Three of the 4 battalions have formed the 1st Space Marine Brigade with the 4th being kept as a reserve/training unit. The Space Marines will form on-board protection on HCS warships and boarding parties for offensive action. The HCS Space Navy is to greatly increase its ability to insert troops onto enemy ships with major warships have beefed up teleporter arrays.

The Zones, who have very successfully used this tactic for years in their piracy activities, are understood to be assisting the Clones with the formation of these new tactics.

  • The first landing in the July Wave "mini-exercise" is due to take place this weekend on the Remedian border planet of Bintang. The DDS detachment will be joined by 2 ships from the RCPP tomorrow as well as a transport carrying 2 companies of Remedian troops from the 4th Light Brigade who will take part in the landings.